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The pony and the beast: A Fluttercord tale

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When Discord gets defeated after trying to take over Equestria, he is banished and exiled from the kingdom. Every pony now hates him and hide whenever they see him around. However, to all ponies´s surprise, Fluttershy is the only pony to actually believe that he still has some good inside. Little by little, she befriends the so-called beast, and one day, their realtionship goes to something more further. But then, a former accomplice and enemy of Discord, returns to Ponyville, in search of his rival. Will the Mane six be able to save Equestria before it it too late?

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Exilation

It was another day in Ponyville. Everything seemed fine and normal. As always, Fluttershy was in the forest taking care of her animal friends, Rainbow Dash was speeding through the clouds above the sky, Rarity was creating new pony outfits, Pinkie pie was helping out in the bakery, Applejack was working at Sweet Apple Acres, and finally, Twilight Sparkle was reading a book about spells. But just then, the earth started to shake. Twilight! Twilight! exclaimed Spike. What´s going on!? There should be no Earthquakes on these days, said Twilight. Who or what could have caused it? She quickly ran with spike out of the treehouse, and was stunned to see the sky gray with lightning. All ponies, including mayor mare, were staring right at the sky. What´s going on?! she asked to the rest of the mane six. L-Look behind you! said Rarity. She turned and was stunned to see the legendary Discord, spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. Discord?! she exclaimed. Well hello Twilight sparkle. You are the element of Magic am I right? said Discord. What are you doing here?! I thought you had turned to stone last time! replied Twilight. Ah you thought it was gonna be over with that curse, said Discord. Guess what?! It did not work! And now I am here to claim my throne, as ruler of Equestria! exclaimed Discord. You will not get away with it this time! said Twilight. We´ll see about that! said Discord. He snapped his fingers, and the ground started breaking. Scared ponies ran away in different ponies. He is going to pay for this!! said Rainbow Dash, speeding towards Discord. Wait! said Twilight. She attempted to grab her wing, but she missed. Not so fast, Rainbow Dash! said Discord. He snapped his fingers once again, and trapped Rainbow Dash in a cage. Let her out right now! said Twilight. Never! said Discord, laughing evilly. Twilight tried using the magic from her horn to break the cage, but to her surprise, instead of doing so, Discord absorbed the magic. What?! But-But I don´t understand! said Twilight. Of course not! said Discord. Thanks Twilight, the more magic you use, the more stronger and powerful I become! And with that being said, he started to grow in size and transformed into a much larger and monstrous version of Grogar. Twilight gasped. Aww poor Twilight, you can´t do anything to save Equestria from me, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! said Discord. Twilight grew mad. She then had an idea. You know what, said Twilight. You are right, maybe I should give up. I am glad you finally accept it, said Discord. Just free Rainbow Dash, and Equestria is all yours, said Twilight. Everyone gasped. Twilight?! You can´t do that! said Rainbow Dash. Twilight just winked. They took the reference. Very well, said Discord. He opened the cage, and Rainbow Dash flew towards the others. Now step aside, so that I can take over Equestria, said Discord. No! said Twilight. WHAT?! said Discord. He raised his large fist. Twilight and the rest of the Mane six held hooves together, as Discord´s fist went down towards them. But something incredible happened. As Discord´s fist was about to touch ground, purple lightning came from below to above. Twilight was raised up, her eyes turned white, and a crown got placed on her head. The rest of the Mane six also got lifted up with their eyes white. They shot a sort of lazer magic towards Discord, causing to start shrinking to his normal size. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! yelled Discord. Discord falled to the ground, defeated. Every pony cheered. But I don´t understand, said Discord. I was about to take over Equestria, everything seemed...hopeless. Yes, but if we don´t give up, have hope, and support each other together, everything is possible, explained Twilight. Suddenly, an amazing sight came from the sky. Princess Celestia came down in her carriage with royal guards. Well done Twilight Sparkle, she said. You saved Equestria, once again. It was nothing Princess, said Twilight. But what will happen with Discord? asked Fluttershy. He has caused so many problems, I have no choice, but to exile him from the kingdom, said Princess Celestia. What?! said Discord. You heard me, now start packing you things and find somewhere else to live, NOW, said Princess Celestia. Discord flew away sadly. Fluttershy felt really bad for him. He got what he deserved, said Rainbow Dash. Trying to take over Equestria indeed. If you will excuse me, I have some royal business to take care of, said Princess Celestia, as she flew to her carriage and headed towards Canterlot. Everyone returned to their homes, while fluttershy followed secretly where Discord was going. She found out he moved to a large dark cave, far from Ponyville.