It's today. The 'Big Day'.
I spent the last day taking language and mannerism lessons. I was to take them side by side to the dance lessons but because I was lacking more in the dance field, the Emperor said to prioritize them more.
"After all," he had said, "royal behavior and the official tongue must come naturally to you."
On top of all that, Martha suddenly asked me about my progress with the speech.
"I have to deliver a speech!?" I asked, appalled.
Since then I've been extremely stressed.
"Your Highness," Martha sighed. "Do stop pacing the floor and come sit down. Have a little bite before resuming the preparations."
"Martha." I turned to her, stopping briefly in my tracks. "If I eat anything right now, I'm afraid I'll throw it all up later today. Don't want to ruin the dress, right?"