⟦Welcome to the dungeon 'The Exalt's Memories'.⟧
Wow. I like this hospitality.
⟦Member Count: 2/10.⟧
Hmm, seems like the dungeon has a limit on how many people can enter at once. Also, it seems to have recognised the duo of me and Neia as a party.
Interesting. The dungeon has a system in place to ensure that the native species of this world cannot abuse the dungeon.
I mean, if the member limit didn't exist, countries of this world would just send entire armies to clear dungeons through brute force.
Not only would doing that prevent the humans from evolving to better fight the Agressors, it would also cripple entire countries in case something went wrong inside the dungeon and they lose their armies.
The entry limit stops that from happening.
It also increases the quality of fighters by forcing them to send only the best people to clear the dungeon.
So basically, this is just an average dungeon system.