Hell is a dangerous place. in hell there are eight elemental regions fire, water, earth, darkness, lightning, Eis, metal and death.
there i am in the darknes all alone. after what feels like an eternity a light and i feel something hard beneath me then i open my eyes and look around me. there in front of me ist a Imp that is on fire? and it is looking in my Direktion. it start running and treis to kill me I Dodge den i uppercut the Imp and cut it's throat with my claws.
(ultimate skill soul eater has woken up)
ultimate skill soul eater? So now I can eat souls? yes. who's there!? ... ... hellou! ... ... hmm interesting. have i already eaten a soul? .No ok what happens if I eat the flash. you absorbe it's stats hmm ok and wat If i eat the Soul? you absorbe it's skills. OK. in the next twenty days i continued killing imps i Killd fifty one fire imps, thirty-nine water imps and ten Ash imps and of course i eate dem. master yes try opening your Interface ... OK
Race: Ash imp
Gender: Male
Name: -
age: 0
Job: 0
LV: 11
Exp: 0
titels: 2
soul eater
passiv skills: 8
strong Water resistents LV 9
strong fire resistents LV 21
flawless Ash,fire,water Manipulation LV 40
flawless Ash,fire,water Magic LV 0
flawless Mana Manipulation lv 40
flawless Mana Sens LV 40
universal language
eagles eis LV 3
skills: 5
expert barehanded mastery LV 0
Student Hunter LV 1
sharp claws LV 2
fire breath LV 1
soul eater
HP: 2.711/2.711
Mana: 5.050/5.050
stamina: 3.000/3.000
speed: 2.000
Strength: 3.000
dexterity: 1.000
damage: 1.473/2.562
elemental damage: 400/800
Magical damage: 600/1.200
soul damage: 0/0
Soul eater skills Interface.
soul Interface.
Soul eater LV 1 2 souls to LV Up
soul storage small locked 1 soul to unlock
soul Lock locked 10 Souls to unlock
soul Control locked 11 Souls to unlock
soul appraisal locked 12 souls to unlock
Soul Manifestation locked 50 Souls to unlock
Seoul corridor locked 60 Souls to unlock
merciless locked 100 Souls to unlock
necromancy locked 100 Souls to unlock
soul armer locked 500 Souls to unlock
soul weapon locked 1.000 souls to unlock
Skill eater locked 2.000 Souls to umlock
soul storage small.
you can store up to one hundred Souls in this.
soul Lock.
you can lack a Soul in its body so that it wohnt die until you Konsum it.
soul Control.
you can Control your soul and the enemies dead soul.
soul appraisal.
soul appraisal is appraisal vor the Soul.
Soul Manifestation.
you Manifest your soul however you want.
Seoul corridor.
you create a soul corridor between you and someone else.
you will absorb the soul of everyone that is scared of you.
you will bi able to use necromancy.
soul armer.
a armer dat is made out of Souls will manifest around you.
soul weapon.
a soul weapon is a weapon that is infused with a part of your soul and it can Level Up.
Skill eater.
Skills are a part of its owner's soul Sau you can eat the skill without eating the soul.
holy fish... so If i feed you souls youl unlock new abilities? yes alright then i'll continue killing and youl unlocks stuff yes master.
two hundred meters in front of our main character there is a Army.
soul eater yes master can i evolve like I mean I don't wanna be and Imp forever. yes once you reach level twenty you can a evolve. into what? you can a evolve into a lesser Ash demon, lesser Dragon nudes demon, lesser dragonoid demon, gargoyle, hell beast, fire elemental, water elemental, lesser plant demon, lesser Obsidian demon, lesser Inferno demon.
ten Evolution paths i was expecting maybe two or three but Not ten. tell me do I evolve randomly? Normally yes but i can control it.
master Look in front of you. is that a Army? yes OK how many are there? twenty demon skeleton Paladins one demon skeleton King one dragonoid hell beast one lesser dark lightning demon and ten gargoyles. skeletons haw Infiniti stamina sou Wil i have infiniti stamina? nou OK :-( let's kill dem. yes master let's kill dem all. I made my way over there and bit a chunk out of the skeleton Kings head and I kickt the hell beast head of denn i Bernd all ten gargoyles with fire breath and tore the lesser demon in three parts and bit another chunk out of the skeleton Kings head and Killd him dan Tor a Paladins head of and killed the rest. master you eight four Souls out of the thirty-3 Souls. you got the following skins.
