The Emperor and the consort Lanhuã we're reunited in his bedroom talking about her discovery where Maymay was living in Zhukan 's Palace and the woman was telling in detail all had happened that night.
The poor girl had been kidnapped by Prince Li Zayn and his accomplice had kept her no food and drugged her in a dark and dirty cottage until she wakens up a hide in the carriage. The Emperor was intrigued by the means used to escape with the girl so the consort said would use the magic from the mirror to discover how they could run away from Shanghai.
On a sunny and shining day, The Consort together with her sister-in-law Luigi prepared the magical exotic Blue Lotus that was more powerful than before.
The magical flower created a spiral of the most beautiful purple and blue lights and so a mirror reflected in the lake, a guardian appeared and asked what was the wish of Imperial Highness Consort Lanhuã, the woman asked was shown what had happened with the Goddess of Moon Princess of the Celestial Kingdom in last two months.
Zhang Luili got shocked when she heard about her daughter be a deity of the most important in Country C, after all, she had heard her husband, the girl had powers but never imagined the girl was the reincarnation of Goddess. She felt her body trembling a heart-throbbing, anguish invaded her heart, that pretty and sweet girl who was so loved by her, a deity, the destiny would be so cruel with enormous defies, intrigues, and ambushes for her.
"oh, my dear, Maymay, I pray that you can be protected from enemies and devilish Demon Dragon."The woman was crying while together the Consort Lanhuã finalized the spelling of mirror.
The lake got agitated, made a hole so transformed into a mirror, the women watched the prince and the other men chasing the girl, she was galloping very fast but they dominated her and after she fainted, the girl was in a disgusting place while the pervert guy, prince Zayin said for the friend that she would be his woman when they arrived in Zhukan.
The method used to trick the own Emperor of Country C and the whole empire was so absurd that she got angry by her stupidity. The girl was hidden into a fake trunk under from seat from the guy.
The servants, soldiers, and until she had seen his departure from Mansion of Consort Li, his accomplice, a serpent very smart and beautiful.
Later, the own Emperor got so furious with the trick used by his consort he couldn't stop cursing the woman, but he needed to be calm and cold to catch the serpent.