The restaurant was exactly the type of food Yixing hated. He was allergic to seafood, and they brought him to a sushi restaurant? Were they trying to kill him?
Huobai was even more amazed when they arrived there. It was so inconsiderate. But he got to know Li Yechao's character just from Yixing's stories and those few interactions he had with him. And this fitted his character perfectly.
"I will take…" Yixing couldn't choose for a long time, because he couldn't have fishes or shrimps, there wasn't anything more than vegetable sushi to eat. And he wasn't fond of that.
"Give me the sushi set two, wakame, and teriyaki chicken poke. We will eat together," Huobai ordered, and Yixing was surprised. He couldn't remember if he told Huobai about his allergy or not, so he leaned towards him, ready to whisper it.