A great man once said, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." He should have added an "aw, fuck it" on the end? That's the part I can't get right. "Fuck it, and fuck you," I say it, and I think it, and I never believe it.
You got me. Damn you, Anastasia, you got me.
The goddamn woman has just gone all Ancient on me and she seems to be out to prove a point.
Well, I am guessing her point is firmly directed at the fact that I moved our child to a location where only I can find him.
So her curse is still firmly within the depths of that body.
And I am going to give it to her, she is fucking strong, but god, now she has pissed me off. She is getting her shit right back.
Two seconds ago I had somewhat of a tinkle of feeling, my blood is boiling and all I can see around me is complete red as my anger is now only but flaring.