Jayden was the first through the portal.
"You guys!! The forest looks amazing!" He yelled through the portal. Aria stuck her arm in the portal, Jay grabbed it and pulled her through.
"Wow," Aria said gazing around the forest, Thiago and Odette put their arms through, Jay and Aria grabbed their hands and pulled them into the forest, the next in the forest was Veronica and Moira, after they came Carlos and Indah, and then the last to go through was Aphrodite, Eliza, and Julia. and once everyone came through the portal broke, everyone turned around and The Sorceress was sitting in a tree.
"Hello everyone," She said in a calm but evil voice.
"Uh... hi?" Veronica said.
"Why have you come to my forest?" The Sorceress said stroking a flowering bud on the tree.
"I don't know we were just told to come here," Aria said.
"Well then... the portal is broken... and I can have some fun!" Everyone was staring at The Sorceress in shock. "None of you are making it out Alive!" The Sorceress then disappeared from the tree.
"Everyone follow me I know a little house that is safe from the dangers of this forest," Julia told the guests. They all followed her to a little house perched between two trees and supports going around the base. Everyone climbed up the ladder, went inside, and sat down either at the table or on a sofa.
"What do we do?" Jayden asked frantically.
"All we can do is hope to find a way out of this forest," Aria said to Jay to hopefully calm him down. Moira held up a book.
"I saw this in the library earlier while we were looking for our diamond piece, It said read later so I guess we can read it now," She said. "The Sorceress is the ruler of the twilight forest she is sending her lieutenants... to defeat them you must take part in their challenge... a dark challenge two will be selected by vote to enter the challenge, however, one of the guests will be killed... Be careful friendships will be torn."
"Wait... so we need to defeat these lieutenants?" Odette asked.
"Apparently," Moira said.
"And one of us will die when the other completes the challenge," Aphrodite noted.
"As well as friendships being torn," Jayden added.
"Wait Moira, a note fell out of the book," Indah said and pointed to the floor. Moira picked it up and read it.
"To start your quest to escape the forest, first look in the overhead cabinets." Thiago walked over to the cabinet and opened it, inside was a book. He picked it up and read it.
"The first lieutenant is the questing ram, very harmless, all you need is two red wool to begin. There is already one dye in the drawer." Carlos opened the drawer and grabbed the dye.
"I'm just gonna place this on the table... my hands are very red," He said. Everyone went outside and saw that a few things have changed while they were inside there was now a purple building that kinda looked like a barn, Veronica noticed there was a book sitting on a lectern open to a page, she read that page.
"The society against evil has been trying to battle the sorceress for years but have not been able to, so they have sent Julia to recruit more people..." She flipped the page, "We have collected the string for you but we have spread them out, two are on the mountain, two are in the trees, two are under the house, and two are on the trees, the dye however is going to be pretty easy to find just look for red things."
"Well then so there are five different things we need to find so I feel like maybe we should split up into five groups," Aria said. Aria went with Carlos under the house, Indah and Moira went to get the dye, Veronica and Jayden went to get the string in the trees, Thiago and Aphrodite went to the mountain, and Odette and Elizabeth went to get the string that was on the trees.
Group 1(Aria's POV) Carlos and I climbed down the ladder to get the string under the house, There was a chest, a door with a keypad next to it, and two other doors leading to a shooting range, there was writing on the wall I read it, "You two must go to the shooting range to get the code, there are two parts one part on each side."
"So we will need to go down these hallways and shoot at whatever is there so we can get the parts of the code?" Carlos asked.
"I guess so," I told him. So we went down the two hallways and grabbed the bows and the arrows, and shot at the lamps built into the walls, I noticed one was on the ceiling I shot it and my door opened, I got the first part of the code which was 9 and 3, Carlos shot a lamp and then his door opened and he got the second part of the code, we ran back down the hallways and put in the code I put in the 9 and the 3 and he put in 2 and 0 the door opened and we grabbed the string and went back to the surface.