dragonoid hell deast
passiv skills: 7
draconic scales LV 38
slow hp Regeneration LV 2
eagles eis LV 7
2× sharpend nose LV 1
Mana Manipulation LV 10
Mana Sens LV 9
Metal resistents LV 5
skills: 2
Inferno breath LV 12
sharp claws LV 15
passiv skills: 4
Mana Manipulation LV 3
Mana Sens LV 2
eagles eis LV 4
fire resistents LV 4
skills: 3
sharp claws LV 8
god accuracy LV 9
bow mastery LV 4
lesser dark lightning demon
passiv Skill: 6
dark lightning resistents LV 14
Mana Manipulation LV 14
Mana Sens LV 13
dark lightning Manipulation LV 18
dark lightning Magic LV 17
lightning blood LV 2
barehanded mastery LV 5
sharp claws LV 8
sword mastery LV 9
demon skeleton King
passiv skills: 9
skeleton King
death resistents LV 19
Mana Manipulation LV 19
Mana Sens LV 19
death Manipulation LV 19
death Magic LV 19
danger sense LV 12
stone bones LV 15
strengthen followers LV 1
skills: 3
medium item box LV 3
strong soul fire LV 9
sword mastery LV 18
demon skeleton Paladin
passiv skills: 6
houly resistents LV 1
Mana Manipulation LV 15
Mana Sens LV 14
dark Manipulation LV 17
dark Magic LV 12
HP leech LV 21
skills: 2
sword & shield mastery LV 15
soul fire LV 12
LV 0 ~ LV 20 = 100 exp = 1 LV Up.
LV 21 ~ LV 40 = 200 exp = 1 LV Up.
LV 41 ~ LV 50 = 300 exp = 1 LV Up ect.
exp gain't: 1.120
Levels gain't: 10
exp left: 20
Ash imp is evolveing into lesser dragonoid demon. ... evolution completed. you haw evolvd into a lesser dragonoid demon.
Race: lesser dragonoid demon
Gender: Male
Name: -
age: 0
Job: 0
LV: 1
Exp: 20/100
titels: 2
soul eater
passiv skills: 18
strong elemental ,Death, houly resistents LV 3
strong fire resistents LV 21
flawless elemental Manipulation LV 0
flawless elemental Magic LV 0
good level Mana Manipulation lv 41
good level Mana Sens LV 37
strengthen followers LV 1
2× sharpend nose LV 1
draconic scales LV 38
slow hp Regeneration LV 2
draconic Eis LV 1
eagles eis LV 14
HP leech LV 21
danger sense LV 12
stone bones LV 15
lightning blood LV 2
universal language
skeleton king
skills: 11
expert barehanded mastery LV 5
beginner sword & shield mastery LV 5
expert sword mastery LV 7
draconic Warrior LV 1
medium item box LV 3
bow mastery LV 4
god accuracy LV 9
Student Hunter LV 1
sharp claws LV 64
inferno breath LV 13
strong soul fire LV 12
soul eater
HP: 14.516/14.516
Mana: 22.309/22.309
stamina: 40.708/40.708
speed: 18.586
Strength: 15.422
dexterity: 8.264
damage: 5.354/11.055 + 1.440
elemental damage: 2.356/5.732
Magical damage: 4.821/8.837 + 600
soul damage: 220/440
Soul eater skills Interface.
soul Interface.
Soul eater LV 1 2s
soul storage small LV 1 28/100 Souls 100s
soul Lock locked 10 Souls to unlock
soul Control locked 11 Souls to unlock
soul appraisal locked 12 souls to unlock
Soul Manifestation locked 50 Souls to unlock
Seoul corridor locked 60 Souls to unlock
merciless locked 100 Souls to unlock
necromancy locked 100 Souls to unlock
soul armer locked 500 Souls to unlock
soul weapon locked 1.000 souls to unlock
Skill eater locked 2.000 Souls to umlock
OK i'll unlock soul Lock and soul appraisal. master you haw 6 Soul left i'll Upgrade Soul eater two times. you haw 0 Soul left.
soul Interface.
Soul eater LV 3 6s
soul storage small LV 1 0/100 souls 100s
soul Lock LV 1 10s
soul Control locked 11 Souls to unlock
soul appraisal LV 1 12s
master i have adet two new skills to the Soul Interface Titel eater and Universal shapeshift. OK god Work. thank you.
I wander through hell for the next year and I found some old ruins and explored them.