the is two things in life the is a poor and rich
If you want to be poor dont follow your dream
Just sit and relax and say the world is so funny
The person who want to be rich doesnt sleep 8 hrs becouse they know that they get in sleeping
People who think better is the people who think about future
The take destination to success
Life is difficult but the is a way to live happy life
Disparity to obstacles
In life the is a dilemma everyone who want to be success needs to face consequences of all dilemma of your life
The is tough way to be rich
Some time ago the is a girl she was called cindy she was just stuck in pain her mother was diead in 10 june 2020 she was all alone
She was trying to be a strong girl but she was collapsing every single day
She was behind mountains and holes
She was a nice girl she was sweet
Cindy was in a big dilemma of life
Whe she need help they have run for
She was trying hard to approve herself
Cindy was trying hard she was trying to get help to his father even her father was run away to help
Poor cindy everytime of her life she was loosing hope about her future
Cindy she was so innocent she doing terrible thing about her life she was not sharing her problems with any one .
She fought a lot to find peace in her life she was loving her mother more than her self
Some day she promises her self to learn that her mother is nomore but her mother is always in her heart .she told her self that my mother will never live me she is always in my side in my right hand.
Cindy was capable of doing everything but she was not having a strength . She was always crying every single night she was hope that one day she will become successful but she was one to help
She was stressed but one day she say i will stand with my two foot god will make a way
Cindy she was angle who fought her life alone