Chereads / Beast Curse / Chapter 4 - chapter 4

Chapter 4 - chapter 4

After dinner was eaten and the kids were in bed I went through my bag looking for my books of Japanese mythology. I got growled at and I looked at him. " You know I can't understand you but can I assume you asking what I'm doing." I said looking at him he nodded. "I have a book of mythology somewhere in this damn bag and I am trying to find them." I said going back to digging and found one of them. "Here's one." I said setting it down and then started looking for the other I found it and went to pick the other open up to find hit gone. I looked up and around and found Sesshomaru with it I sighed gladly I hadn't lost it. I shifted to where I was leaning on the big yellow pack and opened the book and started reading after a while a growl interrupted me. "I'm reading give me a second to finish this page." I said not looking up at him. I finished my page a moment later. "What?" I asked he pointed to the book then to me and cocked his head. "Are you asking me how I can read?" He nodded. "Well, where I come from everyone learns to read and write." I looked at him and tried not to smile at the surprised look on his face. "I come from a place far away from here and no longer have a way to return or I would have when all that happened with Inu-Baka." I said I turned back to my book when Sesshomaru laughed. My head snapped up my eyes were wide the Killing Perfection was laughing. I do a double-take and then just turn back to my book. When he stopped I looked at him. "So what were you laughing at me not being able to see my family or me calling Inuyasha Inu-Baka. Opposition one." I said holding up a single finger. "Or opposition two?" I held up a second finger. He looked at me confused. "Ok, I'm asking you to hold up your fingers of the number of opposition you were laughing at." I said trying not to get myself killed but hopefully, he will understand that at the moment communication is difficult since Shippo is asleep. But as luck would have it he did and held up two fingers. I nodded and smiling. "Yes well Shippo and Miroku often call him by it and I just felt like saying it."

"So tell us more about where you're from wench." Jaken said. I shot him a glared.

"Listen here you little toad stop calling me wench the name is Kagome." I said as my hand turned pink. "Remember that." I said as his eyes widened and he nodded.

"Alright, then Kagome tell us more about where you come from." He said saying my name carefully like it would bite him or something.

"What do you want to know? It's mainly humans but there are some demons." I said I wasn't lying I had actually run into Kogua and Ayama in my time with their youngest daughter. He looked at me and tapped his chin.

"Do they see each other as equals?"

"No demons try to blend in where I come from demons are believed to be none existent but seeing as I have my spiritual powers which are rare than a silver wolf where I come from I'm one of few who knows of demons are real. And to be wholeheartedly honest I hate it I hate them having to hide because of close-minded, judgemental, self-centered, egotistical, cold-hearted assholes!" I said sighing.

"That's all humans." He said Sesshomaru nodded.

"O?" I asked.

"Yes." He said nodding in an affirmative.

"What of Rin?" I asked. "Or even myself? Jaken Sesshomaru please listen and try to understand what I say. Not all demons are evil like humans believe not all humans are as greedy as demons believe. I when the jewel is finished am going to wish of it to disappear then my plan is to start a school for children of all three races I want nothing more than Demons, Humans, and Hanyous, to be able to live in peace, understanding, and above all without fear of the other races!" I said looking at them both. "Can either of you even ponder what that would do?" I asked. "You have human creativity, demon strength, and hanyou drive can you imagine the possibilities that could be done?"

"How creative can humans be?" He asked I reached into my bag and throw him a book.

"See for yourself you can read can't you?" I asked him.

"Of course I can!" He nearly yelled. "How rude are you t..."

"Jaken I meant nothing but the question that was there I know not if you can read." I said. It is possible the little toad blushed and looked at the book.

"Charlotte's Web." He said reading the title.

"That book was written by a woman out of her imagination it's a story many have enjoyed and go into it with an open mind Jaken." I said. "Because it is a work of fantasy, not fact." He nodded and I turned back to my own book and started reading. After a few hours, I placed a bookmark and put it back in my bag. "I'm going to bed I will see you both in the morning," I said pulling my sleeping bag out and crawling inside, and going to sleep. I wake yo find myself with Rin on one side if me Shippo on the other and Sesshomaru at our heads leaning against a tree eyes closed but alert I sit up to find Jaken on the other side of Rin. "Good morning," I said softly to the sitting figure as I slid out of the sleeping bag. He opened his eyes and nodded and then looked at the sky. I looked up it was pre-dawn I smiled and stood up and arms straight up fingers intro connection and leaned back till several loads pop were heard. I straightened. "About time that popped," I muttered. And I turned from him as I rolled my shoulders and went to set up a new fire up to make breakfast. After a few minutes, Rin was beside me.

