Qin Yi's thoughts were apparent to Chen Feng, but he did not voice them.
In the hours that followed, Chen Feng and Qin Yi spent more than two in Lian Jin's home. Chen Feng glanced at the darkening sky outside, wanting to leave.
However, when Chen Feng expressed his wish to depart, Lian Jin held him back.
"Leave? Why leave now? Don't leave tonight, just stay here with Qin Yi. My place isn't big, but I have plenty of rooms, so don't worry,"
Lian Jin said with a smile.
"Aunt Lian, I'm a bit busy, I'm afraid..."
"Oh, come on, no matter how busy you are, it's not urgent at this very moment, don't make excuses,"
Lian Jin said, still smiling.
Chen Feng chuckled wryly.
It seemed Lian Jin was determined to keep him here.
And the thought behind Lian Jin's insistence was worth pondering.
"Chen Feng, why don't we just stay the night? You said yourself that you had nothing on today,"
Qin Yi said with a smile.
"Alright then,"
Chen Feng reluctantly agreed.