Group 2 (Indah's POV) Moira and I went to find red items, she pointed out that there was a red pattern in the ground and a clue laying there, I read it, "You need to search the area for red things if you want the dye." Moira went to the closest tree and saw an engraving in it. the bark was also redwood bark...
"Before I read this I need to say this... Why is this forest so full of magic?" Moira asked me, I shrugged. "Ok then, Think about Christmas to find the next clue." There was red tinsel hanging between two trees, I walked over and saw something in the dirt below it.
"Look for an opportunity for a new building," I read Moira looked around and saw nothing, I looked up and saw bricks hanging from a tree, "Look!" I said and pointed at it. Moira ran over and red the clue below it.
"Red trees are my favorite maybe look for one... What? who likes red trees?" Moira said confused.
"I don't know the sorceress? But more importantly, we need to find a damn red tree!" I said. We were looking around and Moira noticed there was a tree on a little island that was red in the middle of a lake. I went over and waded through the water to get to the tree, tacked to the tree was a note, I read it "Windows are to see through not to be stared at... look for one." I turned around and saw a red box... made out of glass. "Moira see what's over by that box." Moira turned around and went to the box, I waded back across the lake and went to Moira.
"It says How many red things did we have to find," She said.
"Well there was the bark, and the tinsel, and the hanging bricks."
"As well as the tree and this... so five?"
"I think so... put it in." Moira put it in and the door opened I went in and got the red dye, we went back to the lounge and waited for the others.
Group 3(Veronica's POV) Jay and I are going to get the string in the trees, and right off the bat, there is something we must do. Jay read the note next to the door.
"The two of you must go onto the trees and find a chest buried within them, however before you can reach the trees you must answer a riddle... I always go up and never come back down, What am I? Take a paper and write your answer on it, hand it to Julia and if you got it right she will hand you a lever piece, and you will be able to go to the trees, beware if you get a riddle wrong your name will go in the voting pile."
"Ok... so what goes up and never comes down?" I asked.
"Well three things are coming to mind, one is age, another is smoke and the last is carbonated bubbles," Jay said.
"I agree with the smoke and age because carbonated bubbles only rise when the bottle or can is open. so whichever one you think is right."
"Ok, I think it's age, so do you wanna write it... I have horrible handwriting."
"Yeah, I'll write it." I grabbed the paper and pen wrote age down and handed it to Julia, she handed me the lever piece and we placed it on the door, it opened and we walked through it. I read the second riddle. "The more you take the more you leave behind." Jay knew this one.
"Footsteps!" He yelled at the door... It popped open and we went through, Jay read the third one. "I have a head a tail but no legs." We were confused we had no clue.
"A story!?" I said confused as to what it was the door didn't move. Meaning my name went in the voting pile, Jay then got the answer.
"A coin!" The door swung open, we went farther into the riddles. I read the next one.
"You live in a one-story house everything is red what color are the stairs?" Jay's brain wasn't working at that moment in time because he said they were red... the door didn't move, his name went into the pile.
"Wait there are no stairs in a one-story building..." Jay said.
"Yup no stairs... There are no stairs!" I said and then the door disappeared. I read the final riddle, "What has six faces but doesn't wear make-up and 21 eyes but can't see." Jay and I looked at each other and we both knew what the answer was.
"A DIE!!" We screamed together. the door flew off the hinges and we went through and got the string, we went back to the lounge and waited for the others.
Group 4(Thiago's POV) Me and Aphrodite ran to the mountain near us, we climbed it... took like 20 minutes but we got to top, and of course, there was a maze... made of glass... you could only see the outline of the maze, Aph and I went over to the start of the maze and Aph read the note.
"Welcome to the maze, one of you will go in blind the other will go on top of the maze, good luck to the both of you... I'll go in the maze."
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Yeah, I am entirely sure I am the best at mazes."
"Ok lemme help you with the blindfold." I tied the blindfold around her head and I told her to go straight she went straight and was doing surprisingly well with the maze until she walked over a trapdoor. "Hey, Aph!!"
"What?" she asked
"Turn around and get on your hand and knees, there is a trapdoor in the ground!" I yelled. She turned around got down on her hands and knees opened the trapdoor and figured out the rest, when she hit the middle of the maze she told me there was a door that needs a code.
