Chereads / Blue Lock: 13 Steps / Chapter 32 - Second Selection

Chapter 32 - Second Selection

Isagi kept a stern expression on his face as he followed the rest of Team Z towards The Second Selection.

'I will destroy you all with my power!' Thought Isagi as they entered through the doors. Into the pentagon-shaped room. Before he could look at his competition, Isagi slowly turned around as he felt someone's finger aggressively poke his back.

"Isagi, I meant to tell you this but, I was spending time consoling my team after we lost to you guys but, I think it's only right I pay you back," declared Sho.

Isagi tried to think of a comeback but was interrupted as Jinpachi Ego's voice projected through the five large screens on the walls.

"Hey there, unpolished gems. Good work with all the physical training. Twenty-five players from each stratum have gathered here today, meaning 125 of you have managed to pass the First Selection. I'm sure some sharp ones among you have noticed this already but, there was no such thing as a first, second, third, or even fourth stratum. Only the fifth stratum existed in Blue Lock. All of you thought you were the worst team among Blue Lock and fought like morons in the First Selection." Stated Jinpachi as he stuck his middle finger out.

"You lied to us? Then made us train like madmen! Are you trying to fucking kill us?" Yelled a nearby Blue Lock Player.

"Of course I am. It was for the sake of killing any ounce of confidence you might have had." Jinpachi announced as he looked down on them in disdain. He then raised his arms from their sides, propped his glasses up to the bridge of his nose then pointed to his head.

"I devised this trick to nurture the hungry mindset in every one of you so that one of you will become the best striker in the world. Take Noel Noa, for example. Regarded as the best striker in the world. He was raised around crime and violence in the slums of France. He had to change his fate, and his only option was football. If you stay stuck in this country's mindset, where you'd be fine with losing in football, you'll never reach his level. Being hungry for a goal is why Blue Lock was born because that hungry ego will change this world." Jinpachi declared.

"Now that that's finished. Let's begin the Second Selection."

"From now on, using state-of-the-art facilities, you'll rise from level 1 to 100. The Second Selection consists of five states, only those who clear the previous stages will be allowed to move on. If you complete the fifth stage and pass the Second Selection, you'll participate in a training camp with some of the World's Best Players that I handpicked. The first stage will be individual, so enter through the gate once you are mentally prepared."

Sho had enough of Jinpachi rambling on and closed his eyes mentally, preparing himself. After a few seconds, he reopened his eyes and aggressively nudged Bachira to the side as he leisurely walked through the open gate, as it closed behind him.

The well-lit corridor slowly became darker as the gate behind him slowly shut. In the dark hallway, big steel doors had "1st Stage" written on them.

'I'm getting pretty excited,' thought Sho as he cracked his knuckles.

Sho pressed his hands against the cold metal doors, forcing them open. Past the metal doors lies a big square room surrounded by metallic white panels.

Suddenly one of the many metallic white panels on the walls opened, revealing a football ball as it shot out towards Sho. He stopped it immediately then looked around in confusion until a hologram of a goalkeeper and a goal popped into existence.

'So I'm supposed to score against this hologram,' thought Sho.

The well-lit room slowly dimmed as the ground projected a big circle gradually shrinking.

'I can only move in this tight ass circle? Well, I'm game.' Thought Sho as he used about fifty percent of his power and shot past the hologram.

After scoring his first goal, another projection of his time limit and the number of goals needed appeared into existence.

"Alright, 99 more to go." Stated Sho as he stretched his legs.

After thirty or so goals, the level skyrocketed. Four figures stood in front of Sho blocking, him from different areas of the goal.

"Now it's starting to heat up." Said Sho as he stretched his arms.

Anri Teirei gazed in Sho's direction as she watched him through a small twenty-four-inch monitor.

"This stage will allow them to refine their talent and evolve it. Everybody has taken the first steps towards the next dimension but, they won't reach it if they fail here." Aimlessly explained by Jinpachi

He intently analyzed multiple players through the multitude of screens ahead of him until he saw the first player to reach the final level of the First Stage.

"Anri zoomed in on Itoshi Rin."

Anri quickly grabbed a nearby controller and clicked on Itoshi's screen, enlarging it.

"Truly another level. Rin's grasping the situation and reacting to it at a near pro level. " Claimed Jinpachi as he marveled at his skill.

Both Jinpachi and Anri analyzed Rin's every move as he effortlessly finished his 100 goals. The same confident look stayed in his eyes as he leisurely walked towards the next stage of The Second Selection.

Sho finally got to the last level of the first stage as he began having trouble with the ball's oncoming spin and trajectory.

Sho let the ball pass by him as he soon realized he couldn't get past this level without using everything he's learned in Blue Lock at once. He heard the same metallic panel rise as it revealed an oncoming ball. Before it was set free from its confines, Sho released his Superior Spatial Awareness.

Sho ran straight to the most optimal shooting spot as he read the positions of the defenders and keeper. With seventy-five percent of his power, he shot the ball past the moving defenders and into the top right of the goal.

''This is pretty fun.' Thought Sho as he kept on reading everything's positions and kicking the ball in the most optimal spots.

Then with 10 minutes left to go, Sho roared in excitement as he finished off The First Stage of The Second Selection. After his sudden outburst, he skipped towards the exit and slowly prepared him for the Second Stage.

'I have what it takes to win.' Thought Sho as he followed the arrows on the ground.

Sho covered his eyes from the bright lights in the small room as he saw half a dozen or so other players waiting there. All of their unwanted gazes stared through his chest as he found a corner to himself and patiently waited for his target.

'Move forward in teams of three, huh? I'd imagine we'll be fighting in teams of three against each other.' Thought Sho as he eagerly awaited Isagi.


Who would you like to see Sho pair up with for the upcoming 3v3 match?

n I tend to say "as he," a lot so any other good word choices besides that?

discord: amo#5850 . Comment your discord name before you add me!