This morning the town of Alvaeth is in crowded situation. A body of a woman stabbed to death founded in the back of alley of Vancouver street.
The city of Alvaeth become such a mess, there is so many police line covering the place of a corpse of a woman.
The passerby that had just walked was giving a statement of shock to found a body of a woman.
The officer who was in charge of this case was Ylang Liuchen.
She is the new woman officer that just entering the world of police, where full of cases and bound by the law made by human.
It was the first cases handled by Ylang.
She interrogate the first person found the body, the passerby of Vancouver street, it was a woman named Ellyah Gebbra, she said that it was in the time of morning,at 7 o'clock,she just walked with her puppy,bollaine.
Ylang asked her to give her fingerprint ,afraid the first suspect was her.
Ellyah was cried. Said that she just found the body,and didn't do anything to her.
Everything Ellyah said was written by the officer at interrogation room.
"Hmm okay, we may call you again since you are the founder of the corpse . I'm afraid you just proved guilty so you must stay calm and not doing anything rash"
"thanks.. now I'm going home. If it was you who found her I won't be suspected."
"I'm so sorry that this is the regulation of the law in Alvaeth city. Please calm that you got no evidence lead to you as the first suspect. We ensure your safety first. "
"okay .how unlucky I am"
" thank you for your cooperation miss"
It was a harsh morning,only to found out the corpse just laying inside the alley , and the passerby just happen to see it and now she become the suspect.
Ylang was seeing again the case of unnamed woman. The thing lead to information of the corpse identity is the scrap paper and a necklace written as Aliana, and the scrap paper written for Aliana Rowell. Gibralter No.89 .9090.
She found this grabbed by the corpse tighly with her hand. And the conclusion is just that Aliana was not the corpse identity instead of the last person the victim,the corpse just met in her last breath.
It was already late night, and Ylang Liuchen is having shift with her co-worker, Alex Sieve.
Since she is new in the police, and as a police woman,of course her work harder because many negative stigma about woman, when she must do daily patrol, handle parking vehicles and much more to do.
This year there is no case which was a good news for the people and mean it was perfect job and safety which was protected by both people and the police officer.
It was the first in Ylang Liuchen life to just handling murder case.
That was even a shock for her to come to the place which the corpse is founded so that was a horrible scene to see other that a movie she watch on cinema with her sister.
Ylang Liuchen walked into the chinatown in the Alvaeth city,bought some incense, and come back to the Funeral House of Victim which was provided by the Alvaeth government for the corpses who can't be recognized its identity or cause of death, or the corpse that injured severely in the accident. The corpses are stored in there as memorial and the police officer is in charge of pray for them was Ylang Liuchen.
" Seriously.. just what you expect for them? Came back to life? Give us some clue of their death? Really , I am pity you Miss Liuchen." Alex Sieve said to Ylang Liuchen.
" Stop it Alex. It is our duty to pray and solve their cases. It may become less work and assignment if there was no problems but it means a lot that our city Alvaeth is in best protection."
" Okay Miss Rightfullness.. oops"
"Be respectful, you are my senior but why you always act spoiled"
" because my crush is you"
"stop joking Alex. I know you just in relationship with Stella, in the Intelligent Departement, don't give false hope to me please"
"Okay.. okay.. easy Ylang, I am a dude with one daughter and a spy wife. That was enough. You know what? Since she is in intelligent department,she got me tracked . I already reset my phone ,but she is always know wherever I go. You are the most reliable friend I have Ylang"
"Come on Alex . Go to the front office,there was a lost puppy." Thomas Vincent joined their conversation.
"Okay.. bye Ylang"
" good luck alex,Thomas"
That was a crowd but she feel lucky to have a kind and gentle subordinate, except for spoiled brat ,Alex Sieve.
He got cool vibe in his face and his act in front of civilian,not in front of his co-worker.
He such a trouble maker . Eating his co-worker snacks, leave his assignment to Thomas,except that he got diligent in front of our Chief, Kyle Clamington.
Kyle Clamington was a strict person.
But he is friendly to his subordinate.
It was important to create good environtment for police office, to just handle civilian satisfactory of living in Alvaeth city.
Just think if there is no officer handle such tiny problem,pick-pocketing,molester,a kite hang on tree, kitty got stuck on the roof, child got stuck in the wash machine.
Normal people or civilian alone can brought them to the hospital or give them treatment but they can not handle those problem in one time in such different place.
That is the job of government officer.
Police in charge of protect civilian from those harm.
Back to Ylang, where she is done with her praying and on her way to go to her home.
It was a solitude in such crowd street in the morning, Ylang feel being followed on her back but when she glance and have a look ,there is no one.
"must be imagination.."
She walked alone in the solitude street .. in the late night⊠hoping that she solve the case of Aliana Rowell..