Chereads / Outsider's Amulet / Chapter 58 - The Traitor

Chapter 58 - The Traitor

Early in the morning, Commander calls both me and Barbara.

"Good morning, so for the sudden call but this one is important."

Both Commander Elizabeth and Red are there.

"I kinda guess what this is about.", Barbara said.

"Yes. So... Hiro and Barbara, what do you plan for Miss Alicia?"


It's been a day since Alicia was caught by those humans.

Based on what I saw after their fight, they didn't kill her, but instead, they bring her inside of headquarters.

I was thankful for that but what are they planning to do to her?

"It's already the middle of the night, I should sleep now and think about it tomorrow."

Before I can take a step, I hear someone approach me.

I grab my blade and swing it.

My blade has been stopped by someone.

"You should be careful on sharp things."

It's Cerex.

"What the hell are you doing here?", I said.

"I should be the one who's asking that, but for your question, I waiting for someone."


"Yeah. Want to know who is it? Follow me."

He starts walking outside the cave.

I want to know what he's planning so I follow him.

"So, who is it?"

"Just wait for a moment, we're ten seconds early."

"What do you mean?"

I heard someone walking towards us.

"The person is here."


It's so dark because it's already the middle of the night.

When the person it's already in front of Cerex, that's when I see clearly its face.

My eyes widen and my body froze when I saw that person.

It's a human, but not just a stranger, it's someone that I know.

"So, what are you planning to do now?", Cerex asked.

"I want many Outsiders."

"That's all?"

"No, I want them to be under my control."

"Of course, I will do that too. As long as the plan goes on."

He turns around and walks away.

"You already know that person, right?"

"What... is that... person... doing here?"

"I already told you didn't I? I already plan everything seventeen years ago."

"What the hell...!"

"Also, like you, I also have... a friend."

Cerex went back inside while I remain here.

*I have... to save... Alicia!*


Barbara and I look at each other.

Although, we already talk about this so we won't have to think about it here.

"She has to remain here until we find a way to get back her to normal.", I said.

"Yeah, we have to investigate what did the Outsiders do to her."

"I see... that great I guess.", Captain said.

"Is that all?"


"What do you mean, Darling?"

*Did she just call her...*

"I mean, how about her memories? You said that she didn't remember both of you or even her life as a human."


"But maybe her memories went back once she become human again!", Barbara said.

"What if not? Alicia is an assassin, she going to be a threat whether she's a human or not as long as she sees us as her enemies."

Commander Elizabeth is right.

We have to make sure that my mother doesn't see us as her enemies.

She has to remember even only Barbara.

"So, what do you plan about that?"


"Then how about this! Why not we capture that Outsider and make him tell us what to do.", Captain said.

"Don't say it like it was that easy."

"Of course, we can do that. After all, there are only two strong Outsiders remaining."

"Don't underestimate our enemy."

"Sorry, but they're weak right now."

"No, I don't think so."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you really think the enemy will just make you a hostage and let you save by us? There's something odd here."

"But aren't they targeting the vice commander and the commander? That's including you."

"I know, but still, to think that would be just easy. He throws away so many Outsiders including the pure-blooded one. The fact that he sends Miss Alicia is also a mystery. He should know that Hiro is her son."

"What do you think then?"

"It's like he's sacrificing many lives for a sake of something. I still don't know what it is. We have to think deep to reveal that plan of him."

"Woah! She's right, so you two, what do you think?"

"Commander is right. We have to know what our enemies planning first."

"I see... so Miss Alicia has to stay for some time before we can take her back to normal..."

"Sorry, but we have to think about big things first before taking a huge step."

"Thank you..."

Barbara turns around and walks away.

"Thank you.", I said first before going out.

Barbara walks in the opposite direction of her room.

"Where are you going?"

"Miss Alicia might be hungry."

After getting food, we went straight towards the room where my mother is.

After opening the door, a cold look welcomes us.

"Miss Alicia."

"What the hell are you going to do to me? Let me go!", she said.

Behind those steel bars, I could see the pain in Barbara's eyes while looking at her.

"You must be hungry."

Barbara put the food near to her, my mother tries to grab her but I manage to pull her.

"I'll kill all of you."

"Let's go.", I said.


