"Young children!?" he said astonished
The man who came was not an ordinary one. He looked like a noble, elegantly dressed, descending from a wealthy family. He was actually a prince from a castle that was very far from level 1.
"We are teens, exactly!" Adrian said
"What is that voice?" the man asked
"They're friends, they are just invisible for now." She said upset
She took her napkin from her bag and wiped the face of the three boys. As she scrubbed their faces, they could instantly be seen. Jade was silent and was waiting for an action from the man. She did not have confidence in him and was not trusting in his looks and manners.
"Definitely, I had too high expectations about catching that monster." he said deceived about what he got
What monster are you talking about since then? You have not stopped talking about him. Amy asked curiously
Yes, you are right! My manners excuse me, my friends!" he called