Benji pov
I watch as my newly discovered blood mate walks into his house in a slight daze. I am glad that those little kisses we shared could make both of us feel so good.
After he gets into his house I drive off happily. I head to my own house to tell my parents of my discovery. I waltz into the house a slight pink dusting my pale skin. As I walk into the house my mother sees me and gives me a knowing look.
"I think that someone found their blood mate." My mother says in a sing song voice.
"Yeah I met him at the party he was Zacks friend."
"Good for you. I was a little concerned when you didn't find them at the meeting. By the way why was he not at the meeting?"
"Well he is not a vampire." I say with a little hint of unsuredy.
"Well human blood mates are less common they are still perfectly normal. Although they live about half our life span once you mate both of your lifespans should be shifted."
"You don't understand they are not human either." I say with more concern.
"Well then what is your blood mate?"
"A werewolf." I practically whisper out of fear.
She gives a look of shock before recovering. "Well I have never heard that but I am sure that the lady of the stars chose him for a reason and she is never wrong."
I look at her in relief. " Why has no one heard about this type of mateship? Judging by the amount of wolves, vamps and humans it should be a lot more common?"
"Well long ago when vampires and werewolves were new they would be mated together. Then humans came along and we both started to be mated to them as well. The wolves and the vamps couldn't decide how to treat the unmated humans so they started to fight. As the fights turned to wars the lady of the stars and the goddess of the moon stopped making vamps and wolves mates for the safety of their people. Ever since the wars began there has not been a single case of vamps being blood mates with wolves. It does make sense that sense the fights have stopped they would start appearing though."
I take in all that information and then ask to go to bed early after a long day. My mother allows it so I head off to bed thinking about how we are the first vampire, werewolf pair thousands of years.