As Haldir and Ileus walked in the demon's lair, Haldir covered his nose with his hands. The rotten stench of decay was strong. "How do they live amongst themselves?" he whispered only to earn an elbow in his chest from Ileus.
The two were walking closely, avoiding every pit of fire over which pots of stews were warming. The tents were mostly tattered and they used fallen logs and stumps to sit. Some demons were chiseling wood from the tip of the arrows or javelins while some were sharpening daggers against stones. It looked like a crude battle camp rather than an organized one. There were no horses to carry food or tent lodging supplies. When Ileus looked closely at the tents, they appeared to be made of loosely stitched hide. The whole place looked like it was working on meager money.
Two demons were talking amongst themselves. "It's been the entire day since I have seen Br'nt, Lar'ken and Jor'na. They left this afternoon and haven't returned."