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RWBY Presents: Misguided Dragons

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(Derived from Wattpad) While sizzling through the cold and deadly spawns of the world of Remnant, The "Dragons" Biker Tribe counter anything that their deathworld has to offer. Waylon Blake is the vice head of their tribe, and a huntsman graduate from Haven Academy. While working alongside plenty of his childhood friends in the tribe, he operates to prove their strength and to care for their people. Set in the city of Botan, Anima in the Kingdom of Mistral. One of four kingdoms in the world of Remnant. RWBY and the world of Remnant are owned by Rooster Teeth and created by Monty Oum. Waylon Blake, The Dragons, Rusty Wesel, Robinson Claeg, Samara Santos, any character that isn't part of the main canon of RWBY is owned by sincerely me. "The Hollowed" is owned and created by the amazing and coolest artist @mayukiart.

Chapter 1 - Waylon


Keep It Cool

Somewhere in Anima,

Kingdom of Mistral.


These tremendous words echoed lucidly in the mind of the man with the tanned skin, yellow hair with fiery tips, orange eyes, and he was wearing his biker outfit which shielded the fact that he was a huntsman. More so being vulnerable of being confused for an outlaw than what he is really supposed to be.

He and three other members from the Dragons motorcycle club, were out in the afternoon to hunt down a child kidnapper.

"Question." The tough-looking woman with white hair and wolf ears called out to him. "What's in it for us?" She asked, of course one of them would ask that, being outlaws and all.

"I don't think that's important." Waylon answered, being the biker in the front, leading his colleagues.

They pulled up near the two strangers having a campfire in the middle of the woods. The area seemed secluded, but only before they decided to camp here.

"Good afternoon, Greaseballs." One of them said, standing up.

"Look who's talking." Waylon pulled out Loose Cannons, his pair of double-barrelled shotguns that were more dangerous than they looked.

With the pair of bandits on gunpoint, it was time to interrogate.

"Now where's the creep?" Waylon said, eyes fierce and hard as concrete towards them.

"Did the sheriff send you?" The first bandit asked, confidently giggling. "Whatever that fool's paying, we'll double it!"

Waylon sighed. "Why do they always say that?"

Earlier that noon, he and his friends heard of a case about several children going missing. People firstly thought that they just wandered off into the woods and were eaten by the creatures of Grimm, yet no bodies or traces of them could be found there.

What was found out was they were taken from their homes by force, by an immature lowlife who possibly plans to sell them or unthinkably do things to them that would rather be unspoken of.

Luckily, Waylon and his pack took scent of the case and decided to go after this lunatic. Thanks to the detective, they knew that the loon was part of the Brevik Tribe, a rival gang of bandits. And instead of doing it possibly for money, or something in return, all they wanted was to ensure the safety of the kids and put the scumbag in jail. They chose to do it, and weren't paid to.

Maybe these Outlaws weren't as bad as people thought. They do care about lives, especially those of children.

"I don't give a damn about your money." Waylon said to them.

Unnoticed, the one in the back drew a shotgun at the bikers swiftly. The biker with the bulky rhino grey stature shot off that shotgun with his own, then he walked up to the bandit and punched him down.

"Stupid. Plain stupid." Rhino guy said.

Waylon shrugged off that scene and resumed the interrogation.

"Now speak." He shot the ground near the first bandit's feet.

"What's it to you?" The bandit said.

"I said speak!" Waylon shot three more spots near that same ground, now scaring the bandit with the possibility that his feet is about to get spread across the dirt.

"Stop! Alright, alright, he's in an old log cabin. Further past the lake behind us." The bandit finally spoke up.

Waylon grinned, looking at that lake.

"Good boy." He said, while moving around the back of the bandit then rendered him unconscious with a whack to the head using the back of his shotgun.

He and the rest of the bikers advanced to that cabin, crossing the low level lake without breaking a sweat. Then he kicked open the door, with the main task in his mind to search for the creep in the cabin.

"Show yourself, degenerate!" Waylon said, shooting a chair's foot into pieces.

"Sterling, Griselda. Search this damn place." He said to the rhino guy and the wolf woman. Then he turned to the petite biker with spiky grey hair that resembled shark fins.

"Douglas, you go check outside. I got a feeling that maybe he has already gone out." He said.

Douglas nodded and hurried out the door.

Waylon stayed at the doorway. "Sterling, check the floorboards. Most people got away by hiding under them in the movies." He said.

"That is if the guy even watches movies." Sterling chuckled.