"Hey, Thiago! You need to look for a code!"
"Ok, I'll look around!" I got down from the top of the maze and searched around the outside of it... there was a hole in the ground... I went into it and saw a code, I ran back to the maze and told Aph the code. "Try Eight-Five-Oh-Two!!" I told her. She put it in and it worked. she bumped into a cabinet. "Oop... You good?"
"Yeah I'm fine!" she said. she then opened the cabinet and found two strings she felt around grabbed them and went the way she came, we went back to the lounge and we waited for the last group to show up.
Group 5(Elizabeth's POV) Odette and I have to go on top of these tall trees they are canopy trees... very tall so I don't know how we are gonna get up them but we will have to try, we went to the trees and realized that we will have to climb the damn tree.
"Odette can you hold me up... I see a branch I could probably reach," I said to Odette.
"Yeah sure, as long as you promise to pull me up once you get up there," She said knowing I would do just that, She boosted me up to the branch, and I held onto her hand and pulled her up, we kept doing this until we made it to the top of the trees which was surprisingly sturdy and we could actually stand on them.
"Odette, do you see that box over there?" I asked.
"Yeah... let's go see if we can get inside," She said. we went over to the door and saw there was wood covering it.
"I think we need to find a crowbar... it has to be somewhere on the trees," I said. After that Odette and I searched everywhere, I looking in the leaves, above the leaves, and under the leaves, I couldn't find the crowbar... until I saw it almost fall to the ground, but fortunately it didn't fall I laid down and grabbed the crowbar, making sure I didn't fall. Odette and I ran back to the wooden box and I broke open the door, Odette went in and grabbed the string, we ran back to where we climbed up and climbed back down... we ran to the lounge and put the string on the table.
Everyone placed their string on the table Moira had already put the dye on the table, Jayden and Moira went to the sink, turned the water on plugged it, and put the dye in the water turning it red. Indah and Aria grabbed the string and dipped it in the water multiple times making sure the string was nice and red, Carlos and Thiago took four-string each and mashed them to make the wool.
"Everyone... the time has come to vote, one by one you will come up to the table and choose the card that has the face of the guest that you want to vote... Veronica, Jayden, you two already have one vote for answering the riddles wrong... discuss among yourselves," Julia told the group. Aria, Jayden, Eliza, and Thiago went to talk, Odette, Veronica, Moira, and Carlos, went to the balcony and talked, and Aphrodite and Indah talked as well.
"Ok, so when I was up in the trees looking around, Odette didn't do anything to help me... I don't think it would be that bad to vote for her, I don't think she would do anything to help us," Eliza said.
"While I was with Veronica, we did the best we could... those riddles were kinda hard, and I answered one of the questions way too fast," Jay told his group.
"Carlos and I were shooting arrows at buttons under the house... so I feel like we contributed a lot," Aria stated.
"Well, Aphrodite is a maze master she can go through those things really easily," Thiago said.
"Ok, I'm guessing we all know who we are going to vote," Aria noted. Meanwhile in the other groups.
"Ok, so Indah and I were very into the challenge that we had to do, so we cant vote Indah," Moira said.
"Eliza found everything, I didn't really have a chance to do anything," Odette stated.
"Jay answered one of the riddles way too fast... that is why he already has one vote, I, on the other hand, was really confused with one riddle," Veronica told the group.
"Aria and I were very into our challenge, Aria hit her lamp opened her door, and not that long after, I hit my lamp and opened my door... so I say that we did our challenge really well," Carlos said.
"Do we all know who we are voting?" Moira asked.
"Definitely," Veronica responded. Meanwhile, Aph and Indah were talking about...
"I know the both of us are really into this challenge and we can help everyone," Aph said.
"Yeah, Moira can help as well as Thiago," Indah added.
"Ok... well then who do you think we should vote?"
"I don't know I'm going to vote Odette... what about you?"
"I think I'm going to vote Veronica, she already has one vote what's another one."
