Always the time discloses everything, it repeats past, it covers up the fear among fearless and bestial people. And sometimes it pulls up the defensive and saviour personalities who not only save the innocent people, the children the women and their land, but also bring the hope amongst suppressed and impressed nations. This was the same as we have read and learnt from the past that how cruel people have always spread hattred and anger in people by misconducting the power and never let their citizens to challange their writt. Such people have always set malacious foot prints in the history.
The Versoaria was the tribe of the Christian people who were working for Pops. they helped this tribe in different ways, they trend their people, they fed their people and they gave them gold as bestowment. The Versoarian were very famous for their bravery and they had ruined not only Muslims and Jews tribes but also their own clan people tribes who did not listen to Pops and oblige them. Recently, the Muslim ruler Abdul Aziz ibn Ya`qub ibn Muhammad Al-Mutawakkil 2 had died who protected all Muslim and Non-Muslim tribes. When he died Mamluk Sultanate fell apart and all were scatterd and Pops wanted to hit the iron when it was hot, but his son Al- Mutawakkil 3, pulled them away and made their intrigues failed.
When the Versoarian attacked on Asghari tribe Arslan the new leader of Asghri commanded his Lashkar raising slogans Of Allah Akbar they advanced and battle between Asghari and Versoaria tribes had started Arslan and his the best warriors fought like lions, but Versoarian were well trend and more stregnthend on the other hand Asghri were fewer like countables just as one could count them on fingers so they were being martyred and Asghari were almost one step away from the failure.hopless about to cover them, Suddenly, the rain of arrows started and a huge number of people approaching very fast with strange tactics. The earth got red when these people came in the battle field, finally the Versoarian assumed the Asghari were given help so they left the field and ran away.