Rino quickly checked the progress of his daily quest and smirked invisibly. It was finally done.
Daily Quest #11 (Complete)
Objective: Craft Basic Hunting Tools
10/10 Long Bows
15/10 Short Bows
300/300 Arrows
25/20 Quivers
Time Limit: 10 Days.
Tutorial here.
Reward: Basic Fletching Skills
Claim your reward here.
Penalty: Deduct 24 hours of sleep upon failure and [Curse of Overtime] until quest is forcefully completed.
Rino did not hesitate to claim his new skill as a reward. He had one more day to spare but thankfully, the daily quest counter did not force him to complete a new quest. He still had one more day from this chain quest event. The gods must be in a really good mood lately.