"Ok... Everyone it is now time to vote!" Julia said calling everyone inside. "Well first up is Aria." Aria, Jayden, Eliza, Carlos, and Indah voted Odette. Thiago and Aphrodite voted Veronica. Veronica, Moira, and Odette, voted Jayden. "I will now shuffle and draw two... the first one in the challenge is... Jayden." Jayden looked right at Veronica.
"You voted me didn't you!?" He said very frustratedly.
"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," Veronica responded.
"Well, I'm sorry that my brain thinks of other things before the point," Jay said very angrily.
"GUYS!! This is what they meant by friendships will be torn!" Aria yelled at them. "Julia... please continue."
"The second one in the challenge is... Odette," Julia said. Odette grabbed Indah's leg and leaned down.
"Jay you got this... please come back," Thiago said.
"Thiago I promise I will come back." Moira handed Odette and Jayden red wool.
"Please follow me," Julia said. Odette and Jayden got up and walked to the two pens that held the questing rams.
Odette read the note explaining what they have to do.
"In this challenge, you need to find 16 pieces of wool scattered throughout your pen, find each piece and bring it to the ram at the end of the pen the first to complete the challenge will survive the other will be crushed. Good luck you only have fifteen minutes."
"3... 2... 1... GO!" Julia yelled.
Jayden's Perspective
I ran into the pen immediately, I grabbed the box next to a tree and smashed it, I saw one in the tree climbed up and smashed that one, I ran to the ram and gave him the three wool I had, the red, the blue, and the gray. Odette's ram had two, so I was ahead... only by one. I saw a ladder heading underground, I saw three boxes down there, I grabbed them one by one and threw them out of the hole, I climbed out grabbed the boxes and smashed them all, I grabbed all three wool, a light gray, an orange, and a green, I ran to the ram and gave it all of those, at this point I noticed that Odette has gotten eight of them... and I realize I'm falling behind, I jump in the water and grab the boxes in there and smash them, it was pink and cyan. I ran around the area looking in everything, I found four other boxes and smashed them all, Purple, black, yellow, and white. I realized that there was a shovel in the ground meaning at least three boxes were buried. I shoveled dirt for what felt like forever but I eventually found the three buried, It was lime, light blue, and brown. I was only missing the magenta wool.
Odette's Perspective.
I ran into the pen immediately, I smashed all the boxes on the surface which gave me the black and the brown, I ran over to the ram and gave him the two that I found, I jumped into the water and grabbed the boxes, I smashed them too, I got the pink, the blue, and the purple. I saw Jay climb a tree, I climbed the tree and pushed the box of it shattered, the cyan was in it, I ran over to the wool grabbed it and there were two in that box, the magenta, and the cyan. I ran back to the ram and gave him the wool I had, I also forgot about the red one that I had. I look over at Jay's and I notice he only has given his ram six wool. I see that there is a hole in the ground I rush over and climb down the ladder. I see three boxes and smash them while in the cave, there was orange, gray, and light gray. I run to the ram and give him the three wool I got, I see that Jay has almost all of his wool he is only missing one, I grabbed a shovel and dug up three different boxes I shoved the shovel into one and cracked it open, I also smashed the other two. I got the white the yellow and the light blue. I was missing the two greens.
No perspective: They were searching for their colors and Jayden found his last box flipped over that made it look like dirt, He shoved the shovel into the box so it split, he reached in grabbed the wool, and ran to the ram gave it the last wool. Meaning he sealed Odette's fate.
"Wait... please! No! DON'T" Odette screamed and started running Julia went over to Odette and grabbed her... tied her to a pole and pulled a lever, an anvil fell from overhead and smashed Odette's head. Odette was screaming the entire time... She didn't want to die.
Jayden's Perspective.
I gasped when I realized that Odette is now dead, but she is in a better place than me right now. I went back to the lounge with the Questing Ram trophy.
"Jay you survived!!" Aria said very happy to see me.
"Oh my god... what happened?" Moira asked.
"We had to run around and find 16 different colors of wool, I was ahead at first, then I fell behind, and then I got ahead again,"