Chapter 4 - 4

"Wait what you want me to do" Michael asked taking a bite out of one of Mythellonias slimy delicacies.

"Climb this mountain" Dragonaut replied.

Staring at the mountain wall for a few seconds Mike walked up to it and rubbed on its smooth surface. "Yea that aint hapning" he replied not feeling a crack on the wall.

"And why is that"

Taking another bite Michael gazed at his teacher as if he were dumb. "Aint no way up dere and I aint got no tools."

"What do you mean you have all the tools you need" Dragonaut said reaching for his pupil head.

Leaping backwards and throwing up his guard out of habit Mike laughed. "What's that?"

"Your mind of course."

Nodding his head Mike said "Okay! Okay! Imma need mo info den that fam."

"I don't know what else to tell you besides if you can believe you can achieve."

Finishing off his Grignet Michael looked at his sensei one last time. Shrugging his shoulders, he said, "Aite!" Walking up to the mountain Mike visualized the way lizards and other reptiles climbed up trees, houses, and so forth, knowing he could do the same considering he was a Dragon.

Studying his disciple demeanor Dragonaut couldn't find an ounce of nervousness or doubt in his body gesture as Mike kicked off his shoes.

Placing his hands on the mountain Michael pictured his fingers sticking to the mountain. "Hol' up…" he thought as he begun to climb up the mountain. "Mayne this too good to be true"

Shaking his head as Mike begun to slide down the wall Dragonaut said. "Let me guess you thought this is unreal or something in that manner."

Looking back at his teacher Michael said. "Hell yea! How ya know."

Letting out a small chuckle Dragonaut replied "because you slid back down. At this point you have to stay focus on what your imagining or else you will fail."

"Mayne that's messed up why can't a brudda just climb up dat hoe."

"Because your subconscious hasn't yet picked up on the habit. You will have to practice and practice until Hypnotic Rhythm takes charge and make everything automated."

Nodding his head Mike replied "Aite, bet. I got ya."

Three hours later. Losing focus from the excitement of reaching the top Michael begun to slide down the mountain.

Grabbing hold to his student wrist Dragonaut said. "Someone got excited a little early."

Rubbing the back of his head and laughing Mike replied. "Hell yea! Thank ya mayne, ya boy was bout, to be outta dere.

Noticing the sweat and salt on his pupil body Dragonaut dug in his dogi pulling out a tube. "You are going to need this."

"Fo what?" Michael asked reaching for the tube he could feel the muscles in his arms tightening up. "Fuhhhh" he shouted.

"I take it you just found out."

Bending over to grab the tube Mike leg begun to cramp up. Staring from the tube to Dragonaut Mike said. "Say mayne, imma need ya to rub me dine. No homo."

Suppressing a laugh Dragonaut replied. "Are you sure I don't want to make you feel feminine or anything."

Thinking about how he went off on Master Dragonaut the day before Mike said. "Look bo, that was yestahday. You gotta let that ish go."

"Alright I'll help you but remember this" Dragonaut said, grabbing the tube off the ground.

"Bo, I told you bout, that gay shit" Mike said snapping at his sensei for rubbing on his back.

Squatting to look at his disciple eye to eye Dragonaut smiled. "I just made your dogi 300 times heavier. Lesson one always have a plan, motive, or desire in every step you take."

Grunting as he struggled to move Michael stared up at his teacher. "Mayne you a hoe."

"What is it you like to say? Ummm, someone has to be, fuck it. yea I believe that's it."

"You an asshole" Michael said glaring at his Sensei.

"By nature, and you will get over it." Dragonaut replied.

Letting out a faint laugh Michael became annoyed at the fact his sensei was using his own phrases against him. Taking a deep breath, he said. "Say bo I aint ask fo yo commentary. And put this bitch back on zero!"

Sitting Indian style Dragonaut replied. "Relax" as he put the dogi back on zero.

Standing up over his sensei Michael stretched and made gestures as if he were going to strike.

Undeterred Dragonaut gestured for Mike to sit down. "You going to join me."

"Yeaaah ion know how tah sit like dat."

Rubbing his hands together Dragonaut said. "No problem I can fix that."

Throwing up his hands Mike replied. "Hol' up, hell naw I'm good."

In a snap of his fingers Dragonaut had his pupil chained to him, back to back. "This is going to hurt."

"Wait whaa" is all Michael could muster out before the snap of his legs changed his words to a shriek of pain.

"Quit whining" Dragonaut said annoyed. "You going to heal anyway."

"I aint whining" Michael barked. "And I still can't sit Indian style."

