Shizuoka Gakuen's regional record that year was an undefeated 14-0. The following season, Sho's second year of school started off with an amazing 7-0 record.
A 5'7, 14 year old kid named Sho, is currently sleeping in his last class of the day, and was halfway through it.
The teacher, Mr. Ishida, had enough of Sho constantly sleeping in his class. He walked over to Sho's desk, kicked it and yelled in Sho's ears to wake up.
Sho quickly grabbed his ears as they began to ring. He angrily looked at Mr. Ishida and thought
Sho: 'If he does that one more time, I'm going to ki**....'
The teacher interrupted his thought as he said
Mr. Ishida: "You can go to the office Sho. All school year, you've been sleeping in class, and haven't been following the uniform policy. Go, go. Get out, I don't want to see your face for the rest of the day."
As each day passed, Sho's hatred for the school continued to grow. He was constantly yelled at about not having his tie tightened all the way up his neck, and constantly belittled for playing football. Sometimes he wished he never got invited to this school
Sadly for all of Shizuoka Gakuen, today was the day Sho was not tolerating anyone, and his teacher stuck a nail into his coffin. Out of nowhere Mr. Ishida furiously said something he shouldn't have.
Mr. Ishida: "That's why you don't know your whore mother!"
The whole room immediately went quiet as Sho let his emotions get the better of him. The combined feelings of being exhausted, angry, and somewhat annoyed set Sho off.
He grabbed his chair, and threw it in his teacher's direction.
Everyone in the room had a flabbergasted expression as Sho's chair flew through the sky right into Mr. Ishida's face
Half the class giggled at Mr. Ishida's pain while the other half carried worried expressions on their faces as they went to his aid.
As soon as the chair left Sho's hands, he knew he threw away his chance at staying here.
Sho grabbed his backpack and intensively watched as some of his classmates went to his teacher's aid while he writhed in pain in the fetal position.
One of his classmates frantically ran out of the classroom, and told nearby teachers what Sho did.
In nearly 30 seconds, 3 teachers from neighboring classes stormed into Mr. Ishida's class. 2 teachers angrily escorted Sho out of the class, towards the principal's office, while the other teacher tended to Mr. Ishida making sure he was alright.
Both teachers guided Sho into one of the many chairs in the principal's office and told the principal what Sho did. With a disappointed expression, the principal got on the phone with Sho's guardian Yoruichi and patiently waited for her to show up.
During the time it took Yoruichi to get to the school, Sho had a heart to heart with the principal and tried to explain what had happened from his point of view, but to no avail.
After Yoruichi made it to the school, the principal explained what Sho did and upsettingly said
Principal: "You've been excellent for our football program and I've heard so many great things from Coach Kataoka. I didn't want to have to do this but, you leave me no choice. Sorry Sho but you're expelled from Shizuoka Gakuen Junior High School.
Sho stared up at the rain clouds as both Yoruichi and Sho walked off the school premise. Yoruichi tugged at Sho's shoulder and sympathetically said
Yoruichi: "What did you do? I want your truth Sho."
Sho: "I'd prefer if we found a place to sit before I told you my truth."
So both Yoruichi and Sho found a bench overlooking a local park and talked for as long as they could before the rain began descending onto them. They both lightly jogged back home and continued their talk for the rest of the night. They finished their conversation with Sho explaining to Yoruichi about how serious he was about football.
Yoruichi: "Sho what you don't understand is that money doesn't grow on trees. I paid for all 3 years of schooling there, and you barely even lasted 1 and a half years . What am I gonna do with you?"
Sho tried to interject as she paused to breath but Yoruichi cut him off and continued on her rant
Yoruichi: "I see the love for football in your eyes, but what scares me is what lies beneath all that love, your resentment. I know life dealt you a bad hand but learn to appreciate what you have now, alright."
Sho hung on every word Yoruichi said as he hugged her and continuously apologized for what he did.
Yoruichi walked off to her room, not before mischievously grinning and said
Yoruichi: "You stood up for yourself, so don't think that I'm still not proud of you, and if I'm being honest with myself, I would have killed him."
As Sho watched Yoruichi walk out of his view he went into his room, sat on his futon and focused on entering his mindscape.
He instantaneously made it in front the door and began analyzing each chain. Some were darker than black, while others were whiter than white. One thing Sho's yet to understand was why some of these chains began moving up and down, and occasionally erratic in a zigzag formation.
Their were auras in these 2 chains, that explosively grew after his first Junior High school football game last year, and one of them were about ready to be unlocked.
It was small in size but one of the only moving chains in Sho's ominous mindscape.
A small key spawned into his hand as he unlocked the door. With a controlled breath, Sho made it back to his room with a massive headache as all the information of the new skill was processed into his brain.
Sho spent the rest of the night, mesmerizing each detail regarding the new ability he unlocked, and slept.
I want peoples opinions on what fanfic they want to see next, it can be one piece, diamond no ace, bleach etc. anything anime related.
I won't be able to start the new fic until I'm done with this one though.
Next Chapter: Mukashi Kara no Tomo Da