"Momma, what are we having?" She asked

"Well, I do have some eggs how about omelets?" I asked.

"Yes!" Shippo yelled from his spot. "No Roman for breakfast!" I laughed and nodded.

"Ok Rin does not know what an Omelet is but will try some she will she will."

"Rin it's I and me." I said to her. "Please speak in first person I get that Sesshomaru does it but you need to talk with proper grammar."

"Why?" She asked as I pulled the last of the eggs out of my bag.

"Because it's can confuse people when you speak in third person and thought Sesshomaru does it doesn't make it how you should speak besides most humans will look at you like your crazy if you speak third person to them." Sesshomaru snarled.

"She's not crazy." Shippo said in a yelp.

"I said people would look at her like she was not that she is I know she's not." I said to him as I started making omelets. "Rin if you wish to speak in the third when it's just you me Shippo Jaken and Sesshomaru but I would highly suggest getting into a habit of when others are around using first." I turned to Sesshomaru. "Is that better?" I asked him. He looked at being and growled.

"He asks what do you mean?" Shippo said.

"From how you reacted it was like you didn't like the way I am raising my kids and that to any mother is an insulted."

Another growl and snarl. "No insult was meant I was not trying to say your way was wrong just that she isn't crazy." Shippo again translated. I nodded and put the pan on the low fire.

"Momma what all is in this omelet I is wondering." Rin said

"I am or I'm and eggs and cheese." I said with my free hand I ruffled her hair. Jaken was sitting beside Rin now with Charlet's Wed in his lap as he reads. Shippo looks at me I smile and wink. After they were done I put them on plates and we all eat.

"These are good!" Rin said after her first bit and I can't help but laugh as she and Shippo chew down happily while both Jaken and Sesshomaru eat in silence once breakfast was done and dishes washed and camp packed they started moving again heading west towards Sesshomaru's home. Shippo and Rin run around playing as we walk having fun. Ah-Uhn walked beside me on my left and Jaken a little way to my right in front of us are the kids and in front of them is Sesshomaru. I look at the blue sky and tilt my head I wonder if I wi...I stopped in mid-thought. No. I said in my head. Why wish for something you can get from hard work. I smiled at the two kids. "Heu Jaken."

"Hn." He said looking at me you say humans and demons can't get along then what about the kids." He blinked then looked at them. "What about you and Rin? Think about it Jaken maybe not every human is as loving as Rin but not all demons are as strong as Sesshomaru." I said almost laughing at the look on his face.

"Mama." Shippo said.

"What?" I asked.

"Sesshomaru wants you." He said jumping onto my shoulder and I jog to catch up with Sesshomaru.

"What's up?" I ask as I tilt my head looking at him and he growled.

"Inuyasha is coming." Shippo said another growl. "I don't want Rin to be involved in any fight my half brother and I get into come with me." He said and Shippo got down off my shoulder. "While I stay with Rin and the others." He said when I opened my mouth to say something I smiled and nodded. I went with him to another small clearing where not even a minute after arriving I could hear Inuyasha's loud mouth. "O shut up and come on!" I'm not sure how we are meeting like this but I could careless.

"Inuyasha you need to stop acting like an asshole!" I hear Sango scream then Inuyasha with the clay pot on his back making me angry. Sango, Maroku, and Kilala came next. Sango saw us first. "Kagome!" She said extaticly.

"Hey, yea Sister how are you?" I asked.

"Great now." She said as she and Miroku slide off Kilala. Inuyasha glared at his brother and put the clay pot down and stood back up. He looked at me and Stormed up to me. "Come on wench let's go!" He said trying to grab for me. I did something I haven't done in years I am so tired of feeding this asses ego time to knock him down a few pegs. I grabbed his wrist turned and flipped him over my back he hit the ground with a hard thud.

"You made your choice." I said straightening. "And it wasn't me you have no rights to me Inuyasha you had my heart and you have forsaken it for a woman made of bone and graveyard soil. You have no right to think I will listen to you."

"Why you!" He yelled and charged at me. I stood there he was about to punch me when I moved my left foot behind his and facing me I then let myself move spinning behind him as Sesshomaru's fist finds Inuyasha's face sending the idiot into a few trees he looked at me. "I'm not feeding anymore egos I'm done hiding if I'm stuck here Inuyasha then you all should be ready to meet the me that I leave at home because women aren't supposed to be as trained as I am in any form of martial arts let alone trained in nineteen different hand to hand styles and almost any weapon you can think of... a bow wasn't one my sensei used so before I came here I didn't know how to use one." I said with a shrug at the look of other people then my gaze fell on Inuyasha. "Inuyasha just leaves me alone ok I don't want to have to fight you.