Huobai woke up into the bright and sunny room, completely opposite to his mood. He kept dreaming about dying and a grim reaper. So he felt as if he was run over by a truck.
It was a school day, and he woke up exactly as he did many mornings before. But it was different today. Normally, he was all happy to go to school, meet his friends. But today, he just wanted to stay at home.
"Boubui, breakfast is ready. Come down fast so you won't be late!" his mother gently said from behind the door, after knocking on them.
Huobai really wanted to laze around, because he felt like doing nothing. But one thing he learned when he was young. It wasn't a good idea to piss off his mother.
Even though she didn't look like it, she was fierce and could boss around even his father, who was pretty dominant himself. For Huobai it was a surprise he grew up not being timid. Maybe he took after his mother in this.