Chereads / Outsider's Amulet / Chapter 15 - Ghost Hunting???

Chapter 15 - Ghost Hunting???

At the front of the huge door, Rick, Lulu, and I standing and waiting for someone to open the door, although it looks like it's abandoned a long time ago. It's a white mansion and looks old.

We three assigned for a certain mission, and that is...

"To hunt a ghost? You gonna be kidding me. Ghost does not exist at all!", Rick protested.

"I might not also believe it if Outsider didn't exist too."


"What is it, Lulu?"

"Is there someone living here?", she asked

"Who knows."

"Well, if we're not sure whether is someone living here or not, maybe we should go inside by ourselves instead of waiting here."


I sighed.

"Okay, maybe that's a good idea."

Rick pushes the door.


"What is it?"

"It's not locked?"

"Maybe the owner went outside I guess?"

Three of us went inside the mansion. It's huge but dusty. All of the curtains are close and some of the furniture is covered in a white blanket. There's no one here except for us and the spiders.

"There's no way someone living here. It really looks old and has been abandoned a long time ago."

"Yeah, I wonder, who asked for us to hunt a ghost here?"

"I also wonder why Commander even send us here? Did she really believe that ghosts exist?"

"Who knows."


"We should walk a little bit here inside, we might see something here."

We walk around the mansion, we didn't see anything weird nor a ghost. The mansion is so huge that we took half of hour to completely walk around it.

"Woo! That's pretty tiring."

All of us are tired now, even Lulu is panting so hard.

"There's nothing here, maybe we should go back now."

"Yeah. Hey, Lulu, can you walk more?"

"I think so..."

She looks like going to collapse at any time now.

"Maybe we should go rest for few minutes before we went back."

We take the chair and sat there.

"Ahhh... I'm so tired, I wanna sleep.", Rick said.

"Want to sleep here?"

"No, this place is creeping me out. I rather sleep outside."

"Hey, Lulu, you okay now?"


*She doesn't really talk so much huh.*


I hear the door open. I look at it but no one is there.

"Hey, did you hear something?"

"Hmm no?"

"I see."


"Woah, I think you already hear that!"



Lulu is shaking in fear.

"Don't worry, it's not a ghost."

"Yeah, There's no way that ghost really exists. Hey, Hiro, check who's there."

"Eh? Why me?"

"You're the one who insists that ghost doesn't exist."

"Wait, was that me?"

"Just do it!"

"Okay okay. Wait, where's the sound came from anyway?"

"In the kitchen, I think?"

I walk toward the kitchen. I look around to see where that sound came from.


The sound came from the chair that fell of the ground. I find the one who did it but no one there. I went back after that.

"So, did you see the ghost?"

"I thought you said that ghost doesn't exist?"

"It doesn't matter, so, did you see anyone?"



"No one there. The sound came from the chair that fell, but I don't see who does that."

"Maybe it is a ghost!"

"Eh?!", Lulu shouted.

"Cut it out that ghost thing!"



"Stop that Rick!"

"Um... Hiro..."

"What it is Lulu?"


She pointed something on her front, I look at it. There's someone walking that covered with a white blanket.

"What was that?"

It's walking towards the wall. When it's only one step ahead of the wall it...

"Pass through the wall?"

"Wait... isn't that only one could do that?"


"Ekkk!", Lulu shout.

She runs towards the door but it automatically close.

"What the?"


I grab Lulu's hand and run in a different direction. We stop at one of the rooms.

"What was that?"

"I don't know."


Lulu looks like going to cry at any second.

"D-don't worry about that! It's just nothing, maybe it's an..."

"What is it?"

"I think it's an Outsider."

"You just scare of ghosts that's why you just reject their existence weren't you?"

"Cut it out already!"

"Jeez, I wish that pipsqueak is here."


"Yeah, you should know who is it."



"Do you have cold Ernesta? If you have, you should rest."

"Nah, I don't have any illness. Woah! Maybe Relaine talking about me."

"I'm here you moron!"

