Chereads / Outsider's Amulet / Chapter 34 - Alicia and Night Sage

Chapter 34 - Alicia and Night Sage

"Night Sage?"

*Night Sage... Night...Sage... Sage!*

"Oh, it's you!"


"Now, give me."

"Give you...what?"

"The amulet!"

"Wait hold on."


"Let's not talk to it outside."

"Oh, I see."

"Follow me."

The guy name Night Sage starts walking.

*I guess I have to walk again...*

I'm happy that I meet him here and I thought I don't need to walk again but...


"Is there any problem?", he asked.

"No, nothing."

Looking at him... he's kinda cute. I guess.

The glasses that he's wearing make him look really smart.

*I wonder what he looks like when he remove those glasses.*

"Hm? Is there something in my face?"

He notices me.


*What the hell I'm doing?!*

Thankfully Barbara is not here. If she does, she's going to tease me all day.

"Were here."

"Wait, what?!"

I think too much that I didn't notice that we're here.

*I guess thinking too much is not a bad thing after all.*

"Come in."

His house is small but neat and clean just like mine.

*Maybe we have the same taste.*


There's a door that is left open. I look at it and saw tons of books on a bookshelf.

*No, this house is definitely not small.*

"That's my library.", he said.

*That library of yours is bigger than my house!*

"Take a seat and have a tea."


I sit down and he places a tea on the table.

"So, why do want the amulet?"

"Hm? To fight Outsiders.", I said while sipping the tea.

"Oh, you're fighting an Outsider? That's amazing."

"What about you?"

"I'm not good at that thing."

"But you have the amulet, right?"

"Yeah. It is because I'm a Sage."

"What does being Sage mean?"

"Well, I don't know whether you know this but Sage is the one who created the amulets. Of course, it is only normal for us to take care of those. We seek people who deserve to be amulet wielders."

"Oh, I see. That means I have to prove myself that I'm deserving to wield those things?"


"So, what I'm going to do?"

"Well, this is the first time someone asked me to lend the amulet to them, so I don't have any idea what to do...maybe I should see whether you can really fight Outsiders or not."

"That's all?"

"Pretty confident huh."

"Hehe, of course."

"I see. I guess I have to think what kind of work I should assign."

"By the way, can I see the amulet?"

"Well, of course."

"You really trust me that much?"


"Even though we just meet? What if I take the amulet and run away?"

"Ugh... sorry."

"Hehe, just kidding, but I'm glad that you trust me."

*Well, I actually learn that from Barbara.*

"Okay, for your mission. I want you to be my guard."


"Yeah, I have some documents that need to deliver. Can you do that?"

"Of course!"

"We'll start tomorrow. By the way, do you have a place to stay in?"

"Well... I just arrived... so I don't have yet."

"I see, why not spend a night here?"


Since I'm just new in this place and it's so big to find a place where I can stay, so I take his offer.

He offers me an extra room he has.

I walk towards the room, it's so simple and clean.

I lay down on the bed. It's so soft unlike what we have in my house.


"Darn it... why I agree to stay here?"

*Oh yeah, I remember.*

"Darn it!"

"Ahhh... Miss. You okay there?"

Night is on the opposite side of the door.


"Oh, by the way. I didn't get your name."


*I haven't him my name. How rude.*

I walk towards the door and open it.

I saw Night whose wearing an apron.

"I'm Alicia."

"Oh, Alicia. That's a great name.", he smiles.

"T-Thank you."

"The dinner is already ready. Just wait here. Okay?"

"T-Thank you."

He walks away and continues his cooking.

*Wait! I should help him.*

After that day. Night and I delivered those documents.

"Where are we going to deliver this?", I asked.

"To the Novus."


"Yeah, they are the most advance place in this country."


We're walking in the middle of the forest. Thankfully there's not a single Outsiders we encounter yet.

"By the way. You said that Sage is the one who creates the amulets. Have you ever created one?"

"Well... I have, with the help of my grandfather."


"Yeah. It's called the Unbreakable amulet."

"What does that amulet do?"

"Well... it is a glove where if you wear it you can make anything you hold unbreakable."


"Hehe, pretty amazing isn't it?"

"Yeah. It's very useful for a melee-type fighter."

"My grandfather also has one amulet."


"Yeah, but I don't know where it came from. My grandfather said it is one of the first amulets."

"What is it called and what it does?"

