Chereads / my stalker / Chapter 18 - Dark past

Chapter 18 - Dark past

" Why ! Why at a moment like this you have to come in my mind. I wanted her all my life so why now when I have her. what a nuisance ( sigh....) " kai to himself after arya left the room.

Next morning :

I was worried about Arya so I got some of her favourite chocolates and breakfast. I knocked on the door more than 10 times but she didn't answered. I was worried that maybe my actions hit her more harder than my words. I was regretting my decisions and suddenly the door opened. I saw her with a big smile on her face. her long hair just looking like a beautiful cascade. her eyes were sparkling but it was easy to know that she cried all night just by looking at her red dark circles and her how she bitted her own lips. I was concerned about her and I wanted to comfort her But looking at her made me pity myself. how can I treat someone so good and kind as her like this. I felt guilty.

" aren't you coming in " Arya asked with a cheerful voice.

" yes, looks like you just showered "

" yeah, have a seat I'll just dry my hair and will be back " Arya said in soft voice.

" okay and I brought breakfast and your favorite chocolates to apologize. I was wrong, I shouldn't have... "

" stop ! you no what. No one is perfect, every one with a bright future has a dark past. I know you must have gone through alot just like me looking at how strong and cold from outside but soft from inside you are. as far I know you, I know you don't like people who betray you or lie and hide things from you, but you are doing the same with me. it's okay, I know you must be worried but atleast think of me as someone you can share everything without I judging you. I want to know everything about you. so, take your time and open up yourself to me when you're comfortable. little by little, but atleast tell me something. " Arya with a teary and chocked voice.

I wanted to tell her that I love her. I wanted hug her and say everything I wanted to. I wanted to cry in her arms and let her know about all my worries and my dark past. but my voice stopped. it felt like we are together but our hearts are far away from eachother. I saw her leaving, I wanted to shout her name and say ' ARYA, I LOVE YOU ' ,

I ran and hugged from behind and cried out all my tears i have holded back all these years. I whispered in her ears that " there's a bright spot in every dark cloud, and you are my bright spot. I love you "

alas! reality hits. I realised I was still sitting there on the chair and she already left to dry her hairs. it was all an imagination or you can say hallucination, but it felt really good. I regretted not acting at the right time. a drop of tear slightly dropped from my eyes, then I realised that finally I have found something I want to protect. I promised myself to protect her till I die withy life and love, I won't let her die like my close ones died.

we got in the car and started our journey to the way back to home. I tried holding her hand but she refused. I was wondering if she sees me the way I do her, but deep down I knew that she sees me as a murderer, psychopath, devil, satan, monster, kidnapper and all that shit... ofcourse I know that she still hasn't got out of the mental drama but still it was worrying me that I might lose her again this time, and I was really afraid about it.

"Did you had someone you loved 'Romantically' ". a sudden surprising question from Arya.

" yes, I had someone I loved. why all of a sudden "

" can you tell me about her, I know you pushed me because of her memories, don't you ? " Arya with a cold voice

" you are right, I don't want to hide anything from you that might break or make misunderstandings our relationship in anyway. I will tell you everything in short "

" No ! I wanna know everything, ever small moment you had with her till your kiss and your first night wit...."

" stop, I don't know why you are acting so jealous and protective. I know you love me and I love you and only you. she was one of the dark spots in my life and you don't need to be jealous of her. I will tell you everything and then we will end this topic, forever"

" okay, fine but I'm not jealous but just curious" Arya while pouting.

" okay, okay my little cute kitty. she was a college student and my classmate. apart from that she was a bar dancer at the place I use to go disguised as Alexander the Mafia group leader. once I got exposed by her, she said she won't tell anyone unless I and her go out every Saturday night to eat ice cream. firstly I thought it was kinda cute and she liked me. we started developing emotions for eachother and sharing our family problems and worries. we sympathized eachother and maybe because of that we got more close. alas! I realised it late that she was just using me to get the information for other mafia group as they were paying her for it. the big mafia war tooked place, bloodshed everywhere. we won. I let her live cause I knew that she was going through the same as me and she did all this for her family but I loved her really. she begged me that she was not faking the love but I didn't believe her. I never saw her face again. that's it "

" you told me in short. anyway did you kissed and slept with her " suspicious Arya

" I was only 19 or 20. I was immature and blind in love. we kissed several times but I only slept with her once. Im sorry if you feel jealous. I will give you what you want soon ;) "

" that's fine it's all past know but I don't want anyone other than me to get the feeling of your lips, again I repeat " pouting.

" sure sweetie "

Arya - " • • • • • " ( processing completed )

one second, did you just said that 'you will give me what I want soon' what's that suppose to mean.

kai - haha, whatever you think.

" you pervert " Arya shouted.

{ it felt good, we cheered up and were soon going to arrive at home and then I realised that there was a big mission I need to complete behind kai's back. I was little scared cause I knew he don't like liers but I wanted to find it out by myself that what was he hiding behind my back other than knowing it from his mouth as he was already hidding somethings and his real personality from me }