Barbara went out first.

"We will be back.", I said before closing the door.

"How is she?"

It's Darius.

Barbara must not notice him.

"Who are you talking to?"


"Well, it's pretty obvious. Even though I'm connected to her with blood, Barbara is the one who spends a long time with her."

"I see..."

"Hey, can you do something to lift her spirits? Because right now, I don't know what to do to her."

"Don't worry, I'll do my best."



Middle of the night.

I was walking in the hallway towards the room where my mother is to check her when I notice someone outside.


It's almost twenty-four hours from that, I'm outside the headquarters of A-1.

"Wait for me, Alicia."

I heard a noise behind the tall grasses.

I immediately grab my blade and pointed it towards there.

"What are you doing here."

It's Hiro.

"I'm here to take back Alicia."

"I won't let you."

*What he is doing here?*

I dash towards him and swing my blade.

He manages to dodge it.

*What? He can see my blade?*

Holding his weapon, he runs toward me and swings it.

I dodge it and avoid blocking it.

*If our weapon collides, it will make a noise that wakes up the others. This is bad!*

I'm at a big disadvantage right now, but I can't run away without Alicia.

I grab his weapon and pull it.

He tries to kick me away but I spin around him and knock him by smashing the bottom of my blade to his nape.

"Just sleep."

I know what Cerex trying to do.

He was trying to make me rescue Alicia and get killed here, but I don't care, once I save her, I will take her away from danger.

"Jeez, I'm sick of this kind of living. I want to live a normal life."


*He's still awake?!*

"Kids this day don't know when to give up."

I walk toward him and raise my blade.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

I turn my blade and raise it.

"This makes sure that you will sleep deeply."

But before I can swing down my blade, he grabs his scythe and thrust its bottom towards my stomach.


He stands up and dashes toward me while swinging his weapon.

I use my blade to block it.

It created a loud noise that probably reach inside the headquarters.


I push him away and dash towards him.

I swing my blade towards his weapon.

He drops his scythe.


I raise my blade and swing it down towards him.

But he grabs something and swings it towards my neck.

*A knife?!*

Between our attacks, his will land first.

"Alicia, sorr--"


"What is that noise outside?"

It sounds like someone is fighting.

*It can't be?!*

"Clair! Please... it's dangerous... don't save me."


"A loud noise wakes me up."

I'm sleepy and lazy to get up but in this situation, I can't just ignore suspicious things.

I stand up and walk towards the door.

When I open it, the others are in the hallway.

"Did you hear it too?", Winter asked.


"It sounds like a steel that collides."

"It can't be!"

We run outside the headquarters.

I can't see Luan or Hiro.

"Did you check Luan?"

"No, I haven't, but he must be just sleeping."

We went outside the gate.

"Let's find where the noise came from, while the others will check Miss Alicia inside.", Commander Elizabeth said.

But before we even move, we heard a noise behind the tall grasses.

*I didn't bring my weapon!*

"Sorry, did that wake you up?"

It's Hiro.

He's holding his scythe in his right hand while a knife that covers with blood in his other hand.

"Hiro! What happen to you?", Vinna asked.

"There's an Outsider, but don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

"To think you would use both of your weapons. It's not a simple Outsider, right?", Commander Elizabeth said.

"Yeah, that's a pure-blooded one. What's her name again... yeah, it's Clair."


*What the hell is going on.*

"No way..."

*Why? Why my heart feels tight.*

"Ha... ha..."


"What is it?"

"You look pale, are you okay?"

"D-Don't worry about me."

"Hey, Hiro. Did you really kill her?", Ernesta asked.


She looks like not happy about what happened.


"I see... then that's great. Let's go back and sleep."

She walk very fast as she went back inside.


After that night, none of us talk about it as if it didn't happen.

Maybe because of Ernesta's and Hiro's reactions at that time.

"Just what the hell is going on?"

"Ernesta, come to my office.", Commander Elizabeth said before she went upstairs.


After they both went, I secretly follow both of them.

Both of them are inside the office.

I stick my ear to the door to listen to what are they going to talk about.

"So what is it, Lisa?"

"What with that reaction last night?"


"The way you act in front of Hiro, what's the problem?"



