I woke up to a white pillow and a slowly suspiring stomach. Cera was fiddling with my hair and reading some document with her other hand.
"mm" I tugged the document away and cusped her hand between mine. I nestled my forehead on her stomach, pretending to be a cat.
"Good morning. You slept for three hours." Cera slid her fingers from the top of my scalp all the way to the end of my hair, sending waves of comfort down my spine.
"It's time to get up. You got me and the couch all dirty. Noire is going to be upset. It's hard to remove blood stains." She continued moving her hand and it made me not want to get up.
"Just a bit longer. Please?" I tried my best to sound miserable and convincing.
"Nope." She pinched my cheek.
"We're going to go shower and then it's time for your punishment. I told you not to cause a scene and what did you do?" She took her hand back and forced me to get up.