Chereads / Her Forbidden Love / Chapter 162 - Rejoice in their own...

Chapter 162 - Rejoice in their own...

Abel continued acting that she was unwell, showing that it was difficult in breathing, Cried telling it was all her mistake if she had not asked Mia to call Daniel... Megan would have not met with an accident, and lost the child... but not everyone know, Mr Reid had his own doubts, he felt it was somewhat weird, for his wife to call Daniel, who was so far from the house but forgot to call him, who was at 5mins ride... But he didn't know what he was thinking was true or not... Daniel was on a business trip, so he never came to see Abel, but called to check about her health every day. Mia was taking care of her mother, So didn't go to visit Megan... But Ray said she was good and had been discharged from the hospital, and taken home by Mr Felix... And they are calling and talking to her almost all day, so not to worry about Megan.

But Ray never said, Megan was very depressed and was not talking properly to anyone, not even to them... Olivia called her many times in a day, but she attends the call once... And when Riley and Ray go, she sits and looks so lost, when they are talking to her... Daniels business trip got extended by another two days...he was so busy with Mr Sol... and meetings, he hardly called Megan to check her on health... For most of the time, it was Siya, who attended the call, as Megan would have slept or didn't wanted to talk to him. Siya was feeling somewhat weird about Megan's behaviour... But didn't know what to do...

Finally, on the last day of Daniel's business trip, he called Megan and the call got through... He asked

"Hai Megan, still angry on me, why you don't talk to me, it's always Mom that attends the call"

"You call too late, maybe I have slept that's why Mom attend the call..."

"Megan... Don't be like this, whatever happened, let it be... Can we start over again like back times, I am going mad.. when you ignore me, it's too painful"

Megan didn't say anything... She only thought, even the way he calls is changed, so it not going to be ever back to normal like before, their relationship has indeed got a drift, so there is nothing she or Daniel can do... They needed only to go with the flow and see where the destination takes them...

After the call, Seeing Megan not answering...Daniel didn't know what was going on in Megan's mind... He needed to go back and see her, he remembered what the doctor as said, then he boarded the flight with Mr Sol... In 2 hours he was in K city, Eric was there to pick him up, whikenMr Sol left with Mr Cam, Daniel went to Felix house... To see Megan sitting alone, on the swing... lost in her thoughts, she looked so different, who had to know Megan for a while, will think it was someone else.

T city

Johnson was waiting for his sister's call, as he was not allowed to call her, Becka walked in and asked

" Dad, what are we going to do, the date Franklin as said is coming to an end, are you going to send any one of us to him"

Her eyes teared while she spoke... Johnson tapped has a daughter's hand and said

"Stupid girl, it will be that Megan... Who will be given to that, Franklin... So you stop worrying"

"Dad, what are you saying... How will she be sent to him, what about Daniel... If he knows that"

"Don't worry Becka, everything is taken care of by your Aunt"

"My Aunt... Dad explain to me what's happening"

Johnson said what they have done, and due to the accident, Megan lost her child, so there is a misunderstanding between Megan and Daniel, and even her Aunt promised that she will see that both his daughters marry her sons... Becka was so happy at what her Dad said... they rejoiced on their own, as a celebration before the fall of Megan... Becka remembered the pride she carried, the ownership she had on Daniel, it's all going to be Her's in a few more days... Thinking which Becka... Grinned.

Felix house

Daniel walked to Megan, but Megan was so lost, she didn't even know that someone was approaching her... She just blankly stared at the tree, that Daniel always used to climb to her room, Daniel didn't know what she was thinking but could figure out, she was thinking of the days when they were in love... But he loved her the same as then, but why is she not understanding it....thinking about it, Daniel touched Megan's head, that's when Megan realised, that there was a person next to her, she lifted her head and looked up at Daniel, a small smile appeared on her face... She got up from the swing and hugged him. Daniel held her to find she was so cold... He thought to himself, how long has she been sitting here, he slowly wrapped her in his warm embrace, then took her in, to see Siya waking up down the living room.

Seeing Daniel, Siya smiled and asked Mrs Jenet to prepare dinner, and first to make some hot coffee for all... Daniel found that Siya was somewhat agitated, then asked

"Mom is all ok...You look somewhat confused"

Siya smiled and said

"It's nothing much Daniel, Ashley is not well, Ava is worried... and want us to come for few days... The child misses us, but it's just a week since Megan had an accident, So I don't know what to do...Your Dad is like, want me to go first, and he will come later, but I am not comfortable in travelling alone "

Daniel understood what was going on, and said

"Mom, You and Dad should go, anyway I am back... I will take care of Megan"

When he finished, he saw Adam walking in the main door... the man was another name for elegance, he walked and sat next to Megan, while nodding to Daniel and asked

"Why are you wearing so less... It's so cold outside..."

