The sun had started to set behind Tethore by the time the masters of the estate finally returned. Calluna had ended up falling asleep for the majority of the day, the fatigue of constant travel still weighing on her recovering body heavily. Her two confidants had resigned themselves to doing their usual tasks when she laid down to take a nap, and weren't in her room when she awoke.
The crown prince sat up carefully on the mattress, a loud (and painful) yawn pressing past her lips as she did. She groaned to herself quietly at the soreness and reached to her travel bag that rested beside her on the bed. She pulled out the leather-bound journal she wrote all of her findings in to do some last minute studying before she met with the Baron and Baroness.
She also decided to write a small entry, as she hadn't had the chance to do so very often during their travels thus far.
"What's this? Is it a diary?" He jeered.
"Sort of, I guess," the prince replied, trying to keep a straight face.
"Oh, of course. Pages after pages," Calluna teased.
"I can't read it." Vincenzo decided.
"Nope," she said, wiping a tear from her eye. "I guess my confessions of love will have to wait."
"It's not even in Kili. What the hell language is this? Did you make it up yourself?"
"If you wouldn't mind, a little help getting up would be nice."
"Could you teach me swordplay once I'm in better health?"
He tilted his head slightly, "Sure."
"What, did you not expect me to ask that?"
"That's good, then. Should we go?" Calluna asked.
"It is. I'm taking it very seriously, as well. That's what this tour is for, after all."