chapter 3. nephews. one day I met my nephews and we went to my mum boyfriend house and he had some ice cream,he gave me some, he punch me in the fac, then my nephew got punched in the face and said "hey what was that for", he said "every time you have an ice cream you get a punch" me and Zac said "what are you talking about", then it was my secounded nephews turn, when he went to punch my nephew, he bit him on the hand and ran out screaming to his car and never came back he was so scared.
later that day me and my nephews got invited to a party and when we got there was lots of metal and this guy was cooking food, then my little nephew jump on the bbq and the guy shut the led when he came back all of the food was gone and my little nephew was burnt and got put in the bin.
then he ate all the rubbish in the bin and transform into Jarth 2000 and he said" food detected and ate all the food.
when I got home we were driving and I did a barrel roll out the window and mum saw Martin the zombie and crashed.