Chereads / Poker, Heels, and Midnight Thrills / Chapter 7: His Blood Lust

Chapter 7: His Blood Lust

Roi's Pov:

I felt weird being at this type of event. But Liam invited me and I felt like I had no real choice. I wasn't a party girl. I hated coming to these things. I got out of the limo that Liam had sent and smoothed out my dress. It was a midnight blue gown with an overskirt. My back was out and the whole thing sat above the crack of my ass. I told Anna that this dress was not it but she very much insisted that I would look killer in it. Lyle was a bit on the fence but when I came down in my dress tonight his mind switched. He said I looked gorgeous but when he saw the back his mind changed again. But it was too late. My ride was here and I couldn't exactly say no. Only because I owed him.

I showed the security my ID and the invitation I found in the limo and I was let inside. The party, as classy as everyone was dressed, was wild. You had women being darn near raped up against the wall. Everyone for the most part was drunk, high, or drugged out. Talk about a rich party. It was an immature teenage party wrapped up in rich adult schemes. I walked down the stairs being mindful of the two naked individuals fucking at the bottom. I wanted to hurl.

Matter of fact, this doesn't make sense. Liam was cleaner than this and from what I know this isn't any of his alter ego type of party. So what the hell was really going on? I headed for the back of the venue and I was automatically hit with the smell of sex and the sounds of moaning. Being not natural was a blessing and a curse. I kept walking and for a moment the air got easier to breathe but then I was hit with the smell of iron and I thought I was going to suffocate. I had only felt this way once and I never wanted to feel this way again. I ran through the halls and for whatever reason I felt an urgency to be somewhere. Or more like to be with someone. I followed the scent of blood down to the left end of the hallway where I saw a narrow set of stairs. I felt like my over skirt was going to get stuck against the stone walls but I kept going. It was when I reached the top that I found relief. There was a room and I saw the back of Liam's head. Liam was handsome. But his arrogance over shadows that at times. Liam was tall with dark brown eyes that looked completely black and he had short hair that he kept in waves on his head. He had smooth dark skin and a nice white smile with an earring through his left ear. He was older. Anyone can tell but I think he is past the aging aspect. As a copy we don't have to age and most of us stop after a certain point anyways. The administration doesn't know why but it's good for them not to know. Keep something to ourselves.

"Liam what the heck is-" I stopped speaking and I looked about his office. Intestines were hung on the ceiling and there was a chewed hand strung to the side of the room. I've never seen such carnage and I woke up covered in blood. But to rip up a body and scatter it across the room is something else. The fireplace was burning and my eye caught something above it. I walked closer to it and my breath caught in my throat. My father's head was hanging above the mantle like a deer and next to him was Tyrone.

"What-what is this, Liam? If this is a joke!" He growled and I walked towards him. His eyes were completely black and he had a mouth of razor sharp teeth that oozed blood. In training they say that these are the signs of bloodlust. Or going Rogue. Leaving our peaceful mindsets. Going against all that we know.

"L-Liam." I stated snapping my fingers in front of his face.

"What the fuck!?" I cursed and backed away from him. I was going to head for the door but Liam beat me to it.

"I can explain." He told me. The change was quick and so was he.

"You bastard!" I yelled. He huffed and pulled me close to him before he dragged me out of the room. My dress had blood on the hem and it trailed across the floor was we went up another set of stairs. I couldn't even slip out of his grip; it was so tight.

He took me to another room and threw me in. He locked the door as I steadied my footing.

"I'm sorry."

"No you're not." I spat.

"I know that might hurt but you have to understand-"

"Understand what?"

"They came to me looking for you and they called Admin while they were here."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier-Ah!" He moved like light. My back was on something soft and out of his character, Liam kissed my cheek.

"I knew you weren't ready to see them. Then I threw this party and let's just say shit hit the fan."

"So you throw parties where people get high, drunk, have overdoses and group orgies!"

"No. That just happened on it's own accord."

"You want me to believe that!"

"I'm not lying."

"I hate that you're not!" I yelled. "Get off me. I'm going home." I shoved him off and wiped my tears.

"No you're not." He pulled me so that I sat on his lap and I fought him like hell. In the end Liam grabbed me and pinned me to the wall.

"You're going to help me!" He yelled and I can feel his frustration jump off and into my heart.

"You hurt my family! I'll be damned if I help you do something like-" I was speechless as his teeth sank into my neck and his claws into my waist. Well I didn't learn about this? Liam eventually picked me up and then sunk his jaws into my chest. I felt pain roar through my body. I felt the fucker suck my blood into his mouth like some type of deranged vampire. Liam's strength increased ten fold and I knew I was stuck here for a while. It was when Liam's hands grabbed at my buttocks that I started to panic. He plopped me on the bed and quickly splayed himself over me. His eyes were still all black as he took a moment to look at me in the eye. He growled and once again I felt this frustration but then there was this ease that followed this type of euphoria.

"Blood." He growled as if asking for permission this time. I nodded my head. Not like I had much choice if he were to get angry he could snap my wrists and I didn't want that on my hands. One of his hands went across my chest as if to pin me down and then he continued on with what he was doing.

It was a long blurry night and I woke up confused but when something tightened around my waist I gained sudden clarity. My dress was strewn across the room and my bra was off. There was dried blood on my shoulder and my chest and I felt completely drained. I sighed and moved my arm up to touch my messed up hair. My shoulder popped. This caused the sleeping giant to open his eyes and look at me.

