The adventures of Rainbow Academy

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

In the morning, Kanisha opens the door.

She has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes.

"How may I help you?" Kanisha asks the person at the door.

The person is revealed to be a 15-year-old girl who has long silver hair on one side and black hair on the other side, brown skin, wearing a white jacket, dark blue dress, and heels.

Her name is Moon Dozen.

"Nice to meet you, Kanisha, I'm Moon Dozen", said Moon Dozen.

"Hello, and why do you know my name?" Kanisha wondered.

"I am a Yzmber, it's like a fortune teller but I also drain those people that have nothing but darkness in their hearts", said Moon Dozen.

A yawn is heard.

Which is revealed to be coming from A girl who has long blonde hair, wearing a pink nightgown.

Her name is Kisa.

Kisa is wiping her eyes and leans in Kanisha.

"Are you serious? Listen, you may get me to believe that from the television, but we're in real life and I don't believe. Okay, I believe in some supernatural stuff, just not what you're saying", Kanisha smirks.

"Is that so? I guess we should ask your little friend that same question", Moon Dozen smirks, as she points to Kisa.

Kisa and Kanisha looked surprised.

"She doesn't mean me?" Kisa asks Kanisha.

You see, Kanisha lives with us are her imaginary friends.

Kisa is one of them.

Kisa hides behind Kanisha.

"You could've just guessed after all I have a YouTube channel where I blankly say I have imaginary friends and have them with me everywhere, so you better give me a better answer", Kanisha pointed out.

"I guess then I'll have to try something else, how about", said Moon Dozen.

Moon Dozen shows off her magic skills by opening a portal.

"Impossible, it must be an illusion", said Kanisha, in disbelief.

"I don't feel sick or have a headache", said Kisa.

"Seems I'm making a believer out of your friend", Moon Dozen figured out.

"She isn't the only one", admitted Sciencia.

Sciencia has long brown hair, brown skin, wearing a white dress with a belt that has test tubes in the pouches, a test tube on her head, and test tubes on her shoes.

"I'm afraid to tell you, what she is doing is indeed real", said Sciencia.

"Sciencia, you can't be serious", Kanisha reacted.

"I am, but that doesn't mean you should trust this woman, Dumbra it's time", Sciencia tells her friend.

A girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a purple shirt with no sleeves, blue pants, and white shoes holding an ax is revealed.

That girl is Dumbra.

"Sciencia is right, Kanisha, this is quite real", said Dumbra,then walks to Moon Dozen. "But as she said that doesn't mean we want you to enter this house or anywhere near Kanisha".

"My what a protective sister, but I'm not here to hurt her, in fact I'm here to give her an invitation here", Moon Dozen informs Dumbra.

"Are you insane? I can't touch human objects, my hands would go through", Dumbra told Moon Dozen.

"Try it, and please put down the ax", Moon Dozen suggested.

Dumbra throws the ax, takes the paper, and the ax shrinks.

The ax lands on Dumbra's head.

"Who are you? What are you?" Dumbra asks Moon Dozen, while holding the paper.

"There's no need to be afraid, after all I'm not here to cause trouble, I'm here to recruit Kanisha", said Moon Dozen.

"Recruit?" Kanisha questioned.

"To a school", said Dumbra, while looking at the paper.

"Indeed, that was the reason I brought", said Moon Dozen, then revealed a bag. "This".

Moon Dozen throws the bag to Kanisha.

Sciencia catches the bag instead.

"What is it?" Kanisha asks Moon Dozen.

"A uniform", said Moon Dozen.

Sciencia looks in the bag.

"It's true", said Sciencia.

"So, will you trust me?" Moon Dozen asked Kanisha.

"You failed to tell them that you casted a spell", said A girl.

A girl who has long blonde hair in a ponytail, white skin, wearing a short black dress, and heels.

Her name is Alex and beside her is a girl who has long red hair, white skin, bat wings, antennas on her head that are shaped like arrows, and a long tail that has an arrow-shaped end, wearing a red dress. Her name is Max.

They are standing on the stairs.

"So, you are really the witch character", Moon Dozen figured out.

"I am", said Alex.

Alex and Max jump off the stairs and land on the floor.

"What kind of spell?" Sciencia asks Alex, looking interested and concerned.

"It was a spell to show our true abilities", Alex tells Sciencia.

"Is it permanent?" Max asks Alex.

"Yes, but why she did it, I don't why", said Alex.

"Fine,come in", Kanisha decided.

Moon Dozen finally enters the house.