Ernesta and I busy finding some documents about the four pure-blooded Outsiders. We're finding a way how to deal with them in case we meet them again.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that you're here."

"You're the one who drags her here."

Ernesta brings Relaine here to help us. Although I don't know whether Relaine really agrees to help or not.

"Ah jeez, why I'm even here?"

"Come on, Relaine, I know you want to help me after all."

"Shut up or I'm going to toast you!"


*If Relaine uses her powers here, our HQ will blow.*

"Stop that already Ernesta."

"Okay okay."


"Hey, Lisa."


"Why did you send those three?"

"Because it's their mission."

"Asking for help to hunt a ghost? Not very like you."

"I send them not because I believe in ghosts."

"Then why?"

"Because I'm sure it's an Outsider."

"Eh? How come you sure about that?"



"Ghost does not exist at all."

"...I don't know that someone here is a ghost hater."

"Ghost hater?"

"Of course they're existed, after all, Outsider also does."

*She got a point.*

We live in a world where Outsiders exist, also the magic that came from the amulet. We still don't know why Outsider is here on our planet and where this amulet came from. Although, I still don't believe in ghosts.

"I still don't still believe."

"Oh come on! Stop discriminating ghost!"

"This girl is nuts, I wonder, how did you able to live with this brat?"

*I have the same question for myself.*

"Calling me a brat while you're smaller than me."


"Okay, stop that already."


*Dealing with Ernesta is already pretty tiring but if you add Relaine.*


"Did you just sighed two times in a row?"


"Woah, there's another one."


"You're copying Hiroro now."

"Cut it out you two.", Relaine complained.

"Let's back to our job."

We continue what we're doing until Ernesta opens her mouth again.

"By the way, Lisa."


"Did you just intentionally send those three on that mission?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, Ricky and Lu are scary cats but I don't know about if Hiroro also."

"Well, as I said, I don't believe in ghosts but I think it might help them to overcome their fear, and about Hiro, I just send him because it might help to learn what kind of ability does his amulet have."

"I see I see. So, you do believe in ghosts after all."


"You're doing that on purpose weren't you?", Relaine asked.


"Don't 'Hehe' me you piece of--"

I stand up and walk towards the door.

"Woah, where are you going Lisa?"

"I think I need some rest."

"Okay!! Come back okay?!"

*I can't take this any longer.*


"So what's the plan?"

"I don't know. Lulu, can you use your ability to that ghos- I mean Outsider?"

"I don't know."

"This is pain."

The other and I two are still in the room, we're planning how to take down the Outsider.

*If the Outsider can pass through the wall, it might also pass through our attacks.*

"We should try using Lulu's ability."

"Don't tell me..."

"Yeah, we have to find that Outsider first."

"What if it stays on the wall?"

"The wall here is not thick enough to hide that Outsider full body."

"I hate this mission.", Rick complained.

"Lulu, can you do it?"

"I-I think so...."

*Lulu is still scared.*

"Don't worry, Rick and I are going to protect you."

"Wait, no one will protect me?"

"Are you really that scare too?"

I never thought that Rick is also scared.

"Okay, I will go first, you two, follow me."

The two nodded.

I open the door and walk outside. The keep less noise in my every step as much as I can. When I reach the kitchen, I look around but no one there.

"So, how is it? Did you see the ghost?"

"No, and also, stop calling it a ghost. You're scaring Lulu."

"But I'm also scared you know!"


I stop hiding and show myself. The two also do the same.

"Rick, ready your gun."


"Just do it."

He draws his gun. Lulu, holding her teddy bear tight.

"We need to make that Outsider come to us."

"Okay then."

Rick exhaled.

"Hey, ghost, come here!"




We hear some chairs and other things fell.

"Wait, that work?!"

Someone who's cover with a white blanket appears right from the wall.

"There it is."


"Leave it to me!"

Rick pointed his gun to the Outsider. He shoots it but the bullet went through to its body.


"I know it. Lulu, use your ability when I said the signal."



