Chereads / That Time I Got Reincarnated With Some Cheats [COMPLETE] / Chapter 108 - Chapter 99 Charybdis but he's dead

Chapter 108 - Chapter 99 Charybdis but he's dead

Ranga lands back in front of us with Mikoto on his back. Mikoto slides off and lands on the ground before slowly walking in my direction. As she gets closer, I can see steam rising from her head and her eyes are swirling. Furthermore, her steps are unsteady.

Hmm… It seems I broke her… I didn't even intend for my casual comment to have this effect…

Oh well, regardless, what's done is done. I shrug my shoulders helplessly as Mikoto walks past me towards the other two girls.

Illya- "So… Mikoto won?"

Milim- "W-well, I could've been faster, but I decided to at least give you all a chance…"

Illya and Milim are having a conversation to the side and are discussing the little competition we all had. Illya is taking a break from my headpats (for her mental health) and is sitting under a tree with Milim sitting next to her. Both of them have untransformed and are now in their casual attire.

Looking at them now, I'm really proud of my work. With [Spatial Ruler], the Mirror Dimension is much more stable. If any of the attacks they launched were done before I got the skill, the Mirror Dimension probably would have broken.

Rimuru- "Now that I think about it… does the person who got first place get a reward or something?"

Illya and Milim look towards me before looking at each other. They then shifted their eyes towards a still dazed Mikoto sitting under a different tree next to them, staring blankly at the sky.

We never discussed if there was going to be a reward.

Milim- "… Let's just forget about it."

Illya- "Milim!"

Milim- "But it's not fair! I wanted to win!"

Illya- "If you attacked Charybdis instead of waiting for it to attack you first, then you would've won."

Milim- "Uuu…"

Illya begins scolding Milim like a mom or an older sister, which creates a surreal scene.

… I never knew I needed this…

Well, I would ask Mikoto what she wants, but I don't think she's available right now…

Rimuru- "… Then let's go home?"

And so Charybdis, a name that struck fear into many people around the world, was toyed to death by a slime, two lolis and a tsundere Pikachu.

Mikoto, Illya, Milim, Ranga and I all left the Mirror Dimension seeing as there's nothing else to do here.

As soon as we left, we heard a large crashing sound. Looking in the direction the sound came from, we see another Charybdis crashing into the ground.

Rimuru- "Oh."

I forgot about this.

Milim- "Another Charybdis… no, an illusion?"

Rimuru- "You realised?"

I smile as I remember this small failsafe I made.

Milim- "Of course! It's me after all!"

Milim puffs her chest out in pride.

I did not doubt that Charybdis would be absolutely rekt between the five of us, but I don't want our strength being public knowledge. I don't really know if Clayman or someone like that is peeking in on our battle, so I shifted everyone into the Mirror Dimension to go wild there.

Meanwhile, I used [Ahura Mazda] to create some projectors enhanced through my runes that cast a powerful illusion over the area and in the sky. Basically, it would play a simulated recording of our battle with Charybdis.

There wasn't anything elaborate, just an Avalon VS Charybdis fight. It played out pretty much like in canon, with me and my subordinates struggling in our fight against the giant fish before having Milim come along and blow it away.

Well, Dwargon and its Pegasus Knights didn't take part in the simulated battle, unlike in the series. It would be weird to explain to them why their Pegasus Knights fought against Charybdis while not even leaving Dwargon's walls, and I didn't want to call them and just have them fight against an illusion. It feels wrong.

No, I will not tell them about the Mirror Dimension. That place can be a strategic weapon if used right and it's a confidential secret. Only those close to me know about it.

Oh, and the Megalodons didn't appear either. In the series, OG Charybdis summoned 13 Megalodons (basically flying sharks) that manifested through the lesser-dragon corpses that were left there by Footman and Tear as their Plan B in case they couldn't convince Phobio.

I got rid of them lol. But they still appeared in the illusions…

In fact, Illya was the one who simulated and recorded the whole illusion fight, so big props to her. I would pat her, but I'm afraid she would faint since I did pat her head pretty seriously before.

