"She's pregnant." He confessed, becoming pale all of a sudden. His lips become livid as if he would faint at any second.
His reaction was understandable, it was a scandalous if couple would give up to sexual activities before having married first. It would drastically mark the end of a lady reducing future possibilities of marrying and she would be destinate to remain alone for the rest of her life.
"Oh and here I thought you were a virgin." John say sarcastically and giggled. Seeing his unmoved expression he changed his approach, "okay okay. Sorry." He raised his hands, gazing at the man in front of him that seemed completely miserable.
"You two have to marry as soon as possible. So it won't be a scandal when the belly starts to show." He said getting a slow nod from his cousin. That was the most common and effective solution when outrageous events like that happened.