Suddenly, they heard bouncing noises of someting steel-plated. Some damn things flew inside the cabin through the window which they didn't expect. The thing is, when they bounced, it meant Grenades.

Waylon's eyes widened.

"Nades! Get outta here! Cover!" He shouted as he and Sterling bolted out through the door. Griselda was still searching in the bedroom.

"What's going on?" The wolf woman walked out, then her eyes quivered when she noticed the grenades. She immediately ran for the door, and barely managed to escape the explosion before it could fully engulf her. She landed roughly onto the dirt infront of the other two, her wolf ears folded down a bit due to her late fear of being blown up in that cruddy little cabin.

"Griselda, you okay?" Waylon asked, taking sight of the burning cabin, which transformed into an enormous lamp for the woods around them.

"Just an Aura scratch." Griselda said, her eyes perked back up as she looked at their Vice President. While a glowing grey outline around her body blinked slightly, this was her Aura taking effects from the damage from the explosion.

"The scum tried to blow our guts out." Sterling said.

"Obviously!" Griselda said as she was helped up by Waylon.

"Guys! I got him. Over here!" They heard Douglas shout from a distance, when he got closer they found him with the child kidnapper, whom he kept entrapped like a hostage.

Waylon crept closer to Douglas, ready to scream into the creep's ear.

"There you are, you creepy son of a--" A gunshot that missed Waylon, but passed the side of his ear occured before he could finish.

"Damn it! We still got company!" He said, with everybody else turning to the direction where six random greaseballs with guns were charging and shooting at them unhesitantly.

"Look at that little army of his. Piece of cake! We can take them." Griselda said, prepping up Skol and Fenryr, her two ghastly-looking Revolvers.

Waylon dashed towards their enemies. Going after the first one, he used a boulder nearby as a platform to boost himself up and fly over two that were closer to eachother. He grounded one of them's head with a landing kick, instantly knocking this one out. He loaded a bullet into the second one's leg to degrade him from firing anymore, and delivered a square punch to the face that sent him to the ground.

A glowing blue outline coated Sterling's body, and just like Griselda's own, it made them look like walking lamps in the forest. He rubbed his foot against the dirt like regular Rhinos would do with their hoof, and bolted at the rest of the enemies, reaching the two with his head pushed forward, his Rhino horn sent one of them flying towards the other with a sideways crash he performed.

Griselda, who was doing her best not to kill, shot at the legs of the last two incapacitate to them easily.

"I know I could've done alot more, but I just want to make sure these babies feel loved." She said, blowing off the smoke from the tips of her guns.

"That all of them?" Douglas asked from a distance, luckily still holding the kidnapper captive.

"Looks like it. We better watch out for Grimm now." Waylon said, putting on shades with red lenses and pushed them up since it wasn't so easy to see in the dark while wearing shades. He wore them for good luck, granted to him by a person he knows who is very good at making the Grimm go away.

The four gathered up now to settle business with their target. Before he might slip from Douglas's hands.

"Good evening, Kidnapper. Sheriff Red's gonna have one hell of a day with you." Waylon said to him.

"I knew it. He sent you fools." The greaseball said.

"No, we sent ourselves, actually." Waylon knelt to look at the crook better.

"Bull. Bandits don't do that, I know all of you. All you care about is money!" The Kidnapper said.

"Man, you people judge us all the same." Waylon said.

Later, our fellow bikers arrived at the Sheriff's office right in the city of Botan. The arbitrary home to street rats, gamblers, sulkers, and mostly self-absorbed huntsmen like Robinson Claeg, whom has posters of himself put up on almost every wall there is in the city.

Everytime Waylon and his friends saw his face, they shrugged it off and simply pretended he didn't exist. And everytime they were reminded he does, they knew anyway that he would one day get what's coming to him.

"Where's Sheriff Red?" Waylon asked a fellow officer in the hallway. The cop hesitantly cooperated and escorted them straight to Sheriff Red's lair.

Every other cop in the building stared at them, waiting for them to do something wrong since they were bikers after all. The Dragons however, were used to minding their own business, ignoring all the stares and gossips.

"Right this way." The cop nodded and pointed at the Sheriff's door, and then just walked away leaving the bikers.

Waylon shrugged, "That guy looked like he expected us." Then he knocked on the office door, calmly.

They waited for a few seconds before the door was answered by a fierce looking girl with yellow eyes, pale skin, a rancher looking get-up, her hair was chocolate brown and she had a cute braided ponytail.