I draw my knives and run towards the Outsider. I thrust my knife but it pass through only to its body. I swing my knives continuously.

The Outsider didn't make any movement. It just standing there.

I grab the smoke bomb and throw it at the Outsider. Creating smoke that blocks both Outsider and my sight.


I run away from the smoke. Holding her teddy bear tighter. Lulu uses her ability.

"Don't you think it works?", Rick asked.

"I don't know."

When the smoke vanished already, the Outsider is still standing there.


"Wait, does a ghost sleep while standing?", Rick asked.

"I don't think so. It looks like it didn't work."

"How can we even defeat that?"

The Outsider starts moving, it dashes towards me and grabs my neck.


*It's fast.*

The Outsider swings its hand and throws me at the table. The table split into two when I land.



"That hurt."

Holding my back while standing.

*How did it even touch me?*

The Outsider approaches me. Raising its hand, the blanket that covers him fell to the ground.


The Outsider appears to be human-like.

It looks like a boy with long hair, its looks like a walking corpse. Its skin is gray and its eyes look like a sky at the night. It has a blue line in both of his arms.

"Wait, does this kind of Outsider exist?", I asked.

"This is my first time seeing one too."

"Hiro, dodge!"

The Outsider swings his hands into me. I jump on my left side to dodge it. The Outsider runs towards me and raises his hand again. I hold my knives tight and block their attack using it. The Outsider and I exchange attacks.

"Hiro!", Rick shouted.

He aims his gun at the Outsider and starts shooting. The bullet just passes through to its body.

*How can he even touch me while we can't?*

I run towards Rick and Lulu.

"What now?"

"I don't know, could let that Outsider busy while I'm thinking?"


"Lulu, try to use your ability to him when you have a chance."

Lulu nodded.

"Hey, moron, let's have some fun!"

Rick pointed his gun at the Outsider and start shooting. The Outsider chases him.

I study every movement the Outsider makes.

The Outsider jumps at the back of Rick and raises his hands.

"Rick!", Lulu shouted.

She hugs her teddy bear tight to activate its amulet powers.

The Outsider put down his hands.

*Wait, why he didn't continue?*

The Outsider dash towards Lulu and attempts to grab her. Rick immediately aims his gun at the Outsider. The Outsider just passes through to Lulu's body.

*Now I get it.*

"Rick! Lulu!"

Two of them went to me.


I have a plan.

"Let me hear it."

"Okay here's the plan, it's simple but I think it's effective."

The put my face into Rick's and Lulu's ear whispering my plan.

"I see."

"You ready?"

"Let's do it!"

I dash towards the Outsider and swing my knives at him. The Outsider also attacks. We exchange blows.


Lulu is already in her position and ready to use her amulet. The Outsider notice her and dash towards her. He raises his hands and swings them towards Lulu. I immediately run towards them and use my knives to block the attack.


Rick is already at the back of the Outsider. He aims his gun and starts firing. The bullets hit Outsider's back and fell to the ground.

"Woah! That work."


All of us looking at the corpse of the Outsider.

"How did even hit him?"

"In my guess, he can't use his ability when he's touching something. He always discontinues his attack whenever he needs to use his ability."

"Woah, that's smart."

"You okay, Lulu?"


"I guess, that's it."


We take care of the corpse of the Outsider and went back.


It's already the middle of the night. I'm already on my bed and sleeping when someone opens the door. I open my eyes and look at it. No one there. I stand up and walk towards the door. I look around but no one really there. As I look back, there's someone that covered with a white blanket appear on my front and shouted...




"Ernesta, it's already middle in the night."

"Woah, you know it's me?"

"It's actually obvious because you're the only one who will do this."


Ernesta removes the blanket.

"You're not scared huh."

"As I said, I don't believe in ghosts."

"Come on, ghosts really exist!"

"Just shut up and let me sleep, we have jobs in the morning."


She exhaled.



I sighed.

"How many times did I sigh today?"

"It's already your fourth."

"Can you just go back to your room already?!"