It was past afternoon, and Ruth was pacing back and forth in her chamber. Since Zoe had arrived in Vincardine, she had not left Edwin's side even for a second. Even after lunch, they sat talking with Elsie. Lester wanted to join them, but knowing the tensions brewing between him and the duo of cousins, he decided to keep his focus on his work.
Edwin insisted that Ruth too join them, and she did for some time, only to regret her decision. Every conversation began with Edwin and Zoe's friendship, only to end with the same thing. Ruth was telling herself to not mind it, but how long she could go on like that? She was a woman after all!
She excused herself, saying she had something important to do. She expected Edwin to follow her or at least ask her what was that important work, but he didn't. He was too busy catching up with his best friend that he didn't care anymore about his mate.