,,Good Morning sleepy head", Sev's soft voice called me awake, i slowly opened my eyes and looked up and sitting up to face him, ,,Good Morning", i greeted back and put a hand trough my hair making it messier then it already was, ,,Come downstairs Birthday boy, your letter is waiting downstairs", Sev replied and left the room.
I jumped up in joy, I'm Getting My Hogwarts Letter Today!, Yay!, i really was happy about that, as fast as i could i got dressed in my Clothes for today a black Hoddy and blue jeans and my slippers for indoor and then racing downstairs but slowing down as Sev glared at me.
Then i sat down on my place on the Table across from Sev, by the Table and the Breakfast appeared along with my Hogwarts letter next to it, ,,You may open your letter now", Sev told me and i instantly ripped it open and began to read aloud:
,,Dear Mr. Snape-Potter.
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begin on 1 September. We await your owl by no later then 31 July.
Your sincerely: Minerva Mcgonagall, Deputy Headmistress."
Sev nodded and we began to eat our Breakfast, it was Pancakes with Marple syrup and Strawberries.
-------small time skip after opening the Presents, image what he got yourself and if you like comment--------
Finally Sev was done and dressed, he grabbed me and Apperirte to Diagon-Alley, there we made our way up to Gringots me and Sev greeted the goblin-teller, ,,Greeting's master Goblin-teller may your gold, ever flow", we said together and bowed.
,,Greetings to you Human, may your coffer never empty",the Goblin-teller also nodded his head and we moved over to the Important matter's at hand.
,,I with to lift up some Money out of my Vault", Sev stated and the Goblin-teller just nodded befor bringing us to the cart and driving us to our Vault, ,,Key please", the Goblin-teller stated and Sev handed him the key, the Goblin-teller then opened the Vault and Sev stepped inside the Vault filling a bag he pulled out with the Money.
Then the Goblin-teller brought us back to the main hall where we then Left Gringots and moved on to do the actually shopping and to Madame Malkins where i saw Drake being measured.
,,Hy Hadrian", he greeted me and i greeted back, we talked a little about witch house we want to be in he wants to be a Slytherin and i ether Ravenclaw or Slytherin, but Draco said i will of curse come with him to him into the Snake-pit.
,,Deary your done", interrupted Madame Malkins our conversation and handed Draco his Hogwarts-uniform, ,,By Hadrian, Uncle Sev" said Draco and walked over to his father tucking him along to meet up with his mother at Olivander's.
,,Well hop on deary", ripped Madame Malkins me out of my tough's and i stepped on the pedestal, she measured me and fitted the Hogwarts-uniform that it fit me befor handing it to me, Sev then paid for it like Mr. Malfoy did for Draco befor us.
Our next stop was Flourish and Blotts to get my school books, ,,Grade 1 i assume?", asked the Person by the teller, ,,Yes, that will be all", said Sev and handed the Person the money and took the books after shrinking them and then putting them in his robe pocked.
We then moved on to the pharmacy and got me the Preweeter (did i spell that right?) Cauldron size 2 and the Vials for Potion along with a new knives and Ingredients set, then to Olivander's for my Wand.
Sev and i stepped into the shop, the doorbell rung over us, but it seems as no one was there, Sev put some of the boxes he didn't shrink on the counter next to the door and stepped next to me in front of the teller, ,,Hello, Hello i asked into the room", then there was the sound of a shelf ladder driving toward's us and Mr. Olivander appeared on it.
He then stepped down the ladder, ,,I wonder when i'd be seeing you, Mr. Potter-Snape", he began and now was in front on the other side of the teller, he then moved to the shelf next to him and started to pull a Wand-box out of it.
,, It seems only Yesterday when your Father was in her buying his first Wand", he moved back to me, opened the Box and handed me the Wand Inside of it, ,,give it a wave", he said and his eyes began to sparkle in a wearied way, so i did but all the shelves started to open and the letters flew out of them, so he snatched the Wand out of my Hand and put it back into the Box.
He moved back toward's a shelf this time the one behind him and handed he the Wand to test, this time the Vase with the black roses exploded and i laid the Wand back on the teller in front of me taking a step back, Sev laid a hand on my shoulder witch made me look back up at him to see a reassuring smile gracing his face, it was a small one but none the less a Snape kinda Smile.
,,No no differently not", muttered Olivander and disappeared behind the mass of shelves, he came back with shaky hands and a weary smile, he handed me the wand, the room lit up in soft Grey-Blue light and i felt at peace, Sev nodded and Olivander let out a relived sight.
,,weary curious", said Olivander and put his hands together at i looked at him with a question on the tip of my lips but he broke me to it, ,,I remember every Wand i sold, Mr. Potter-Snape, it so happens that the Phoenix who gave the feather to his Wand had given two Feathers one Red and one Blue, i din't know witch Phoenix the Blue feather was from, but they still where given to me by the same", He took a deep breath and conduced his Tale, ,,The other Phoenix, witch belonged the Red Feather to, trilled as he gave me them, that's all i can tell you, and that the Phoenix, seems happy or something along these lines"
Then he gave me a wand holster where i put my Wand inside and snapped it to my wrist, Sev paid for the Wand and we moved to get home.