In the world of there are various magical beasts among them the Kitsune powerful ninetailed Fox type beasts. In fact their power so unmatched that they were considered rulers of the beasts, currently there existed only one Kitsune she sat on her throne a raised dais at the center of the forest where the magical beasts commune for their monthly meetings. She sits bored wondering why no creature had gotten there they were all very punctual yet on that day she was the only one there. Un beknowst to her in fact the dragon Hélion had in fact staged a coup along with other beasts to overthrow and kill her. The Kitsune her name Reah is then ambushed resulting in her dethroning and death by Helion, her decent into reincarnation is thwarted as anger rages in her soul instead she finds herself in a new body in the human world her tails are all gone except one black tail.
With no power and the fire of revenge burning bright in her heart she must fight to regain her lost power so she can cross over back to her world while facing the dangers of the human world along with her new found rich family.
Totally a myth buster fantasy story that will send your hearts and minds on a journey of power, pleasure, romance , exhilaration and everything in between.
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