"Are you sure you want to do this?" Gaja asked trying to raise consciousness in the royals before him.
"Never in our entire lives have we been this sure" They proclaimed in unison. They both still couldn't believe they were finally going to achieve their longtime dream. They looked into each other's eyes as if searching for some iota of doubt. After some few minutes, Damianos broke the silence taking Zoe's hand, he moved to the priest.
"I hope you both know what you are about to do?" Gaja asked tentatively. He had no intentions of being an obstacle for fate's cause but he wanted them to know through his repeated questions that life was not always black and white.
"My hands are tied. It's my duty to grant you your wish" he continued after he noticed the tenaciousness in their reaction to his question.
"Then do what you are supposed to do and stop acting as if you have been constrained" Zoe groaned.
"yes, princess Zoe" Gaja said gasping
"Are you ready my light?" Damianos asked Zoe as he led her to the ring.
"Yes! Dami. It's high time the two leagues stopped their perpetual raging war" she blurted as they moved in a twirl making sure to not break their eye contact.
"Then let's put the past war to rest" Damianos shrieked. They were both brought back to reality when Gaja cleared his throat.
"Let's prepare the ritual for the vow" Gaja shrieked as he turned away from the two love birds who were oblivious of what was going to hit them hard when they were not looking.