(Clarence Traves Guevara)
Yasha started to smile and laugh again little by little, that make me feel happy for her, seeing her smile makes my day complete.
I still talking at her, when someone walked outside of the library, we stayed by the window of the library, that's why we'll see if who's outside of the library.
I saw Eugine and Samantha together, and again Samantha's hand was on Eugine's arm, I saw Eugine looked at me then at Yasha.
"Hey Clarence, are you listening?" I turned to face Yasha. "Wait, what are looking ou---" I cut her sentence.
"Nothing" I answered, then, she looked outside, good thing that Eugine and Samantha already left.
Me and Yasha, continue to talked about things happened to us, until I noticed that the both of us been here at the library since we left the cafeteria.
"Hey Yasha, what is the time for your next class?"
"2:30 pm why?" her, then I pointed at her wristwatch, she looked at her wristwatch and she suddenly stood up. "Oh my god, it's already 2:23 pm, let's go" Yasha, and we fixed our things, and got out of the library.
We walked as fast as we could until we right wing of the building, I was about to go at the left wing of the building, because my classroom was located there, but I was startled when Yasha called me, I looked at her.
"Clarence, thank you" her, and walked faster until she reached her classroom, I can't help it just to smile because of what she just did.
I ran until I reached my classroom, we I entered the room my professor wasn't there so I sat on an unoccupied chair.
I just got out of the room, I excitedly ran all the way to the chem lab, I'll fetch Yasha, she called me earlier.
While our instructor hasn't came yet, all I did was to seat on a my chair inside our classroom, when my phone suddenly rang when I looked at the screen, it was from an unregistered number. I answer it.
"Hello, who is this?" I asked.
"Oh hi Clarence, this is Yasha"
"Ohh Yasha, how'd you get my number"
"Well I have connections. Joke" then I heard her chuckled. "Hmm, can I ask you a favor"
"Of course, anything for you"
"Hmm, later it is okay if you drop me at our house? Well, if it's okay to you"
"Of course, anything for you, and remember, I'm already your friend now, right?"
"Okay, where should I fetch you?"
"At the chem lab"
"Okay, I'll be there"
"Yeah, thank you "
"No worries" I looked at the door of our classroom, and our instructor just came. "Let's just meet later, our instructor just came, bye" then I hanged up the phone.
So that was what happened. I already outside of the chem lab, I saw Yasha talking with someone, and if I'm not mistaken that was Daniel Ian Clemente, he's my classmate at one of my subject, well I'm a transferee, so I need to take some subjects that I haven't taken yet.
Even though I was peeping at them, they didn't noticed me, I next thing that I did was I walked back until I reached the stair, then I stayed there for a minute. I called Yasha and she immediately answered it.
"Hello Clarence" she said
"Where are you?" I asked her
"At the chem lab, I'll wait for you here, how about you, where are you?
"Okay, I'll be there in a minute, I was going down of the stair to the first floor"
"Okay, I'll wait you outside of the chem lab"
"Yeah" then I hanged up the phone, I started to walked until I reached the chem lab.
When I was already at the corridor of the first floor someone called me.
"CLARENCE" I saw Yasha waving at my direction, I smiled at her as I walked towards her.
"Did you wait long?"
"No it's okay, and I'm the one who said that I'll be waiting" her last class end at 5 pm, while our dismissal was 5:30 pm.
"So, you're going home?"
"Let's stop by the bake shop outside of the campus."
"Okay, let's go" me, and we walked all the way to the bake shop the Yasha's talking about.
Then, a waiter approaches us.
"May I take your order, Mam, Sir."
"Hmm, what do you want, Yasha?" I asked her.
"Hmm, mocha cake and an iced tea please" Yasha
"For me a vanilla cake and an iced tea" then he left.
"This is on me, okay?" she said
"No, that's not acceptable"
"And why not? We're friends, why I shouldn't treat you?"
"Just let me pay for this, then next time, you'll gonna for our food"
"But---" I didn't let her finish her sentence.
"No buts, or else I'll not eat those"
"Okay okay fine, but next time that we'll eat, I'll be the one will pay for our bill, okay?"
"Got it" me, and I smiled at her.
"Who's with you at the chem lab earlier, I saw someone was there." I asked her.
"Oh that? That was Daniel, he wants me to be his friend, because at our club, he's the only one who I'm not close with, then I tried talking to him and then after a minute he ask me if we can be friends. And I said yes." our food just arrived, that's why we started to eat while still talking to each other.
"What's wrong with you? I was just asking if who's that at the chem lab, you suddenly talked a lot." then she burst on laugher.
"Sorry, atleast you know what happened, right? I don't know if you have some following question regarding Daniel."
"Well" then we smiled on each other.
"After we eat, let's go home, okay?"
"Okay" me.
I felt that my phone just vibrated, when I looked at the screen, Eugine sent me a message.
'Please take care of her for me' that's the message of Eugine.
After I read it, I looked at the campus and there he is, he's looking at me. When our eyes met, he nodded, and went back inside the campus.
"Clarence" Yasha called me.
"What are looking outside? I was keep on talking here, and you just ignoring me."
"Sorry. Why? What are you talking about?"
"On Wednesday, until what time is your class?"
"2 pm"
"Let's go somewhere, just the two of us, I will just got bored if I went home early"
After we eat, we went home immediately. When I got home I replied to Eugine's message.
'You can count on me and don't worry I will take care of her no matter what' and send.
Week passed, we enjoyed each others company and we got close little by little with each other. Everytime that the lunch time of her and Eugine was the same we decided to eat outside of the campus, then when we had some free time we go at the places that we want to go.
And now, we're at the restaurant that where we went last valentine, because we talked about to eat dinner here tonight, I brought her here because this restaurant is memorable to us.
We're here at the table that we occupied last time, and wait for the food that we just ordered.
"Yasha, what's that you want to tell me" we got dinner tonight because Yasha said that she'll tell me something.
I don't want assume, but maybe she's going to confess to me that she likes me.
"Later, after we eat" I just nodded, then our food came.
After we eat I just looked at him and waiting for what she's going to say to me.
"So this is it, I will ask you something"
"Okay, I just waiting"
"Can you be my..."