"I think Clair and Hiro's mother is the same."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"I think she's a half-human too."


"I think of it first when we fight when they kidnap the kids in the orphanage, but of course, I didn't completely believe that, but when I learn things about Alicia, I think my theory could be right."

"I see..."

*She's a half-human too?*

"No way..."

"You too Crystal, you look like unwell last night."


*They know I'm here?*

I open the door and went inside.

"Well... about that..."

"Don't worry, I won't ask you any questions. You two can go back now."

The two of us went out.

"Your commander has great senses.", I said.

"Yeah, that's why you can't lie in front of her."

"What's that a good thing or bad?"

"For me, it's a very bad thing. I can't lie about my paper works...*sob*."

"I see..."

"Woah, where did you two go?", Captain said while holding two bottles of wine.

"Where did you get that?"

"Hehe, Miss Altina's gift. Come on! Let's have a party!"

"Wait, where are not supposed to have--"

"Hey, Crystal.", Ernesta taps my shoulder.


"I think it's okay, after all, we're tired of work, having a little time for fun is not that bad isn't it?"

"Well... I guess so..."

"Crystal now agree, now let's g--"

"How about Commander Elizabeth."

"Geh!", Captain's face went pale.

"It looks like you're in big trouble now."

"I-I'll convince her..."

This is the first time I saw Captain being afraid like that.

*Commander Elizabeth is really amazing.*

After that, Captain tries to convince her.

I don't think how Captain convinces her but it takes half of hour before she agrees.

We have a party for a whole night.


"Dang it, I drink too much."

I was walking outside the headquarters.

I'm not walking straight since my head is spinning because of drunkness.

"I going to puke."

While I was walking, I heard something far from me.

It was so dark at that time and my vision is a little blur.

Since I'm going in that direction to vomit, I continue walking.

When I get close, I saw someone I know talking to someone.

"Hey, who are you talking to--"


It's not a person that person talking to.

"Why are you..."

That person is talking to an Outsider.

Dashing towards after I saw them, I immediately jump back.

I grab my gun but it slips into my hands.


I'm so drunk that I can't even hold my gun properly.

A sharp weapon thrust towards my chest.



"Aren't...we... friends?"

I look at that person.

Lowering its head, I can't see that person's face.

My vision is getting darker and darker.

*I shouldn't drink so much...*



I was in bed sleeping when a shaking wakes up me.

"An earthquake?"

I get up from the bed and went to the first floor.

Everyone is there.


"Calm down, that's my amulet's power. I use it to wake up you guys."

"Eh? Why?"

For some reason, Commander and Ernesta's faces seem unwell.

Especially, Ernesta, she looks like she just cry.

"Hey, what happens?"

" dead."


Everyone's eyes were wide open after hearing those words from Commander.

"What do you mean?"

"Ernesta saw him outside laying on the ground covered with his blood... He has a hole on his chest which most likely kills him."

"W-Who did this?"

"An Outsider?", Winter said.

"If it is an Outsider only, Rick should be able to kill it. Also, there's no sign of Outsider anywhere. If there's one, we should be able to hear it when he tries to kill Rick. He should be able to shout."

"What does it mean?"

"It means... the person who kills him is someone he knew."


"Do you remember what I said in the past before Hiro leaves this place?"

*What are you...*

"There's a traitor among us?"

"Yeah. I almost about the thing when Hiro left."

*Is there really a traitor? After all this day I've been with them, there's no way I will think there's someone who will stab us in the back. But, what if there is? Who am I going to trust?... Yeah, that's right, if anything, Hiro is the very last person who will become the traitor. I hate to say this but I can only trust Hiro right now until we find who the traitor is.*

"W-What now? How are we going to find the suspect."

"Simple, let's ask Rick."

"Commander is this no time for a joke."

"I'm not... right, Hiro."

She looks at Hiro.

Then I realize.

"Yeah, that's right. Hiro use your amulet to revive Rick!"

"I can't.", he said.

"What do you mean you can't? I see, your amulet needs to stack right? Then killing two Outsiders will be enough to revive Rick?"

"That's not it."

"Are you sick? Did something hurt you?"

I started to panic for an unknown reason.


"Then what is it?"

"Because... I'm... the traitor."