Chereads / The Life & Times of Fiera Celosis / Chapter 11 - Is It Even a Duel at This Point?

Chapter 11 - Is It Even a Duel at This Point?

Fiera had guessed that this would be a public event. But she hadn't guessed the range of it's publicity. There was no stadium as such affiliated with the Institute, but there was a dueling arena, for practice jousts, which Fiera had assumed would be the event, but the Crown had declared it insufficient due to the necessity of her using a bow.

"So where are we going?" Fiera asked, as the tall lady guided her out of the Institute. People were flocking outside, some smiled at her, many were whispering in hushed voices. Fiera wondered briefly if it was too late to ask for her name.

"The Woods."

"The Woods?" Fiera echoed.

"There is a woods or more of a little forest near here. We'll have the forest sprites get us live feed as your duel proceeds. And as for the rules," she paused, "Five shots from the queen equals one strike from your sword. And whoever draws the first blood with their one strike wins."

"So, even if the Crown's arrow hits me, it won't count till five arrows hit me and blood is drawn?" Fiera surmised.

"Precisely." the lady said, "Where is your sword, child?"

"Don't worry about it. I've informed Kai to get it to me." Fiera said.

They had walked a little distance from the Institute, in the opposite direction to that of the thrift store, and Fiera noticed that a pale blue tent had been set up amongst the thick snow that had gathered on the ground. She caught the red of Aaron's just as he turned to her,

"You're using a sword?" he asked.

"Yes." For a second it felt as if they were having a conversation with their eyes, because Aaron had a vague idea what sword she would be carrying into this duel. He pulled her aside and lowered his head,

"You do know that the arrows have a better reach than your sword -"

"I know." Fiera said. "But don't worry. My goal in this game is not to win."

"You do not understand the seriousness of this duel. If you want to survive, you have to win." he whispered.

"But it's a 'friendly' duel -"

"With weapons meant to kill, Fiera." Aaron hissed. "How are you planning to draw blood exactly? You won't even be able to get five feet close to her, without being shot."

"Am I allowed to use my fire?" Fiera asked.

"Anything is game, in line with the rules stated. You are required to use only one weapon and whatever else you can muster." Aaron said.

"That's great." Fiera smiled, noticing Kai jog towards her. "I'll live, Aaron. Don't worry."

"You didn't tell me." Kai said as Aaron squeezed her shoulder and shifted towards the tent.

"Didn't tell you, what?" Fiera asked.

"That you were going to be a participant of all this." His nose was slightly crunched up, and his mouth looked like it was trying to smile, but failing utterly.

"Uh, I, kinda thought it was just a figure of speech." Fiera shrugged. "I didn't expect an actual - duel. I don't even know if this can be called a duel anymore."

"You're right about that," Kai muttered, "Will you be okay?"

"You forget that I have a magic sword." Fiera said.

"But still, it's also not an ideal weather or climate for you -"

"Hey," Fiera interrupted, "I am a Fire-Practitioner, but I am not a pure one at that." And before anything further could be said, the Crown and she found themselves facing each other at the edge of the woods, and the crowd had gathered to observe in silence as the tall man read out the game play to them. The Crown, fitted with her strangely glowing silver bow, a quiver of glowing silver arrows, weapons Fiera had no knowledge about, gave a low smile.

"Are you just carrying a shield, child?"

Fiera wondered what she could say that would not straight up land her in prison. Now that the task she had been anxious about was right in front of her, Fiera wished someone would take up her body and do the rest, she should rather like being on autopilot for once.

"For now."

"My mercy to revoke your banishment shall not extend to this duel, child."

Fiera was starting to get rather ticked off at being called a child now. She shuffled her feet, and held up the damn shield. "We'll talk about mercy when you're able to catch me." And she took off into the woods.