She smiled at Waylon and the others. "Well, if it isn't another Haven alumni." She said, her voice sounded so delicate especially with the thick cowgirl accent.

"Samara Santos. Where have you been all this time? And the Sheriff?" Waylon asked, smiling back at her.

"Call me Sammy, you stooge. Oh, and Sheriff Red just woke up from a beauty nap." She  nodded. "Come on in."

"So, these are the boys and girls who took the Kidnapper in?" The old sheriff at his desk, asked, as they were welcomed into the office.

"We sure are. Tell you what, nobody even hired us to do it. We sent ourselves to catch the fool." Waylon said.

Sheriff Red chuckled while cracking open a can of beer. "And why should I believe this?" He asked.

"Because it's the truth. We just wanted the kids to be safe. That's it." Waylon said as he was about to bolt out of the office.

"Case closed." He said.

"Hold on, boy! We are not here to interrogate you or anything." Sheriff Red stopped him before he could.

Hearing this from the Sheriff himself calmed him down.

"I suppose you boys are the kinds of crooks around here to actually have some darn decency." The sheriff said.

Waylon sighed with glee.

"So our kind don't really come around that much?" He said.

"Just like the Hollowed, my boy." Sheriff said, mentioning a certain type of Grimm; dangerous creatures of darkness.

"Oh, please. Don't even start with that." Waylon said.

He has a bad history with the Hollowed, which started when he was just a little boy. He could still remember feeling his whole body shiver when he first saw the nightmarish sight of this particular creature of darkness. That ghastly thin stature, those demonic eyes, and the horns that it bared. Those were the most terrifying things about the Hollowed that scared him at the time.

"It wasn't about your greed for once, was it? That risk you took of lookin' for some disgusting predator?" Sheriff Red said to Waylon.

"It's never about our greed at all, Sheriff. Case closed." Waylon replied.

The Sheriff simply smirked and nodded, convinced. He wasn't the typical sheriff who grew up and just suddenly became a sheriff. He was just like them in a way, if you leave out the part with the money-robbing.

"Goodie, then. Got time for an errand?" Sheriff Red asked.

"What kind?" Waylon asked.

"Nothin' big. Just a simple patrol." Sheriff Red said.

"Miss Santos here will accompany you." He added, pointing at the cowgirl.

Waylon raised a brow as he and Samara looked at eachother then both of them turned to the sheriff.

Near Kuroyuri.

The winds quietly gushed, the dawn proved to be quite calm. Which wasn't so usual, considering this world of monsters and darkness.

"So what exactly did you buy?" Waylon asked, He had his bike parked nearby just so he could accompany the dame.

"Glowing paint, silly." Sammy, the cowgirl looking huntress chuckled. "So people can see it easily. You know how dark it gets around here."

"Good thinking. Even looks like nobody else has ever thought of bringin' that sign down. Kuroyuri's been nothin' but a death place." He said.

Sammy walked closer to the sign that pointed to Kuroyuri village on the left, and above it was a sign to Mistral that pointed to the right. She pried open a dense metal jar filled with glowing red paint, dipped a brush into it then started painting a word over the crossed out Kuroyuri sign.

"So, Waylon. How the heck have you been doin'?" Sammy asked, she and the other haven't seen eachother since the graduation ceremonies back at Haven Academy.

"Nothin' much. Just been keepin' the tribe alive. How 'bout you?" Waylon answered, then expected for this particular chocolate-haired girl to ask more questions until he'd burst.

"Nothin' much either. Except I'd been takin' down lots of leaders from other tribes." She smirked, knowing how that would phase Waylon. She wasn't just that type of girl who stands around and look pretty, atleast not all girls are. "Y'know, like yours."

"Badass. Really. But I wouldn't let you take down mine. Not that I'd take you down." Waylon paused. "I just don't want you to get hurt. And I wouldn't forgive myself if I'm the one to hurt you." He said. Boy, did he think he was in some kind of TV drama.

"I appreciate your concern, Lonnie-boy. Really. But believe me, that'll never happen." Sammy walked towards Waylon with a warm smile in her face. It seemed she was done with painting over the sign.

"Promise?" Waylon chuckled. "What if one of my guys hurt you? Wait a minute, nobody can, right?" He finished and chuckled another. His golden eyes stared directly into her brown ones, as if he was touching her soul.

"Exactly. Just please don't worry." Sammy giggled, she always chose to be kind to him no matter how bad the situation. "I know you're a good friend."

