Chereads / Dark Of Antartica / Chapter 9 - NEW TECNOLOGY


Om stood up and taking a deep breath, I'm behind you, colonel !!

The colonel started to move slowly through the glass door towards the glass door. The colonel was a broad-shouldered auburn and a 50-year-old, with tom's body structures almost identical, but tom was younger than the colonel.

The colonel came to the glass door, tom was behind him, the colonel entered the password screen and opened the door. When Tom looked around, he was surprised that it opened into such a large corridor. They came in front of the glass room on the right to return to Colonel Tom, please wait a little bit here after entering the password board at the entrance said.

By the way, Jason and Lauren were still looking for the owner of the voice, Jason: leave us no longer we don't know anything. On the one hand, he was trying to inculcate Lauren.

The voice inside the room began to speak, your father took the map from us and we know that you are communicating with siZin so tell us where the map is and keep it free.Jason and Lauren came eye to eye and thought for a moment how this could be. Or tom sold them. Jason picked himself up and thought it was ridiculous, but we don't have the map, but we can bring it to you.Voice yes jason we started speaking the same language where is the mapJason: We can bring it to you. The voice across is very clear and very clear. You bring Jason the map and you take the girl. Jason Lauren looked at the two of us but said no. The colonel came out of the room and came to Tom and said, "Come in."Tom came in and found that he had never encountered such devices in his lifetime of excellent devices of about 15 people working inside !! It was a study room, these amazing machines computers had not seen a lot of electronic devices. Tom, my God, this is where the colonel will come, or he made a jokeColonel, yes, Mr. Tom, this is our future, he replied, and a few steps forward standing in front of the medal from the medal of the invisible general born to come next to Sir Dr Alberto who is looking for Mr. TomGeneral born turning around, please come back to me, Mr. Tom, please come to Tom by taking a few steps Hello Sir I'm glad to meet you.General, I have Mr. Tom.And without a word, the general entered directly; said that you were looking for colonel dr albert with his son and his assistant, but that his son and his assistant were not there.Tom: Yes, sir, I can't find them.General: Mr. Tom, why do you think they disappeared? Tom: Sir, they told me they would come here, but they didn't, I don't think they're going anywhere, sir.General: Mr. Tom, look at the screen, please.start colonelHe started playing a video on the screen showing that Jason and Lauren had moved out of the hotel unconscious. You're not mistaken, Mr. Tom, kidnappers, Tom.Look, Mr. Tom, we can help you.You should tell you exactly what you are saying in particular.Tom knew he had no choice but to tilt his head forward and how they reached these images was filled with unanswered questionsBut he could play a game, not the map itself, but at least he could talk about what he solved in the puzzle.General has a puzzle, and what the puzzle tells us is a very, very interesting piece of puzzle that says that Antartica is a very different continent after crossing the glacier layer and dr albert called us with a piece of the puzzle said to come to Antartica and said that we couldn't get up and we came here and now jason and lauren need to find them lost sirThat's all I know. General Mr. Tom turned calmly, Mr. Tom, we've been aware of this puzzle for about 2 years, and we've already been watching you, and you're just not in the incident.We were following Mr. Jason and Mrs. Lauren. Look, Mr. Tom, this isn't just our case. It's not the world's security issue that the kidnappers of Jason and Lauren are not from this world, or that you're not from this world, but they're from us, so Mr. Tom, you have to help us for yourself or for us. not tom for the whole worldgeneral turned to colonelNow, let's go, Colonel.Let the operation begin !!!!Tom what operation general !!!Follow just follow, Mr. TomAnd don't tell anyone what you see so that our future is not in danger.Colonel, sir.Turn on the radio, get 1 part in, 2 part now, 3 part ready.After giving instructions, everyone in the room was looking at the screen !!!!!