The issue of sovereignty, which is as old as the history of humanity, continues today, every community, group, sect, organization has tried all kinds of ways to take the world under its control. In this context, Esoteric members who wanted to take the world under their control also determined the strategy of this business.The current financial system was established in 1944 with the Bretton Woods Agreement, before that there was Full Reserve Central Banking, that is, the Central Banks could only print as much Paper Money as they put in their vaults. With Bretton Woods, this rate was reduced by 40%, that is to say, 40 tons of gold and 100 tons of gold worth of paper money could now be printed, an Ounce of Gold changed from $ 12 to $ 35 after this agreement, since they enjoyed this in 1971, the bond of Gold and Dollar completely They broke it off and switched to the "Fiat Money System", that is, after 1971, the Paper Money had no equivalent, the only money was the "Reputation" of the State that issued the money, so what were their purposes with this? It is very simple, if you have 100 kilograms of gold, you can only get a good or service equivalent to it, but if you print money like WC paper, you can get whatever you want unlimitedly, I hope the purpose is clear, but come to see that this power is not in the hands of the States contrary to what is believed. The owners of all the World Central Banks, including the FED, are the families belonging to these same esoteric structures, States were made to keep the issue by giving a share of hush, and of course they kept the system alive by lending as much as they wanted, but it is no longer possible to repay the debts, because you can buy the world 12 times with the coins already minted, let's say 1 rich handled 7% of this total. One of the formulas to overcome this is Hyper Inflation, if the price of everything rises 12 times, this balance can be restored, it seems that this will happen, but when this happens, it is still possible for the States to pay their debts. The power centers have developed an alternative instead, they will face the States with an offer, they will say, "Let's reset all your debts, let's destroy all the money, our new system is the only Crypto Digital Currency we will issue", in case this happens days, but in all sorts of scenarios with those with limited assets Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium, my advice as a Humanbein, everyone should buy Physical Gold, Physical Silver as much as they can, keep it in a corner, it is a nice gain as it is expected to increase by 250% to 4,000% by 2023. I suggest you to evaluate as