The Fang specimen hovered in the air for a moment, tense, her barrier of swirling, freezing mana still raging around her to guard her against any physical attack. She stared at the glacier she had forged, and it utterly dwarfed her, the top of its wave-like structure reaching far into the sky.
The scale of the attack had been enormous enough that the Fang was confident she had finally frozen the disgusting false dragon, the one who Valtr had dared to choose over her. Anything frozen in here would never escape from its boundaries, and it was only a matter of shattering the glacier with her magic to completely destroy all living creatures within.
Yet, the Fang specimen could not shake off a sense of unease. Her animalistic combat instincts telling her the fight was not yet over. She waited for a few seconds, projecting faint blue tendrils of mana outwards. Lighter colored strands that were meant to scout areas where they touched.