"Well, it is called Assassin amulet, and for what it does..."

"Why are you hesitating?"

"Well, because..."


Hearing those words. I couldn't believe such a power exist.

"Those kinds of amulets are terrifying. No wonder why it is called like that."

"I see."

"Are that amulet is still with you?", I asked.

"No, only the one. My grandfather gives the Unbreakable amulet to someone."

"So... what is left is the..."


"Don't worry!"


"I will prove that I'm deserving."

"I see..."

"So, be ready to say goodbye to that amulet of yours."

"You're really confident aren't you?"


"What is it?"

I feel someone running close to us.

"Someone is approaching us."

The sounds of the grasses are behind me. The two of us wait for someone to appear.

"Be ready to run, Night."

"H-How about you?"

"Have you forgotten? I'm your guard."

"Is there really someone there?"

"I don't know."

The sounds stop.

"Hey! Show yourself."

"I guess it's only an animal?"




A dog Outsiders appear on my left.

He jumps towards me. I immediately jump to dodge him and then grab my knife.

I land on the Outsider and thrust my thrust on his head. The Outsider fell to the ground.

"It is dead?", Night asked.



"Woah, there's more."

Four more Outsiders appear.

"Night, hide."


Night runs towards the tree and hides behind it.

*Now I can focus.*

Two Outsiders jump on me at the same time.

I jump again to dodge them and hold the branch above me.

They waiting for me to go down with a deadly stare in their eyes.

"Hey, hey doggies. Just be a good boy and mama Alicia won't hurt you."


"I guess they won't stop huh."

I let go of the branch and land on one of the Outsider's heads. I kick the Outsider next to him and jump on the tree.

The Outsiders follow me.

I jump on one of the Outsiders and slash my knife to his neck.

*Three left.*

The Outsiders spread and guard me in different directions.

"They smart huh."

Dashing on me at the same time.

I jump again and I throw one of my knives towards the mouth of Outsider then land my feet on one of the Outsider's heads. I throw my other knife in the Outsiders that I landed on and stomp my feet on his head causing the knife to penetrate to his head.

*Last one.*

"Now I don't have my knives, I going to take you down using my own hands."

I dash towards the Outsider.

He tries to bite me but I dodge it immediately.

I grab his neck with my two arms and lift him.

I smash him on the ground causing him to collapse.

"Woo! That was rough."


"Hey, Night. You okay?"

"I should be the one who asking that."

"Hehe, of course, I told you didn't I? I will prove myself."

"But you have to be careful. Got it?"


*Why I'm getting embarrassed?*

"Oh right, my knives."

I walk towards the dead Outsiders and saw my knife.

I hold it with my two hands and pull it with all my strength.

The knife is not that hard to pull making me step backward unintentionally.

"W-Woah! Woah!"

I strip on rocks and it looks like I'm going to fall on the ground.

*I'm gonna fall.*



Night immediately catches me.

"That was close."


*Woah! Woah!*

"Y-You can let go of me now."


*Ahhhh!!! Darn it!*

"L-let's go now."



"By the way, where are your relatives?", I asked out of nowhere.

Both of us are eating lunch.

"I guess you really didn't know about us."

"Well...yeah...except that you have the amulet."

"It can't be helped. Well, we the Sages are travelers. Not just we travel for fun but travel to discover."


"Yeah, we study everything around the world."

"I see, then why did you stay here? Shouldn't you travel as well?"

"Nahhh, you know I hate things that are related to fighting and killing. Since we're traveling and many Outsiders lurking around, I decided to stay here."

"Hmm... why here?"

"Well... because it's peaceful here? But not I'm going to sit and do nothing. I want to do something to protect people. That's why I'm so cautious because, if I die, there will be no Night Sage that will protect this place."

"Hey, Night."


"Do you want to be my partner?"


"Yes, you want to protect this place using your knowledge right?"


"Then that means you need someone to protect you?"

"Yes, again."

"Then, that would be me!"


"I decided!"


"I'm going to stay here! Forever!"




Someone's knocking on the door.

"I'll take care of it."

I'm currently helping Night to prepare for lunch when someone arrived.

"Hello, Miss Alicia."


"Yes, I am."

"Who's that Alicia?"


Barbara's eyes widen when she saw Night.

She runs towards him and stares at him.


"It can't be. You're Miss Alicia's boyfriend!"

"No!", I shouted.

"What's your name?"