"Morning." His voice was muffled and he pulled me in closer.

"Mm." I hummed.



"I'd do anything to kiss you right now." He admitted. I turned and then tucked my head in his bare chest.

"Don't do that again." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry, beautiful." He kissed the crown of my head.

"I got to go home." I croaked.

"Get some more sleep first, sexy."

"Mm no…" I whimpered. He chuckled at me.

"Goodnight pumpkin." I whined but I felt myself slipping back into sleep. "I'm keeping you." He whispered. I guess he thought I was that groggy. Didn't mean that I didn't hear it?

Waking up for the second time felt good. However I noticed that this time I woke up alone. I stretched and looked at the room. My dress wasn't strewn across the floor and my neck and shoulder were taped up. There was a fresh pair of clothes on the bed along with a lime green set. I shook my head with a blush on my face. Well wasn't he prepared. I washed up in the bathroom which I found not too far from my side of the bed. Then I got dressed and put on my stilettos from the other night. He picked out a pair of skinny jeans and a red top with a dark blue sweater to match. Next to the clothes was a comb for my hair and a cup of coffee. I drank the coffee and then combed out my hair putting it up into a loose bun. I picked up my clutch and put on my dark red lipstick from last night. I called Lyle and Anna who surprisingly didn't even call me last night.

Liam came into the room and I stood up. He met me halfway and put an arm around my waist. He kissed my lips and I for a moment was stunned by what I just did. It was just so natural to do so. I didn't even think.

"Come here." Liam prompted and pulled me in closer. He put his lips on mine and for a very long time I didn't reciprocate. It was when he was about to give up that I decided I like the small explosions on my skin. I kissed Liam back and he growled and let his hands fall to my butt. I moved back with a select few pecks coming from the both of us.

"I don't know if it's that bite you gave me or the fact that I'm tired but you're not that bad." Liam smirked before letting out a playful growl.

"Mine." He snipped and for a moment I didn't think his eyes could do anything else. They turned to gold and then went back to black. Liam didn't have those razor sharp teeth and I can see the whites of his eyes. His hands weren't crusted in my family's blood. Not like I really cared for those two I suppose. It was just shocking and then thinking about my mom and sister. They'd be devastated. I don't know I guess the sleep I got helped me to cope with the shock really.

"Out of all the people I know no one has ever allowed me to satisfy my thirst even though I had to fight you a bit."

"I figured that the sooner you'll satisfy your thirst the more we can have a talk. Besides it wasn't that bad. Felt kind of nice."

"Hmm. That's a first. Let's do that again." He leaned in and I leaned back. I slapped his chest.

"No. No, no! Take me home." I chuckled.

"Okay." He seemed a bit sad by the notion and kissed my lips again. "I just want to pounce on you." He grumbled.

"Which you won't do."

"Not today no?"

"Not today partner."

"Stop being sexy."

"How do you want me to do that?" I said cockily. He smirked at me and then decided to pick me up to where my legs wrap around his waist.

"Figure it out." He patted my bum and then walked me out of his room. As we walked Liam kept kissing me on the lips.

"Stop." I said and leaned away. He adjusted me with a little hop before he kept walking. I guess we passed by someone because I heard a slight gasp. Liam smirked up at me and I smiled back. Liam put me in his car and closed the door for me. He got in the driver seat and then he took me back home.

When we got to my little house I was greeted by Anna and Eloise. Anna smelled me and I saw a small smirk on her face. A blood exchange is an extremely intimate thing for people like us. However I never had it taken from the source and I wouldn't even call it an exchange. It was more like Liam took the blood from me. Not as any intimate exchange. But could that be why I feel so… I don't even know what it's called. Liam put an arm around my waist and kissed my temple.

"Mind if I come in?" He asks.

"No." I said.

"What's up Anna? Hi baby!" He picks up Eloise who laughs and gives him a kiss on the cheek. He walks inside my house as Ben runs out and hugs me. I pick him up and kiss his face.

"I misshu, Mommy." I nuzzled my nose on his cheek.

"I missed you baby. Go inside with Mr. Samuels before you get cold." I put him down.

"Okay." He ran inside the door and I faced a grinning Anna.

"Anna… It's not what you think."

"I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" She yelled.

"Finally popped the cherry!"

"Shh!" I put a hand over her mouth.

"We didn't exchange blood like you and Ned." That's right you heard me. Ned, as in Liam's best friend. Things have changed over the following months. Lyle was throwing a small celebration as a way of saying thank you to whoever helped us and invited Liam, Ned, and Kian. But Liam didn't show up. Ned and Anna hit it off and after a month they made the exchange. That was too fast in my opinion. But if she's happy then I won't ridicule her too much.

"But you smell like-"

"Anna I know you've been having all of this gorgeous emotion but relax. Calm down. Liam and I didn't exchange blood. He was going...berserk." I whispered. She gave me a confused face.

"It's a lot Anna. I'll tell you more when he's gone now would you please relax!"

"Fine. But you know you like him."


"Oh please! You get aroused every time you're around him. I'm surprised that either of you two notice your scent when you're around each other." She said and skipped off into my house. Not feeling is a blessing and a curse. I shook my head and followed her inside. She doesn't know what she's talking about? I do not have an interest in Liam. Or at least I haven't figured out what I felt yet. But as far as interest comes I feel nothing.