Chapter Ninety Two
After they saw the expression on Jared's face, Mckenna cleared her throat and Luca decided to stand down.
"Henri Fayol argued that workers function more efficiently when Management is more efficient and from this theory emerged four theories..."
McKenna answered perfectly.
"That's alright McKenna; I just wanted to be sure you were paying attention. Now, let's continue the class" Jared Said and wrote the four theories on the board.
After class, McKenna walked behind Luca. It was difficult for her but she had to say thank you.
"Thanks for saving me in front of Jared, Luca"
"I didn't want to but Aera begged"
'"all the same, thanks but I need to ask you a favor" McKenna told him
"I know but before you do, walk with me for a minute. I have got something to show you"