"What a lovely name."

"So... you're not her boyfriend?"


"Well, no, I'm her partner."

"Partner? You mean couple?"


"No, a partner in the job."

" suspicious.", she looked at me just like last time.

"W-What are you doing here?"

"Well... I just want to know what are you up to."


"I mean... it's been a year."

"Didn't I just visit you last week?"

"That's not what I'm talking about. I mean I want to know where are you living and what are you doing. It seems like you're taking care of something."

"No, you're misunderstanding things."

"Ehhh... who will believe that?"

"Hello, Barbara, I'm Night Sage. The lunch is already ready. Do you want to stay here and let's talk while we're eating?"

"I think that's good,"

*Thank you Night!*


"Oh... that's what you meant by a partner."

"That's actually what I'm saying to you earlier."

"But! If you want to go further. I won't stop you two."




After that, Barbara went back immediately. She didn't want to stay because she think that she's a bother to us.


"What's the problem?"

"No, nothing."

Whenever I remember that, I feel like I'm going to explode.

Night and I are sitting on the ground outside his house. Were both watching stars. Originally this is his hobby but I join him since he's alone.

"That girl."

"Hm? Barbara?"

"Yeah, she's kinda smart in her age."

"Yeah... but she's kinda cheeky sometimes."


"Couple huh... kinda funny. I mean, no one will like some girl like me. Right?"

"That's not true."

"Nahhh, it's true. Unlike any girls, I'm kinda boyish, plus, I'm fighting Outsiders."

"Hey, Barbara."


"Do you want..."


"Do you want to be my wife?"


*What did he say?*

"Well... you know..."

"Wife? Not girlfriend first?"

"...Oh... then how about becoming my girlfriend... first?"

"Then wife..."


*What with this situation? It's so awkward!*


To be honest, I like Night. But... I'm going to be a good partner to him?

"Well... I don't mind..."


"Yeah, but one thing first!"

"What is it?"

"What do you like from me?"

"Well... I don't know... all I know is that I like you..."


*This is so awkward.*

"Fine! Hug me."


"To lock the contract. I want you to hug me."

Instead of hugging me only, Night jump on me.


The two of us roll on the ground.


"Sorry. I got excited."



"By the way. I got something for you."


I pick my gift for him in my pocket.


"A glasses?"

"Yeah. I make it."



Night removes his glasses and replaces them with my gift.

He's kinda manly without his glasses... but I prefer when he wears one.

"Does it look good?", he asked.

"Yeah... you're cute."


It's been a year since Night and I become a partner (officially a couple).

"Night! I can't hold it anymore!"

"Eh? What I'm going to do?"

"Call a doctor of course! The baby is coming out!"

Night immediately runs outside to call a doctor. That's the first time I saw him run seriously.


"Thanks for your help."

"Anything for you Night."

The doctor went back to his office.

"Hey, Night. I win, it's a boy."

"Hehe, well it doesn't matter if it is a boy or a girl."

Night and I bet whether our baby will be a boy or a girl.

Surprisingly Night chose girl while I chose boy.

"So, what name you want for our baby?", he asked.

"How about Hiro?"


"Yah, it sounds like "Hero"."

"I see, well you won so it's decided."

To be honest, I already told to the king what name I want for our baby in case it's a boy.

"My, what a lovely child."


"Who are..."

Someone appears out of nowhere.

"Wait... what are you?"

It's an old man, but not an ordinary old man, he has gray skin.

"Well, do mind me... I'm just here to... get rid of you two."

"Night! Run!"

I try to stand up but I couldn't.

*Why does this guy have to attack us this time?*

I just give birth and all my strength is drained.

*It hurts.*

"Haha, you can't escape."


Night grabbed one of my knives and run towards the guy.



The guy straighten his palm and thrust towards Night's chest.



His arms penetrate to Night's chest.


"You... are you an Outsider."

"Yeah. It's rude for me not to introduce myself first. Hello, I'm Cerex... and goodbye Mr. Sage."

He pulls his arm causing


*Just stand! You stupid legs!*

"My, it must be rough to you. Miss Sage."


"Don't worry, I'll take care of your son."

*Darn it! Night, Hiro... Barbara...*



*What a weird dream.*

"Night... Hiro... and Barbara..."

*Who are they?*

"Oh, you're awake now, Alicia."


"Be ready, because I going to need your help with my plans."

"Yes...Master Cerex."