The shoes Chay wanted to get me were black and had a long skinny heel. But I had never worn anything like them before. I would most definitely have killed myself if I tried walking in them. So, she settled for a pair of black sandals that laces up my shin a little. The sandals were still black and there was a slight lift in the back of the shoe that would still make me a little taller.
I admit, the shoes were cute and I was actually happy she had bought me them and the dress for me. But I couldn't let her get me anything else.
When we were in the clothing store, I made sure not to tell her which things I thought looked cute. When we were buying those sandals, I didn't tell her which pair of slip-on sneakers (what she had called them) that I had liked. I didn't tell her which jewelry I liked. I didn't tell her anything that I liked because she had done enough already.