Chapter 171 - Chapter 161 Kakyoin

*Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!*

The reincarnator does that slow clap thing that people do for suspense.

???- "Bravo! Well done! A very clean strike!"

Benimaru turns towards the figure and raises his blade towards him, on guard for any movement.

There's not much you can see about this figure.

He's wearing entirely black and is covered with a large black cloak that reaches the floor. The hood of his cloak covers the top half of his face, revealing only his nose and mouth, which are turned up in a smile.

Even [Magic Sense] can't sense how he looks like. It's not like the cloak is enchanted, it's just bullshit anime logic.

It's like he's married to the colour black, jeez…

His clapping hands are not covered with any gloves or gauntlets which reveal his pale skin and thin fingers which look like they are from a girl. But his voice is that of a male, around their teenage years to be exact.

Other than his "creepy" aura about him, that's all you can see about him. It's "creepy" in the way that he feels dangerous, yet you can't sense anything about him.

Exactly like the otherworlders felt towards Benimaru, except their instincts haven't been attuned enough to be able to sense the danger Benimaru posed.

The figure lowers his hands and places them on his hips.

???- "Come on, don't look at me like that. You look like I just killed your favourite dog! Ahaha!"

(A/N: I am cringing so hard writing these lines.)

Benimaru didn't let his guard down. This guy is different from the otherworlders that were just killed.

Benimaru- "Turn around and leave."

The figure opens his arms and looks around.

???- "Hey, I can leave this place. I'm trapped here in this "Mirror Dimension" or whatever you called it. It's a pretty cool place though…"

Benimaru- "You'll return back to reality after a certain distance, so I'll say this again. Leave.

???- "… Heheh… How about… No. Instead, let me make you an offer."

Benimaru tightens his grip on his weapon and Hakurou slowly lowers his body, ready to attack or retreat at a moments notice. Shuna's magicules flow within her body, ready to be unleashed at a moments notice.

Meanwhile, Kirara shuffles away from Shuna a bit. She's scared of her…

???- "… Leave your Master and serve me."


Within an instant Benimaru pushes off the ground, cracking the floor, appearing directly in front of the black figure with nothing but pure speed. He swings his blade at the figure with both hands as rage flashes through his eyes.

Even the mere suggestion of betraying Rimuru is enough to send any of his subordinates into a fit of rage and start a crusade to hunt down whichever son of a bitch said that.

"Leave your master and serve me" successfully pushed the wrong buttons on not just Benimaru, but Hakurou, Shuna, and everyone else listening (not Kirara).

The figure barely even reacted, seeming as if he didn't even realise Benimaru moved from his spot.

Benimaru's weapon flew straight towards his shoulder, looking to bisect him diagonally. But the moment the sharp edge of his weapon touched the figure's clothes…


Benimaru was sent flying back with speed equal to when he rushed forwards. He was sent crashing into several trees, breaking them all.

Is that you, Kakyoin?

Shuna- "Brother!"

With panicked eyes, she looks towards the direction Benimaru disappeared into with worry on her face. Unfortunately, she can't just turn around and run towards him as that would just be begging to be attacked from behind.

???- "Gees, I just said a sentence, no need to get so worked up! Ahaha!"

With a carefree smile, he raises his hand towards the side.


Grabbing Hakurou's sword, he looks towards the old kijin who sneak attacked him from his left.

???- "The same offer goes to you and the pretty girl with the horns. How about it?"

Hakurou- "I refuse. I'd much prefer my current master."

Shuna- " I REAAAAALY hate you."

With those words, Hakurou lets go of his sword and rush closer for hand to hand combat while Shuna prepares some magic spells to support him.



A white version of Kakyoin comes flying past Shuna in the exact same direction Benimaru disappeared into.

Benimaru- "*In the distance* Ow!"

Hakurou- "*In the distance* Sorry…"

Well, at least Shuna knows they are ok, even if they seem to be indisposed at the moment. The blood leaking from their mouth as they flew back was a good indicator.

Meanwhile, Kirara is looking at the black figure with a "couldn't you have done that sooner?" face.

???- "You guys are way too feisty! Well, not that I mind, aha!"

He then raises his hand over behind his head…


… and catches a big fucking sword. The wind bursts from the pressure and the ground cracks underneath his feet.

At the end of the sword, you can see a purple-haired busty kijin glaring at the figure. It's Shion.

???- "… Nice."

The figure says as he stares at her chest, which did nothing but increases her loathing for him. Only Rimuru is allowed to stare at her chest like that!

Shion jumps back just as the figure was going to try and act cool and crush her sword. His smile falters a bit from the epic fail, but he didn't have time to worry as wires appear out of nowhere and tie themselves around his wrists and ankles and hoist him up into the air in a spread out pose.

Behind him, you can see Soei pulling on the strings appearing from his fingertips.

Immediately after, a rain of fireballs, wind blades, and water balls hit the figure nonstop for several seconds, completely obscuring his figure.

You can see two new figures standing beside Shuna. A green-haired dryad (who is standing in a Jojo pose) and a black cat. Treyni and Shizu.

Treyni summoned a wind spirit to fire off the wind blades, Shizu used her innate control over fire to make a fireball bombardment and Shuna used magic to hail water balls on him.

Trust me, the water was the most damaging of them all. Shuna is very angry.

The bombardment stops after a whole minute, but that's not the end. During all this, a dark cloud crackling with white lightning gathers above the immobilised figure high in the skies.


As soon as the bombardment stopped, a thick bolt of lightning fell from the sky. It's as if Thor took a giant shit. And that shit fell directly on the black figure. It also kicked up a fuck ton of dust.

Mikoto reveals herself with Pikachu on her shoulder, both of them are sparking with blue and yellow electricity respectively as they stand next to Shion.

Mikoto- "…"

Pikachu- "…"

Soei- "…"

Shuna- "…"

Shizu- "…"

Treyni- "…"

Shion- "… Is he-"

Mikoto- "Don't say it!"

Shion- "Oh, right."

Mikoto- "…"

Pikachu- "…"

Soei- "…"

Shuna- "…"

Shizu- "…"

Treyni- "…"

Shion- "…"

???- "… Tch. And here I was waiting for one of you to say "Is he dead?" only for me to reveal myself in a cool way."

The dust decides to settle at this exact moment revealing a completely unharmed man, dusting off his shoulder.

He looks around and finally his eyes fall on Mikoto.

???- "Ahh, you're finally here, my heroine! You're just as beautiful as I remember!"

Mikoto- "…"

Although she didn't say anything, Mikoto's face is warped in a way that says "what the fuck is this guy talking about?".


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, Dragon Slayer, Sensei

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Cancel Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack] [Natural Attack Resistance]

Equipment: Yamato, Limiter Ring


A/N: ...

MC: ...

AN: ...

MC: ... Where the fuck is the Author?

AN: *in the distance* *toilet flushing sounds* I was taking a shit!

MC: Screw your shit! Add me into the story already so I can kick his ass! How dare he talk to Mikoto that way!

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!

Chapter 191, Chapter 180 Dealing with problems