Chereads / The Star Child Games / Chapter 4 - CHAPTER 003: Jogging mishap...

Chapter 4 - CHAPTER 003: Jogging mishap...

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, a fierce battle in the skies was taking place. An obese man with warty skin leapt from rooftop to rooftop, a small sack in one hand and a pistol in the other.

Behind him, a young woman dressed in black flew after him atop an 8 ft paper airplane. She was short and skinny, standing at 5'5" and probably weighing no more than 100lbs soaking wet. Her outfit consisted of a black hoodie, black face mask, black jeans, and black boots.

"Stop right there, criminal scum," she said while taking one hand out of her hoodie pocket and extending it forward. The hand suddenly morphed into a blade, extending forward in an attempt to stab the man. When it got within a few feet of him, however, the warty man performed a nimble mid air dodge to avoid the strike.

"Your aim sucks, girly!"

"Are you sure about that," she asked teasingly.

Sensing danger, the obese man looked down in horror to see his belt had been cut. He landed on the next roof, causing his pants to fall from the impact. This, coupled with his already fast movement speed, sent the obese man hurdling off the edge of the roof.

"Should we pursue," the paper airplane suddenly asked, its voice decidedly feminine. The woman atop her shook her head before grabbing a walkie talkie on her belt.

"Rock, you there?"

"Roger," a female voice answered.

"Target dropped in the alleyway across from bradley comics. ETA?"

"I'm already there. Hey watch out!" the voice suddenly exclaimed as a car's tires screeching resounded across the shopping district.

Unfortunately, the woman in black was too late to react. A prehensile tongue was attached to the nose of the paper airplane and, with a sudden jerk, all three fell down into the alley.

The paper airplane unfolded, revealing a woman who appeared to be made of paper. Her figure was voluptuous but, being 2 dimensional, it looked more like the handy-work of a horny teen than an actual person. Her skin was white as a sheet after all, so one could easily mistake this for a paper doll.

fluttering in the air like a whip, this paper woman wrapped herself around obese man, forcing him into a mid-air wrestling contest. The woman in black, meanwhile, had already turned both hands into blades.

But, just as she was about to thrust them in the wall, that same voice from the walkie talkie yelled,

"Don't you dare, scissors! We can't afford the premiums!"

"Catch me then!" The woman in black yelled.

Not even a second later, a figure rapidly approach her from the ground. This figure was massive, standing at least 6'5", but otherwise her appearance was just like a sporty white girl fresh out of college. She wore a pink tank top, black yoga pants, and running shoes. Her hair was blonde, yet her skin was the color of stone, creating an odd contrast.

She slammed into Scissors at high speed, causing the girl in black to get instantly winded.

"Gotcha!" the gray skin woman said cheerily.

"I didn't mean catch me in mid air! You'll do way more damage than me on landing."

"Oh yeah..." she responded with a guilty expression as they landed, her impact cracking the concrete in a meter wide area around her.

"Hey, where's paper," she asked while shaking the dust off her gray legs.

"Oh shit, we forgot about toady! Put me down, put me down!" the woman in black yelled while flailing about, looking very much like a child throwing a tantrum in the arms of that gray skin girl.

Outside the alley, that obese toady in question had just finished tying the paper girl around a lamp post. He surveyed the area and spotted a parked car across the street, still running with keys in the ignition.

"How lucky can I be," he said aloud while crossing the road. There was not another car in sight as he approached his new getaway vehicle.

5 meters left... 2 meters left... just a few steps left...

He reached his hand towards the door, only for his animal instincts to scream.


It frightened the fat man so much that flop sweat appeared all over his body. He quickly turned in the direction of the danger, only to see an empty road.

"What the hell?"

Just as he thought his hybrid senses had failed him, an immense pain suddenly ceased him. He tried to scream, but found he could not. The obese man shuddered, before twisting in on himself. After reaching a roughly doughnut shape, he exploded.

Out of the explosion, a young man covered in viscera tripped and fell before skidding on the road for a short distance.

"I knew spaghetti step was a bad idea," Logan said while standing back up and wiping the blood out of his eyes.

"Stop right there!" a voice called out from his side.

He turned to see a white woman in her early twenties, dressed entirely in black.

"Is it Halloween already,"

he absentmindedly asked the girl, triggering uproarious laughter from the gray skin girl and stuck paper girl behind her. The woman's face went red, and she responded harshly.

"How dare you! I am a licensed super hero, mister. Now would you care to explain how you terminated our suspect?"

"Suspect? Hero? Am I in trouble, officer? I was just out on an afternoon jog when this guy assaulted me with his innards! I would like to press charges immediately! Can you assist me, officer?"

His smile, even when obscured by blood, remained radiant. This triggered even more laughter from her friends. She spun on her heels and accosted them next.

"And what are you two doing! Quit playing on the lamp post and come help me already!"

"I'm stuck!" the paper girl called out in righteous indignation.

"A likely excuse. And you, dumbo! Talking to me about property damage, do you know how much a concrete panel costs! A lot more to us than it does the people who get paid to clean up after you. I hear there's a whole squad dedicated to us now!"

"Oh, she is really steaming now," The gray skin woman commented to the paper girl, as if she were watching an entertaining tv show.

"Can you please help me get unstuck," she replied, growing ever more frustrated.

"Should I come back at a later time," Logan asked sneakily, prompting all three girls to yell


"Well can you at least take me somewhere to get a shower before we continue your questions? I reek of fish gut."

The woman in black sighed audibly for over a minute, before responding,

"fine. We will take you back to our secret base for questioning! Now help us get paper unstuck so we can get out of here."

"Oh, right."

"Wipe those hands before you touch me! I stain easily," the paper girl howled, but the other three collectively agreed to ignore her.