"Of course, not you will have to do a series of stretches for that. I was truly just getting that part out of the way you'll benefit later. But anyways lets, get started."

"How, I can't even sit properly."

"Right it doesn't even matter your position, just that you're comfortable."

Mugging his teacher Michael propped himself on the wall. "Bool, let's get this popping a bruda ready to eat."

"Before you can learn the use of your, power you must first learn how to control your emotions."

"Shiiiit I already got them hoes on lock."

Staring at his disciple more than several occasions slid through Dragonaut mind where Michael lost control of his anger. "Yeaaaa I'll be the judge of that."

"Know what else you can judge?" Mike asked looking serious.

"What might they be"

"My Dick!"

Ignoring his student Dragonaut said. "This next hour I will give you an emotion and I want you to become that emotion."

Hour later

"Bout time gramps let get this ish popping." Mike said rubbing his hands.

"Alright then first things first. Imma need you to sit Indian style." Dragonaut joked.

"Say quit playing with me Bo." Michael replied shooting daggers out of his eyes.

"Alright, Alright I'm going to get serious." Dragonaut said, placing his hands five inches apart in front of his solar plexus an orange ball of energy appeared. "This is my G-Force."

"Bo, I watch anime. I know bout aura. So, ion need you tah to tell me what it is just how tah use it."

"Okay well, do you know what infinite intelligence is?"

"Hell naw" Michael replied.

"Well, then I will start there but before I get started. I have a question?"

"What go dine"

"What are your views on religion."

"What kinda question is that?" Mike asked scratching his head. "I mean honestly ion know what to think but I do know one thing I believe there is one true God and that his son Jesus Christ died for our sins."

Nodding his head Dragonaut smiled. "Well then this will be much easier than I thought." Taking a seat Dragonaut glanced up at his student. "So, you believe that all things were created by one being."

"Of course."

"Okay so did you know that all things are connected with that one eternal being."

"Yea?" Michael said perplex about what his sensei was leading up to.

"Well then you also know that energy is neither created nor destroyed."

"Yea they teach us that in school but what's your point."

"I'm getting to it. Relax. Okay now do you also know that the energy inside of us is connected to that being through his son Christ correct."

"I mean yea that's why he died for us."

"Okay one last question did you know that there are two forms of energy."

"Okay look now I'm lost what does this have to do with my power."

"These two forms of energy are positive and negative. Our thoughts control what energy we, use and our minds are what bring about all the things that occur to us because of the thoughts. Those who learn to use the Christ within learn how to gain control of that infinite intelligence."

"Aite and how do I do that."

"Through your belief system of course. Your faith and desires, in order to manifest, you must learn to Imagine what you want then believe that it is possible in order to create it."

"So, all I have to do is believe and that's it."

"Yes, but you also have to put in the work and be definite about what you want no doubts, no fears, no worries only faith."

"Yea, Yea…." Stopping in mid-sentence Michael begun to understand what his teacher was saying. "Aite, so I believe in myself I can draw power from the infinite intelligence himself."

"Basically! But You are using the power from your inner God and the outer God is making it happen. Your knowledge of Law and your faith will make you unstoppable, long as you put in the work."

Rubbing his hands, a smirk crossed Michael's face. "Beeeet! Is that it."

"Of course, not but you will have to put in the work to figure out the rest."

"Hakuna Matata gramps I got ya." Mike said propping himself up on the mountain he commenced to drawing out his life energy. "Wait before I get started, I have a question."

"What is it."

"The reason you wanted me to learn emotion control is so I can learn how to control the two energies."

"Exactly positivity brings it about while negativity scares it away."

"Aite" Placing his headphones in his ear Michael turned on an instrumental. Visualizing himself in a forest filled with every living creature imaginable he begun to intermingle with them as if he were a child. Growing a bond with nature including the river, stones, and trees Michael found himself eventually reaching a place of serenity. Feeling this emotion of peace and love in his heart Mike drew upon it creating a golden sphere between his palms.

"Excellent" Dragonaut shouted positioning himself beside Michael.

Awakening from his meditative state Mike barely caught a glimpse of the sphere of energy before it disappeared. Turning his gaze towards his Master, Michael felt almost high. "Mayne that feels good."

"And that's only the beginning" Dragonaut said cocking his arm back he punched the mountain making a crater. "This will be your next task."

Standing up Mike watched as the hole regenerated but the crater left an imprint in his mind. Fired up Michael punched the wall fracturing every bone from his hand up to his forearm.

Laughing as his pupil eyes teared up Dragonaut said. "Hypnotic rhythm, haven't kicked in yet you still have to create the habit of using your power."