"I don't know about that, though." Waylon chuckled as well. "You know that I'd do anything for the tribe--"

"Don't say that, please. Because I know a fact that you wouldn't go to drastic measures like killin', kidnappin' and such. Nothin' to worry about. All I care about is who you are." She said.

"Thank you, Sammy Very much. Such a good friend." Waylon laughed, then they engaged eachother in a hug. Both surely had warm smiles on their faces.

Waylon Blake



Suddenly, Waylon's other biker friends were closing in.

"You two lookin' sweet over there!" teased Hazel Brownley AKA the girl with a brown bandana on her head, black hair with fiery blonde tips, and her motorcycle was brown as well.

"Nothing's happenin', we're just talkin'!" Waylon said.

"Sammy! How have you been?"

The red-haired Crimsen greeted the other girl.

"Good. Still." Sammy answered, and was by now looking at the word she painted over the sign.


"Is that really necessary?" asked Azraq, who was the dark blue-haired one. Inspecting the sign with the others.

"Guess so. I mean, like I said Kuroyori is nothing but a land of the dead now. Heck, even saw some bandits taking it over." Waylon said.

The Kingdom of Mistral was apparently also a haven for abandoned villages and such. No thanks to the creatures of grimm, not all villages are safe.

"So, Waylon. She a good kisser?" Azraq teased, then elbowed Waylon. They sure loved joking around about Waylon and Sammy being a thing.

He responded with a hiss, whilst Sammy tolerated the teasing. She was just glad he had good friends.

"Quit it, guys. Seriously. Let's go." Waylon invited for them to finally go trail off out of there and head back to the city of Botan. Which is where their settlement is.

"You guys really drove all the way from Botan just to mess with me here, eh?" Waylon said, as they all prepared to drive off. Sammy of course joined him at the backseat of his bike.

"Why not? Especially because you're with Samara!" teased Azraq, again, as they now conversed while riding their bikes.

"You always mess with me about that whenever she's around, man." Waylon whined. All the jokes were no problem to Sammy, as she appreciated Waylon's friends as much as he did.

"So where are your teammates, Waylon? I thought you said they'd take a trip here a few years after the Haven Academy graduation ceremonies?" Crimsen asked.

"Next time, 'cause right about now they're busy. You'll get to flirt with Rocci next time." said Waylon, they ruled the road today and that was what he always imagined.

City Of Botan.

"Watch yourself, alright?" Waylon said to Sammy after gently dropping her off at the front of a bar by the time they got into Botan, which was where she spent her working days.

"You too. You better stay out of trouble, Waylon Blake." Sammy said to Waylon with a smirk, tipping her red cowgirl hat.

"I promise." Waylon said before waving her goodbye as he and his friends rode back to their base.

"That was sweet. When do you plan on marrying her?" Crimsen teased Waylon once more.

"Shut up. We're just really good friends." Waylon hissed at his friends as they laughed.

By the time they arrived at the abandoned warehouse near the centre of town, which had been where they established their camp for years now. Waylon called out a bunch of their members so they could now go and pick up the Head of the tribe, who is currently being released out of prison.

"Good evening, Dragons! Who's ready to go pick up Jade?!"

And so these bikers called themselves Dragons. Breathing fire like the famous creatures from myths, what they had were the guts and bravery to face anything. Including rival tribes.

A certain amount of them volunteered to join Waylon. Even those who don't completely respect him both as a person or leader.

"Alright, man. Let's go!" Waylon once more hopped on his motorcycle, which was mainly colored black and with yellow accents or metals. The color of his aura was black.

Aura is the manifestation of every living creature's soul, which also gives the individual its semblance. It acts as a barrier to protect one's body from harm and such, but it could be broken after taking certain amounts of damage. Thus allowing the individual to be vulnerable when it is damaged. One can meditate to focus to increase their aura, whether to use it in battle or at work.

Semblances are best described as basically superpowers, given by the soul just like aura. Which is why by the time one's aura is broken, they cannot use their semblance.

These things that individuals have exist most notably to fight back against the creatures of grimm, monsters that feed off on negative emotions. But again, sometimes there comes bad blood within people, and it forces some to fight their own kind.

The Dragons Biker Tribe wouldn't say they are the type of gang to fall under the wrong hands or be victimized by grimm due to being sappy with negativity most of the time though. They prefer to keep it cool, even if it means to prove dominance as a gang, and with their fraternity they could give the pain of life the finger.