I sank for days in a sea I couldn't see, but only feel, and with every passing moment the surface seemed farther and the light that shone from it, dimmer. I thought it my fault, I could swim, but why would I, the heaviness distracted me. It made me forget the pain I felt, the emptiness, the hopelessness, everything. I found comfort in it, so when I started to resurface, when something or someone started to pull me out, I resisted. Kicking and slapping the water I would turn straight down and look into the darkness, my destination. Then using all my might I'd swim deeper, but it wasn't enough.
I'd be plucked from my solace, like a root from the ground, and I'd be exposed as such. Tossed from the waters naked and confused, gravity would take a hold of me, and I'd come back down to land on a floor. Looking at it, there was nothing, I was standing on nothing, I was sinking in nothing. Looking around, there was nothing, infinite nothing.