Megan snuggled in her Dad's embrace and sat in his warm embrace, Daniel looked at them and just smiled, when Mrs Jenet served coffee for all... While having coffee, Megan said

"Dad, you both should go to N city, It's Ashley, who is not can't take any chance with her, she is missing you, so go visit her... spend some time with her, even Ava and Logan will be missing you both, I will be fine, don't keep worrying about me, I am not that baby girl, anymore..."

Adam looked at his daughter... Who's smile was worse than crying, and said,

"Why don't you also come with us... Change of place will help you forget all bitter things"

Megan shook her head came out from her Dad's embrace and said with determination...

"No Dad, I don't want to forget anything... About my life, I have no regrets, whatever happened, happened according to my wish... And I don't want to forget how bad mother I was to my unborn child, you both should go, Dad, I will be ok... I am waiting for my result... All think, by losing my child I got what I wanted, then so it be..."

Tears were clouding her eyes... While Adam looked at his stubborn brave daughter, so broken his heart ached... He lifted his head to look at Daniel who sat across him, Daniel had his eyes on only Megan... Her tear-filled eyes and that sad face of her haunted him, he just cured himself to say such harsh words to her... He regretted what he had done, it was first his mistake... Not to pick her on time, or at least he would have sent Eric to pick her... And even blamed her, for his mistake, Daniel didn't know what to say, when Siya spoke to ease the atmosphere,

"Megan... Whatever you feel is ok, I will ask Dad to book our tickets, You go rest for some time, I will call when dinner is ready... Daniel must be also tired from travelling"

Megan nodded her head and was about to go up when Adam spoke again...

"Meg, you will stay here, so Mrs Jenet can take care of you..."

But to all the people surprise, Megan shook her head and said

"No Dad, I am going to stay in Daniel's house... I can't keep running from reality... it's only a few days, before college starts, I can manage"

Daniel immediately spoke...

"No need for you to stay there, we can go back to our home..."

Megan was stubborn as hell, she shook her head and said...

"No, I don't want to keep worrying when your mother will fall sick, and you will hurry back to her, it's undoubtedly proven... Whatever situation, you will choose your mother, so I should stay at your house, so it's easy for you to take care of her properly"

Daniel was thunderstruck with her words, before he could speak, Megan had gone up to her room, Daniel looked at Megan's Mom, she came tapped his shoulder and said

"She's hurt, angry, don't mind her, she should be fine, after few days"

Daniel nodded and walked up to Megan's room, to see her on the phone, Daniel didn't disturb her he just looked at her and walked to the washroom. When he walked back from the washroom, he saw her still on phone, he didn't know to whom she was talking... He walked slowly to see, it was Eric, Daniel was buzzed thinking l... What were these two talking for so long, when pulled the phone from Megan and put it his hears, he heard Eric saying

"Ok Madam, I will move all your things to your place, and Boss to staff quarter"

He turned to look at the girl sitting quietly bitting her lower lips... He then called


"Boss, your back... Nice to hear from you, how are you, Boss"

"What's that you both are planning "

"Nothing much Boss, Madam wanted to pack and move her things to Felix house and your things to Staff quarter... As Madam will be leaving soon to her university, it will be easy for her to carry her things if it's already packed..."

Daniel walked out of the room and asked

"Mmmmm, ok do as she says, and how is the investigation.."

"I am stuck with that phone number, that had called your uncle, it's an unknown id used to buy that number, so can't find out the person, and every time I call, that number is switched off, and the number that called Madam, is also a fake id, actually that number belongs to an old lady, who lost her phone in the market the day before Madam's accident..."

"I see.. anything else..."

"If we find out who had called your uncle, we will know if it's your uncle and that person, who had planned all this, or it was just a coincidence... That some robber, hit madam, while escaping"

Daniel rubbed his forehead, and said,

"Keep investigating, we have to find out... I can't let go of the person, who hurt my wife and child "

However, the tone was like Devil himself spoke, so ruthless...Eric understood, and said,

"Don't worry Boss...we will find that person if he really exists in this world"

In the next two days, as Megan said, all her things from the apartment were packed and bought to Felix house, and Daniel's few things were arranged in staff quarter and others were arranged in Attic... While some of Megan's and Daniel's were kept in the apartment, for they use, while they went there, even Mr Adam and Mrs Siya, were ready to go.... That day Megan dressed up after a very long time, and took Her parents to the airport, with Daniel and Eric... After sending them off, Megan waked out to Daniel's car... and sat in the back seat as Eric was driving, Daniel slowly walked behind Megan, seeing her so very detached, he was scared... He has never seen her like this in the past 5 years, he didn't say anything, only sat next to her, when reached Reids house... Megan opened the door before Daniel or Eric, she came out, with her handbag, and sunglass on... She looked so elegant, like a lady... Megan and Daniel reached the last floor while Eric, helped them with the bags, But to their surprise, the person who opened the door was, none other than Becka...