"If you don't, we will find you. We will come for you, and we will kill you. And believe me when I say this, we are very good at that," I said.
「Good luck,」 Mr. Kidnappy McKidapper replied.
Well, well, would you get a load of this fucking idiot. Just what I would expect from someone who kidnaps in broad daylight.
"Wind speed?" I asked after muting the communication channel connected to Lecia's ring.
"To think someone would be this bad at being a spotter..."
Good grief. Maybe I should put Neia aside and train Mr. Cat first.
For now, let's just take an educated guess.
Mm, yes, the wind speed is pretty fucking fast today.
I mean, we are high above in the sky, so it's only natural for the wind to be strong here. Roughly speaking, the wind is blowing in the Northeast direction.
That should suffice for today's exercise.
Time to finesse these motherfuckers.