In any case, 'Charybdis' just crashed into the ground and I think I see another Rimuru, Mikoto, Milim, Ranga, Benimaru, Soei, Shion and Hakurou celebrating as shounen protags do.

Illusion Rimuru- "We did it, guys! It's because we all worked together, that we were able to take care of this great foe!

I suck in a cold breath through my teeth. Looking at me do all that from a third-person perspective invokes a heavy feeling of cringe in my soul.

I shake my head and turn around, opening a portal to Avalon. I'm not coming back here again.

Next day…

So yeah I'm back lol.

I forgot about resurrecting Charybdis. Or to be exact, resurrecting Phobio.

Now you may be asking why am I even bothering to save that dumbass instead of just leaving him dead. My answer?

Rimuru- "Haah… my foot still itches…"

It's a bit annoying, to be honest. So yeah, I'm resurrecting Charybdis.

Back in the Mirror Dimension, I walk up to Charybdis' corpse. I'm alone this time, Ranga and the other girls aren't with me.

Charybdis is already dispersing back into magicules. If I forgot about this guy, he probably would've just resurrected again after a century or something.

It's not like that would have been a problem…

I hold my hand out in front of me and take a deep breath.

Rimuru- "[Ahura Mazda]!"

Magicules flow through my arm and out of my palm, coalescing together. A shining ball of light appears before the light disperses, revealing…

A meat bun.

But not just any meat bun.

It's a glowing meat bun.

I hesitate. But eventually, I close my eyes and throw the meat bun at the dispersing fish mountain.


The meat bun shines in a bright gold colour before turning into mist and rushes into Charybdis. Seconds later, the ground rumbles and Charybdis' eye regains its light. It attempts to rise off the ground, returning to the skies… but it'll never get that chance again.

Rimuru- "You made me throw away that meat bun…"

With malice lacing my voice, a magic staff appears in my hands. It has a wooden body with a white cloth wrapped around the middle. Its top half is heavily curved, and in that curve lies a round red orb.

It's Megumin's staff.

Rimuru- "I'll blow you away! Be flat as Mikoto's chest! EXPLOOOOOSION!"

(A/N: A reference to 'Friend System: An Implosion on This Wonderful World' fanfic. It's good, give it a read I guess. Thought it was funny so I used it here.)

Crimson magic circles appear above Charybdis, dying the sky in fire.


(A/N: Queue seven pages of muda's…)

The Mirror Dimension trembles from the pressure, but I easily stabilise it. I watch the staff disappear into dust and ashes with a slight look of regret. But a resolved look glints in my eyes as I snap my fingers.


With a twist of space, the charred body of the barely recognisable Phobio appears on the ground in front of me.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Particles] [Control Natural Elements]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack]


A/N: Dear Readers...

Ok so lots of people didn't like the "Allahu akbar" I put in the story a couple of chapters ago and I wanna say that I apologise if I offended anyone.

BUT I will not apologise to those who are simply saying "oh too far" just for the heck of it and have no relations to any Muslims or any other culture that uses that phrase.

I wrote that for pure comedy and I did not mean any disrespect. The phrase "Allahu akbar" is NOT disrespectful in any way or form (in my opinion) and many people of that culture use it in their daily lives. I'm not completely sure, but apparently it's "a core part of every Muslim American's daily vernacular" (read from a certain online post).

It's just that some more 'extreme' people use it as well. So if anything, you guys are the ones being disrespectful.

MC: Shift-blame-no-jutsu?

AN: Shut up. Anyway if you can't handle it, I won't stop you from dropping. Goodbye.

PS you guys are too sensitive I bet most of you guys use Twitter or some shit.

PPS Any REALLY sensitive people out there who just happen to be really good with a keyboard, pls don't hack me and shit. I'm just a small fanfic author.

PPPS I KNOW some of you salty people will drop and leave a bad review, I will delete those reviews thank you.

Sincerely, your Meat Bun Author,


Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!

Chapter 130, Chapter 120 Labyrinth