Chereads / THE MEETING / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

What you are or who you are does not define you. You define who you want to be _yours truly.

For the past five minutes we have been sitting across one another on the dinning table without saying anything. Seeing as my mom is still nervous about something I don't know, I decided to do the talking first. So mom, I have been wanting to ask you a few questions and actually, it has been bothering me a lot since the past week even my friends Alia and Calla noticed it too. Alia and Calla have been my friend for as long as I can remember. When I first got into the city and had no one to talk to, I bumped into these two on my way home after taking an evening stroll around the town I stayed in. In case you don't know, Alia and Calla are werewolves and belong to the most powerful pack which is the ember pack and oh, I forgot to mention they're also very good warriors. Usually, werewolves and vampires don't mix but hey, what did I know. " oh, what's it dahlia?"dahlia, dahlia my mom called me out of my trance. Huh? I said "what's it you want to ask"? Oh right! well, I really don't want to think much on it seeing that I'm not like you and dad. Immediately I said that, mom froze. " mom, are you okay? You literally zoned out on me". "yes sweetie, I'm fine. What's it you was saying again? ". Well mom, the past few days, I haven't been myself. "huh? You haven't been yourself, how? Mom asked. Yes mom, I haven't been myself. Mom did not say anything, just waited for me to continue.

Well you see, I have been feeling super weird lately, like for example, I could hear a group of people talking from a mile away, I'm starting to eat way more than I usually do and in seconds I'm like starving again. It's like my metabolic process in my body is way to fast. And, that's not all mom I'm like super fast now and sometimes I don't know how I do it and I can see clearly in the dark but the one that freaks me out is I am starting hear the rhythm of the human heartbeat right away or sometime from a mile away and now I'm starting to feel like I'm crazy. After ranting all that to my mom, she just sat there staring at me and not saying anything. "huh mom, you're not saying anything?

"I'm sorry of course I will say something" she said. So say it mom, I really want to know what's wrong with me and you not saying anything is only making it worse! As she was about to talk, we heard a knock on the door. I mean who would be knocking this early morning, soon after the knock stopped, she said "stay here, we will have this conversation later". Oh great! There goes my answers and whatever she has to tell me. After answering whoever was at the door, she came in and she had somewhere to go and she would be right back. "mom what about our conversation?"

"We would have that when I get back, I promise" she said and don't forget the clean out the dishes too". Alright mom, take care.

After doing the chores and fixing myself some breakfast, I decided to sit and watch some movies. Flipping through the channels and seeing nothing to watch, I decided to settle with watching wild n out.

Later that day, Alia and Calla decided to come over and hang out since they had no training and nothing to do at their pack house. When Alia and Calla got here, calla decided to cook since she was really good at it and alia and I decided to pick out movies to watch. After cooking, calla came with our foods and said "what movies did you guys pick and please don't tell me you picked out the notebook again" damn right we did alia answered. Uurghh you guys! "well you love us" Alia and I replied simultaneously. " so bells have you told you mom about the changes you have been noticing " calla broke the silence. I sighed "no, I haven't ". what!! Alia and calla shouted, "why haven't you said anything? You know we can't have you back at school on monday acting strange again, you haveeee to tell her " Alia said. I know okay, trust me I do. When I told her how I have been feeling, she just stared at me and when she was about to talk someone knocked and she came back later and said we would have the conversation when she gets back. So, hopefully we would talk about it later tonight or tomorrow. "you'd better do girl, or wait do you think you might be a werewolf too?" calla asked. Calla! Why would you think that, you know both her parents are vampires and I don't think that's possible. Ignore her bells just talk to mom about it. Okay? Alia said. Okay I'll, thanks guys. Alia we had better get going now, the alpha and beta needs us, calla said. Oh okay, see you in school on monday bells and don't forget to talk to mom about it. See ya! And if case you all are wondering, both my best friends call my mom, mom. Technically, she adopted those two already.

After Alia and calla left for the pack house, and there was literally nothing to do, I decided to pass the day by sleeping and wait for mom to get back so we could continue our conversation. Finally, after hours of waiting and nothing else to do, I got a text message from her saying hi my sweet, I won't be back home until later tonight, don't forget to fix yourself dinner and don't worry about me. ¡Buenas noches mi amor! Oh, I forgot to add my mom speaks a little bit of spanish too. ¡Buenas noches mama, no hay problema! And with that, I went to bed.


Love you guys so much! See you in the next chapter. ❤❤

Some spanish phrase used and their meaning

Buenas noches- good night

No hay problema- no problem